Showing posts with label Bleeding Ulcer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bleeding Ulcer. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Bleeding Ulcer

Bleeding Ulcer

Before understanding the effects of bleeding ulcer, you should know what an ulcer is. An ulcer can be defined as a lesion or extra growth on the skin and it can develop on any part of your body. If not given treatment on time, an ulcer can enlarge in size leading to life threatening consequences due to internal bleeding. In case if the ulcerous lesions are found in gastrointestinal tract it can affect the neighboring blood vessels once it starts bleeding.

Bleeding of ulcer can occur mildly or it may erupt suddenly with intense bleeding. It would cause intense pain, decreased Blood Pressure and nausea or vomiting. Mild forms of bleeding ulcer may cause fatigue and anemic conditions on the person. It will certainly cause pain on the area of intestine and stomach apart from indigestion problem.

Ulcer can sometimes create a hole on the intestine damaging internal organs. Any perforation (hole) on the intestine can have serious problems of filling the toxic materials into the abdomen which in turn can block the functions of intestine causing gastrointestinal obstruction. The person may not be able to pass stool and may begin to vomit blood.

Bleeding of ulcer directly increases if the person smokes or drinks alcohol. The condition may worsen even if he takes lots of anti-inflammatory medications like aspirin or ibuprofen. Treatment of ulcers should begin in initial stages to prevent bleeding ulcer. An ulcer may start bleeding only if left untreated or left undiagnosed.

Symptoms :

Blood is discharged from the ulcer which flows into the digestive tract. Some of the signs of bleeding ulcer are vomiting blood (may look like coffee granules), bloody stool (with foul smelling black color), nose bleed, extreme tiredness, loss of weight, nausea and dizziness. It causes intense sharp pain on the stomach with difficulty in standing or walking which is due to loss of blood. The pain may spread towards your back slowly. In rare cases, it can also affect the internal organs causing serious damage warranting immediate surgery. It can cause coronary heart disease or renal failure for diabetic patients, since Heart Attack can be triggered by the anemic conditions of GI bleeding.

A slow bleeding ulcer is potentially dangerous since it may become fatal if treatment is not given on time.

Causes :

Basically ulcers can form when the soft issues of the stomach gets eroded either due to bacterial infection or prolonged usage of drugs. Taking non steroidal medications for long time can actually affect the GI lining inducing bleeding of ulcer. Ulcers are of varying size measuring from one inch to very big in diameter.

Once an ulcer grows inside the stomach it has increased risk of bleeding. It will erode the surrounding muscles of the stomach and any other tissues on its path. It damages the blood vessels and ruptures them thereby increasing blood loss. The intensity of blood loss depends on the damage caused to blood vessels. If small blood vessels rupture inside then the loss of blood would be slow and vice versa.

Smoking and drinking can aggravate bleeding ulcer. Use of tobacco in any form and use of substances like cocaine or heroin directly increases the chance of bleeding of ulcers. Drinking habit can seriously erode the soft mucous lining of the stomach increasing the acidity.

Intake of strong medicines of anti-inflammatory category can trigger internal bleeding of ulcers.

Lifestyle habits can also cause serious damage to ulcers inducing bleeding.

Diagnoses :

The doctor may look for the above symptoms and do an endoscopy on the stomach for detecting blood in the upper intestinal tract.

Treatment :

Endoscopy is done for removing ulcerous growth from the intestine to stop bleeding. Drugs like acid blockers are prescribed to get quick relief from pain.

Surgery is the best option available for treating bleeding ulcers. For severe cases of bleeding, endoscopic surgery is done to arrest massive bleeding. The surgeon would seal the blood vessel opening that bleeds by the technique of cauterization. He may also push strong solutions that stop bleeding in the blood vessel.

An endoscope is a small tube that is inserted into the stomach through the mouth which carries a tiny camera on the other end to see the condition of stomach and intestine. Then the surgeon would insert a tiny heating device into the endoscopic tube to cauterize the blood vessel and to arrest bleeding.

In case of bleeding from large blood vessels, the surgeon may use chemicals that promote clotting of blood. He would inject chemicals into the blood vessel through the endoscope which would stop bleeding.

Medications like histamine 2 blocker (cimetidine, nizatidiene, ranitidine etc) are prescribed to block the receptors that stimulate release of stomach acid.

Proton pump inhibitors like omeprazole and esomeprazole are used largely to stop the gastric acid that induces bleeding of ulcers. For treating bleeding ulcers due to bacterial infection strong antibiotics are prescribed.

Prevention :

You can prevent formation of ulcers by taking healthy foods and by following hygienic lifestyle. You need to make dietary changes in case you have been diagnosed with Gastric Ulcer.

