Showing posts with label Ankle Injuries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ankle Injuries. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Ankle Injuries

Ankle Injuries

Ankle injury may occur to anyone any time. Earlier it was thought that this type of injury is reserved only for sports personalities but you may get injured by simply walking on uneven surface. Injury may be mild (sprain) or intense (fracture) or moderate (tear in tendon). Men are more prone to get this type of injury than women.

There are three types of injury involved in the ankle namely bone, tendon and ligament. Ankle is the place where one can find the union of three bones – tibia, fibula and talus. All these bones are fused together at the point of ankle joint. Ligaments bind them using connective tissue which eventually keep the bones intact. A tendon is attached to the muscles of bones and is responsible for movement of foot and ankle.

Fracture occurs when there is a break in bone. A sprain occurs when the ligaments are damaged or stretched beyond their capacity and a strain develops when there is damage to the muscles or tendons. When compared with fracture, strains are common in legs and ankle. If there is any injury on the tendon it develops inflammation. There may be microscopic tears on the ligaments causing sprain.

When the tendons are being repeatedly stretched for long time, it may cause tendinosis and in rare cases, it may rupture.

Causes :

Ankle injury is caused when a person walks on irregular surface and due to repeated sports activities. Sometimes it can occur during a fall or a jump in awkward position and due to sudden injury or trauma while driving a bike or car.

It may also develop when a person is twisting the ankle beyond limit on repeated attempts.

First Aid :

Before visiting your doctor you can alleviate the pain by therapy named RICE.

Rest : Take complete rest and do not strain your ankle causing more damage.

Ice  : Applying ice over the area can help in reducing the pain.

Compression : You can get help from someone for wrapping the injured ankle with compression for keeping it intact.

Elevate : Keep the ankle in elevated (raised) level.

Diagnoses :

Your doctor will examine the injured ankle and may ask for X-ray to find out the extent of damage.

Treatment :

Fracture :

In case of fracture, it can be treated without surgery in advanced medicine. The affected ankle will be put on splint or cast to keep it immobilized. For some cases, he may use metal plating and screws for keeping the bones intact.

Surgery is done only if the bones become unstable and are out of place. In case of severe fracture, it might take about 1-2 years for the ligaments and joints to get healed completely. After surgery and break period, the patient will be given physiotherapy for strengthening the bones.

Sprain :

For mild form of sprain, first aid treatment of RICE is repeated for many weeks until the swelling subside. In many cases, the pain will reduce after 2-3 days and you should not put weight on the ankle for few days.

For moderate sprain, apart from compressor or ice application, your doctor may put you on a splint or boot for keeping the ligaments intact. After complete healing, the person will be asked to follow certain exercises for gaining strength on the ankle. It may take some time for resuming to regular walking.

For severe form of sprain there would be tearing on the ligament and it takes more time for it to heal.

First, the patient will be put on splint or cast to keep the ankle intact. Once the swelling subsides, he will be asked to do physiotherapy or stretching and strengthening the ligaments. In case the pain does not get reduced, surgery may be done for reconstructing the ligaments that are torn.

Very often, a person having a sprain will need 3-7 days of rest, after which he will do regular exercise for gaining strength. For gaining enough flexibility and get back to normal position, it might take several weeks or even months.

Pictures of Ankle Injuries :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Ankle Injuries

Ankle Injuries Ankle Injuries Ankle Injuries Ankle Injuries
Tendon :

If there is injury in the tendon, the doctor will use a cast or splint and give anti-inflammatory medicine for reducing pain. In severe cases, surgery is done for repairing the torn tendons.

Prevention :

Reduce your weight, if you are obese. Do regular exercises. Watch your step to avoid fall.

