Showing posts with label Blurred Vision in One Eye. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blurred Vision in One Eye. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Blurred Vision in One Eye

Blurred Vision in One Eye

The vision would become blind in one eye due to several conditions. The reasons vary widely ranging from simple reason of crying for long time to serious medical issues like brain damage. Blurred vision in one eye and both the eyes for that matter is caused due to refractive error which can easily be corrected by wearing the right eyeglasses.

Because of blurred vision, the visual activity in one eye may get reduced and the affected person may not be able to see objects present at some distance. This would cause Cloudy Vision or difficulty in reading and even eye pain and irritation. In rare cases, blurred vision is an indicator of serious medical issues like nerve collapse in the brain or brain tumor.

Symptoms :

Dryness in the eye, increased sensitivity, excess of discharge or tears from the affected eye, eye pain and irritation, bloodshot eyes, reduced eyesight during night and Headache are some of the symptoms of blurred vision in one eye. However not all the symptoms are present on the same person and the signs vary widely depending on the underlying cause of the disease.

In case of serious complications like brain damage, there may be blurred vision along with reduced consciousness and sudden behavior changes. In that case, you need to rush the patient to the nearby hospital or call medical care center immediately.

Causes :

Blurred vision in one eye can be caused due to refractive errors like nearsightedness or farsightedness and due to the inflammation of the optical nerve. Any trauma or injury on the eyes can also cause visual impairment or blurred vision for some time. Sometimes, cataract problem can also cause blurred vision in one eye. Prolonged diabetes (diabetic retinopathy) and use of strong medications can also affect the visual capacity of the eyes, affecting one or both the eyes.

Blurred vision occurs due to Macular Degeneration disorder resulting from old-age. It can be caused due to headache, migraine, Myopia and persbyopia and Uveitis (inflammation of the eye).

In rare cases, it can be caused due to serious problem like brain damage or disorder in the central nervous system. Some of the other life threatening conditions that can cause blurred vision are Glaucoma (excess of eye pressure), inflammation of the optical nerve on the eyes and retinal detachment.

Diagnoses :

Your eye doctor will examine the eye for detecting the causative factor for blurred vision.

Treatment :

Your doctor will first diagnose the root cause of the disease before starting treatment. Normally discharge from the eyes will get settled in few days and if you continue to have blurred vision you should consult your doctor.

He may prescribe you reading glasses for correcting eyesight problems or he may give you contact lenses with mono-vision adjustment for correcting blurred vision in one eye. If dryness is the root-cause of the problem, then he would give you lubricating drops for correcting it.

If the problem is due to cataract or diabetic retinopathy, then surgery is to be done for replacing the old lens with new ones for getting clear vision.

Any type of blurred vision caused by minor problems can easily be corrected if you visit your eye specialist without delay. Do not hesitate to seek medical care if the person has additional symptoms like loss of conscious and change in behavior along with blurred vision.

Blurred Vision in One Eye – Causes and Treatment

Blurred Vision in One Eye – Causes and Treatment

Blurred Vision in One Eye Causes

As mentioned above blurred vision in only one eye can be caused by numerous underlying diseases or conditions. Optic neuritis which is inflammation of the optic nerve can cause blurred vision that in the beginning starts in only one eye. This type of blurred vision can also be a symptom of disorders occurring in the central nervous system or brain, such as migraine Headaches or a tumor pressing on the optic nerve. Trauma to the eye is another cause that can affect only one eye, either from an injury to the eye itself or from delayed effects such as formation of a cataract.

Additionally, conditions that are system wide such as diabetes can cause retinal or cataract conditions that might lead to blurred vision. There are also some medications that might have blurred vision as a side effect but normally that would affect both eyes.
Common Causes
Common cause of vision blurring in one eye include:

You're reading Blurred Vision in One Eye – Causes and Treatment posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

  • Macular Degeneration – age-related – is a disorder that creates loss of vision in the macula which is the area of the retina responsible for seeing detail in the central vision

  • Cataracts – loss of transparency or clouding in the lens of the eye

  • Diabetic retinopathy, cataracts and blindness – vision complications of diabetes

  • Dry eyes

  • Migraines

  • Myopia – nearsightedness; not able to focus on distant objects

  • Need for corrective lenses

  • Presbyopia – age-related farsightedness or inability to focus on objects that are near

  • Uveitis and iritis – inflammation of eye structures

Serious Causes
Life-threatening or serious causes of blurred vision in one eye include:

  • Brain tumor

  • Eye trauma

  • Glaucoma – disorder causing damage to the optic nerve, as result of pressure in the eye that is increased

  • Optic neuritis – inflammation of the optic nerve

  • Retinal detachment – detachment of the layer in the eye that is light-sensing from the blood vessels which provides the eye nutrients and oxygen

  • Stroke

  • Transient ischemic attack – temporary symptoms that are Stroke-like that might be a sign or warning of an stroke that is impending

Blurred Vision in One Eye Treatment

If the blurring in the one eye does not get better in a few days or if it continues to worsen, it is time to make a visit to your eye care professional. He/she will check the eye to see if the problem is with one of the structures of the eye.

If the eye is fine, the blurring could be associated with a systemic disease or condition and you will probably be referred to your primary care physician to determine if there is an underlying problem.

Once the reason for the blurring is determined, it is vital that you follow any treatment plan that either your eye specialist or your primary care physician detail for you. This will protect you from the risk of any possible complications such as:

  • Brain damage

  • Loss of vision or blindness in either one or both eyes

  • Spread of cancer

  • Spread of infection

  • Unconsciousness and coma