Take extensive amounts of green leafy vegetables like cabbage and foods that contains vitamin K which facilitates blood clotting. Cabbage juice is highly effective in healing Peptic Ulcers since it contains glutamine. You can use avocados, yams and soft food items liberally and avoid taking coffee, tea and other beverages. Decrease the intake of oily foods and fats and eat smaller meals rather than sticking on to one hefty meal.

Bleeding Ulcer – Symptoms, Treatment, Diet, Causes, Surgery

Bleeding Ulcer – Symptoms, Treatment, Diet, Causes, Surgery

Bleeding Ulcer Symptoms

Most commonly bleeding ulcers may be present for quite a while or bleeding which is heavy can suddenly occur. Symptoms for ulcers include:

  • Cramping pain

  • Nausea

  • Low Blood Pressure

  • Dizziness

  • Tiredness

  • Paleness

  • Anemia

  • Intestinal upset

  • Stomach discomfort

  • Acid indigestion

People may use the term bleeding ulcer to refer to lesions which either perforates or creates a hole in the stomach or penetrates or create a hole in the intestine or nearby organ. Perforation can fill the abdomen with material from the gastrointestinal tract or it can block other part of the intestine and can lead to gastrointestinal obstruction. Symptoms of either of these conditions may include:

  • Extreme stomach pain

  • Vomiting blood

  • Black colored stools

  • Stools look like coffee grounds

Symptoms of bleeding ulcers include extreme pain of the stomach lasting from only minutes to hours, a pain like hunger in the navel often extending into the back and bloating with nausea after eating any food. Other common symptoms of bleeding ulcers can include a loss of appetite and Weight Loss.

Bleeding Ulcer Causes

All kinds of bleeding ulcers are very dangerous and anyone with ulcers is more at risk for bleeding ulcers if they:

  • Smoke

  • Drink alcohol frequently

  • Take aspirin

  • Take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDS

Contrary to popular long-held conviction, ulcers are not produced solely by diet and stress. Ulcers are actually in 80%-90% of cases are really caused by an infection caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori or H.pylori, that can interrupt the creation of the lining of mucous protecting the stomach, and leading to inflammation from the acid in the stomach lining. This bacterium is transferrable easily from one person to another, by sharing water or food as well as close physical contact, so if an individual knows they have it, they need to be careful and cautious about contact and hygiene.
Diagnosing an ulcer early usually can prevent this serious complication of bleeding ulcers. Treatment when early is important and ulcers which bleed normally happens when symptoms of an ulcer have gone untreated and been ignored.

You're reading Bleeding Ulcer – Symptoms, Treatment, Diet, Causes, Surgery posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

Bleeding Ulcer Treatment

The initial step to treating an ulcer is by identifying it, otherwise an individual can run the risk of causing further damage to the by this time fragile stomach. If the primary care physician cannot positively diagnose the ulcer, or treatment has been ineffective, she/he will need to test the individual with an endoscopy of the upper gastro-intestinal tract, blood tests for bacterial predisposition or for heredity for ulcers, or a CAT scan.

To further treat ulcers, medication to reduce acid in the digestive system, relieve pain and boost healing will be advised. Antacids, acid blockers as well as “proton pump inhibitors” can most often be used to reduce acid. Acid blockers decrease hydrochloric acid in the system by preventing histamine from reacting with histamine receptors and signaling for the release of additional acid. Antacids, for instance Tums or Rolaids, basically neutralize acid which is already in the system and may be taken alone or with an acid blocker. A “proton pump inhibitor”, for instance Prilosec OTC, block the pumps which are inside acid-secreting cells. “Proton pump inhibitors” are the most often prescribed drug to heal ulcers.

The individual should discontinue taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs instantly. NSAIDs are usually used to treat inflammation or pain and are very popular because of their low rate of addiction. But NSAIDs can not only aggravate ulcers but can even cause them. They work counter to 3 things which are essential to getting rid of ulcers:

  • Creation of the mucus that coats the stomach lining

  • Creation of chemical bicarbonate that neutralizes stomach acid

  • Blood circulation to the stomach that helps repair and renew damaged cells

For these 3 reasons, it is not a good idea to take NSAIDs in large doses or too often and it is really not good to take them if an ulcer has already been diagnosed.

Bleeding Ulcer Diet

A significant change in the diet is also necessary to heal ulcers. This does not have to be a permanent change, but it is essential for true healing. Since ulcers are caused by any damage from acid, acid cannot be a part of the diet. This means cutting out tomatoes and foods containing tomato products, no citrus fruit or foods containing citric acid and absolutely no alcohol.

Caffeine can stimulate the secretion of stomach acid and delay the healing of ulcers. So, more changes in the diet should be made to eliminate coffee, tea, chocolate, mint and soda.

If the ulcer is not treated properly, it will then rapidly worsen and become a bleeding ulcer. A bleeding ulcer means that this ulcer is eating a hole thru the wall of the stomach or small intestine and this is causing internal bleeding and putting the individual at serious risk of infection in the abdominal cavity.