Ankle Injuries – Diagnosis, Symptoms, Treatment

Ankle Injuries – Diagnosis, Symptoms, Treatment

Ankle Injuries – Symptoms

Tissue inflammation and injury happen when the ankle is sprained. The blood vessels start being “leaky” and this allows fluid to ooze into the tissues which are soft surrounding the joint. White blood cells migrate to the area in responses to the inflammation and the blood flow increases. The following are inflammation signs:

  • Swelling, because of increased fluid in the tissue, is often severe

  • Pain, the nerves are very sensitive. The joint hurts and could throb. The pain can worsen when the area is sore and is pressed or the foot moves in certain directions – depending upon which ligament is involved – and during standing and walking.

  • Warmth and redness: Caused by the increased blood flow to the area

Generally, an ankle injury does not necessitate an outing to your primary care physician. The difficulty is telling a minor injury from something more severe for instance a break. If one of the following occurs, contact your family physician:

  • Pain is not controllable with the usage of over the counter drugs, ice or elevation

  • The individual is not able to walk or can’t walk other than a couple of steps devoid of pain that is severe

  • The ankle doesn’t recover within 5 days to a week. The pain may not be totally gone but it needs to have gotten better.

The symptoms which are an indication to go to the emergency room include the following:

  • Severe or unrestrained pain

  • Unable to move the damaged ankle

  • The ankle or foot is distorted past what might happen with typical swelling

  • Cannot walk 4 steps, even by means of a limp

  • Experience pain which is severe when pressing over the lateral or medial malleolus which is the bony bumps on either sides of the ankle.

  • Experience loss of sensation in the toes or foot

  • Swelling and pain in the heel, over the Achilles tendon, or no ability to push the toes down –like pressing on the gas pedal of a car.

  • Swelling and pain in the upper area of the lower leg right below the knee or swelling of the muscle of the calf

  • Red streaks or redness spreading outwards from injury

Ankle Injuries – Diagnosis

The physician will do a physical exam to see if there is a fracture or other injury which is serious and needs immediate care. The exam should check that all the nerves or arteries to the foot have not been injured and that the knee as well as the rest of the leg is not involved. The doctor will also handle as well as move the ankle and foot to determine what bony areas are involved.

The Achilles tendon will need to also be checked for any signs of rupture.

X-rays are necessary in order to confirm or deny the presents of a fracture. In some cases of fracture, a CT scan might be needed.

Ankle Injuries – Treatment

Self-care at home
Any care at home will help to reduce the pain and aid healing. Since most of the pain is caused by inflammation, the goal is to prevent and reduce inflammation.

You're reading Ankle Injuries – Diagnosis, Symptoms, Treatment posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

Remember RICE: rest, ice, compression as well as elevation

Rest prevents any further injury and keeps stress away from tissue which is already inflamed

  • Put the ankle joint at rest by wearing a splint or brace

  • Sprains which are more severe can be treated by using crutches

Ice is still the best treatment

  • Applying ice to any ankle injury will do more than medications

  • Ice can counteract the increased blood flow to the area which is injuried

  • Ice reduces redness, swelling as well as warmth

  • Applied immediate after an injury, ice stops much of the inflammation from developing

  • Don’t apply ice directly to the skin. Use a towel between the injury and the ice, or use an ice bag. Apply ice for 20 minutes at a time, with at least 30 minutes between applications. This is in order to prevent frostbite which often occurs if you use ice too much or use it directly on the skin.

Compression or strapping, provides support and helps prevent inflammation

  • Use Ace bandages such as elastic wraps immobilize the ankle

  • Do not apply wraps too tightly

Keep the injured area up as high as possible – this will help the body to absorb the fluid that has leaked into the tissue

  • Ideally, prop the ankle up so that it is above the level of the heart

  • Sit in a chair that reclines or prop the legs up with a pillow

  • Anti-inflammatory pain medications such as ibuprofen and naproxen will reduce the pain and will combat the swelling.

Medical Treatment

Treatment by a physician will be very similar to home care, especially using the ice to reduce inflammation. The physician may elect to apply a brace or a cast to reduce motion of the ankle. Crutches are usually provided so no weight is on the injured ankle.

Common medications used for ankle injuries are anti-inflammatory pain drugs that both help control the inflammation and reduce pain. If the individual cannot tolerate these drugs, Tylenol or narcotics are common alternatives.