Showing posts with label Heat Rash Pictures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heat Rash Pictures. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Heat Rash Pictures

Heat Rash Pictures

Prickly heat rash are not refined only for babies but for adults too. Hot summer weather is the main cause of heat rash. Actually during hot climate due to excess of sweat the pores get blocked by dust particles and perspiration remains inside the skin leading to formation of blisters and lumps on the skin. Heat rash requires no special treatment except some home remedies and taking some precautions.

Symptoms :

Heat rashes are often found in the areas of skin folds in which there are friction. In babies heat rash is commonly found in the neck and shoulders and on the armpits. In adults heat rash appear on the chest, shoulder, and groin and on the back. Heat rash is seen as small red colored bumps on the skin causing itching and discomfort.

Types :

There are 3 types of heat rash based on the site at which the sweat glands are blocked.

Miliaria Crystalline :

It is the mild form of heat rash at which the sweat glands are superficially blocked. It causes fluid blisters and lesions that break away easily. Often, this type of rash is not painful and not very itchy and resolves on its own.

Miliaria Rubra :

In this type of rash the epidermis or outer layer of the skin is deeply blocked. There is no way for the perspiration to escape which causes lesions on the skin. People who are confined to bed and those who are overly exposed to hot weather develop this rash. They appear as red lesions that are itchy and painful.

Miliaria Profunda :

It is a rare type of heat rash that develops on adults. This type affects the dermis (inner layer of the skin) and occurs soon after workouts or excess of sweating. The lesions are more or like goose bumps and in some people it can cause dizziness and nausea.

Causes :

When the sweat ducts get blocked by dust particles heat rashes are formed. It is often the perspiration that gets trapped inside appear in the form of lesions causing inflammation of the skin. Hot and humid climate, immature sweat glands, severe workouts and use of certain fabrics (that does not allow perspiration) can cause heat rash. Intake of certain medications like clonidine can also block the sweat glands causing heat rash. Individuals who are confined to bed-rest without any movement for longer periods (due to illness) can also develop heat rash.

Risk Factors :

People living in hot climatic zones and those who are sweating more due to workouts can develop heat rash.

Tests :

Mere physical examination of the body is enough to diagnose heat rash.

Pictures of Heat Rash :

Heat Rash Heat Rash Heat Rash Heat Rash

Treatment :

Heat rash does not require any special treatment in most of the cases. Avoid roaming out in excessive heat and take comfort in a cool room with air conditioner. In case your heat rash does not get resolved you can use calamine lotion or use cream that contains anhydrous lanolin. Wear loose fitting cotton clothes that absorb perspiration. Do not go out in hot sun which is not good for your skin. Apply cool compress on the affected area.

Prevention :

Avoid using heavy dressing in summer and use only cotton and soft clothing. If possible stay in a cool room and avoid going out in hot summer. Keep the bedroom well ventilated and cool. Do not use creams that can block the pores of sweat glands.