Showing posts with label Chicken Pox Pictures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chicken Pox Pictures. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Chicken Pox Pictures

Chicken Pox Pictures

Chicken pox is an infection caused by varicella virus. It creates red colored blisters on the skin along with fever. Normally chicken pox attacks the children of age group 5-14 years. The reason may be attributed towards lowered immunity in young children. It starts as a small blisters on the face causing itching and irritation and starts spreading rapidly on the entire body within 2 or 3 days. Vaccination can be done for children for preventing the occurrence of chicken pox. Chicken pox is contagious in nature and spreads from one child to another. Hence keeping the child secluded at home is safe for preventing spreading. The virus is severely contagious until the entire blisters and lesions are crusted away from the body. It is easy to get infected with the virus if the child sneezes near you and there is contact of liquid discharge from the blisters.

Common symptoms of chicken pox are fever, dizziness, and Headache. Small blisters will start appearing on the body of the child and usually it starts from the scalp or face. In two days, the blister will break open and emit fluid like discharge on the body. Children who already have a history of eczema would get more number of blisters.

Taking lukewarm bath would alleviate the discomfort of itching from the child. Apply mild cream and moisturizer on the affected area of blisters. Keep the child secluded and make him wear loose fitting clothes. Giving Benadryl syrup can give some respite from pain and itching sensation. Antiviral medicines are given for children with severe symptoms.

Pictures of Chicken Pox :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Chicken Pox

Chicken Pox Chicken Pox Chicken Pox Chicken Pox Chicken Pox Chicken Pox