Showing posts with label Adult Acne. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adult Acne. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Adult Acne

Adult Acne

Acne is the condition of getting red or pinkish spots on the face. Acne is common during adolescence due to increased secretion of hormones, but it can be frustrating and embarrassing for adults. There are many causes for getting adult acne. The onset of acne can occur anytime even in your late 40s or 50s. For some women, adult acne develops during menopause.

It is quite common for many women to get some acne during/before the onset of monthly menstrual periods. It can develop due to fluctuating hormones. For many others acne develops after they discontinue or start using contraceptive pills. Several kinds of treatment are available for adult acne. Acne is common for both men and women, but it targets more women population than men.

Symptoms :

Acne is marked by small reddish or pink spots on your face.

Adult Acne

Adult Acne Causes :

Acne is caused by number of factors including internal and external factors.

  • Changes in Hormone : When there is imbalance in hormone secretion there is every chance for you to get acne. Sometimes male sex hormone ‘testosterone’ can increase suddenly resulting in acne formation. Many women get acne just before the monthly periods or during periods due to increased hormone.

  • Block of Glands : When the oil glands of the skin get clogged due to debris it can cause clogged pore on which bacteria can grow causing pimples and acne.

  • Diet : Consuming high oily and fat foods can cause acne. Foods that contain high carbohydrate and sugar can cause inflammation of skin causing acne breakout. Several dairy products like cheese, butter and milk can trigger acne. Eating chocolates and cholesterol rich foods can cause acne.

  • Stress : It is another important factor that triggers acne. When a person gets emotional it would increase production of cortisol which in turn affects your oil glands of the skin.

Adult Acne

Treatment :

Not one treatment is effective for adult acne. Often combination of treatments gives the best outcome and the response would be different for every person. Your dermatologist will first look out for the cause of acne before giving any treatment. At present topical retinoic acid is considered to be effective in managing acne.

Some of the prescription medications given for adult acne include alpha hydroxyl acid, azelaic acid, topical antibiotic creams, contraceptive pills (for women) and accutane. Many doctors give oral medications for adult acne but you have to consult your doctor how long you can use these drugs.

Adult Acne

Home Remedies and lifestyle Changes :

You can try several options for treating acne. The same approach will be effective for one person but for the other. The skin of each person responds in different way for the same medication. Avoid using too many skin-care products. Detox your skin which can control irritation and oil secretion. Over the counter creams that contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide can control acne.

Write down what you eat daily. When you get acne breakout you can refer to the diary to check what food has triggered acne. Once you know the culprit you can avoid such foods from your diet. Keep your face moisturized daily. For many people, excessive dryness can trigger acne. You can use coconut oil or Vaseline for moisturizing your skin regularly.

Join yoga class and meditation course to control your stress. Get proper sleep daily for at least 7 hours at night. Reduce alcohol consumption which can trigger acne. Plenty of home remedies are available online and you can massage your skin daily by natural products in your kitchen. For severe acne breakout you can try using hydrocortisone cream which acts quickly on the skin.