Showing posts with label Blue Waffles Disease Pictures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blue Waffles Disease Pictures. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Blue Waffles Disease Pictures

Blue Waffles Disease Pictures

Blue waffles disease is an infection in vagina which is transmitted through sex. The name waffle is used to denote vagina and hence this disease is indicative of vaginal infection. Some of the common symptoms of this disease are vaginal swelling with patches of welts in and around vagina and on the opening of labia. There will be intense itching and burning sensation, marked by bad odor and red patch like dots. Due to severe inflammation the vagina may change into blue color in some women.

The main reason for getting this disease is due to the use of unsanitary objects during masturbation. Sometimes women behave in inflicting self pain on the vagina by using sharp, pointed objects. It may also occur on women who are sexually active all through the day. Bacteria grow on the area due to unhygienic condition of vagina and it multiplies and affects the surrounding area like labia. Autoimmune disorder like lowered level of immunity level can also cause vaginal infection.

The doctor will examine the vagina for itching and foul odor but these symptoms are also found on vaginitis. Unlike vaginal disorder, blue waffles disease will not get cured on its own. You have to get it treated by visiting your doctor and taking antibiotics.

Follow hygienic habits while practicing sex and do not use unsanitary objects for self destruction. This disease will also spread to partners who have sex with infected women. It is necessary to keep the vagina dry and clean to prevent this infection.

Pictures of Blue Waffles Disease :

Images, Pictures, Pics and Photos of Blue Waffles Disease

Blue Waffles Disease blue waffles disease Blue Waffles Disease Blue Waffles Disease Blue Waffles Disease Blue Waffles Disease