Showing posts with label Callus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Callus. Show all posts

Monday, March 06, 2017

Calluses and Corns – Natural Home Remedies, Treatment, Prevention

Calluses and Corns – Natural Home Remedies, Treatment, Prevention

Calluses and corns are thickened area of the skin and can occur anywhere in the body. It is largely found on your feet and in between the toes. Calluses are formed due to repeated friction caused on particular area of the skin. Your body prepares a thick layer of skin on any area of bruises as a matter of protective mechanism. Dead cells get accumulated on the weak area of bruises or injury forming a thick hard coating.

Calluses and corns can cause discomfort and pain on the affected area. Sometimes the sweat gets trapped inside the skin layers forming a soft core inside a hard covering. In medical terms calluses is known as hyperkeratoses and cons as helomas. Thick patches on the skin, bumps or blisters on the skin and flaky dry skin are some of the symptoms of calluses and cons. It can cause pain, discomfort and tenderness on the skin. Some people can feel the pain as though a pebble or small stone is trapped between the toes. Medically it can be treated with creams, lotions and by plucking.

Some of the home remedies available for removing calluses and cons are given below :-

1. Pumice Stone

Pumice stone is effective in removing dead cells of the skin. You have to gently apply pressure on the affected area to scrape away the dead cells. You can do this after soaking the feet in warm water for few minutes. The skin would be very soft when it is wet and hence you can easily scrape off the dead layer of the skin. Be patient and repeat this process daily for few minutes. The entire callus cannot be removed in one session since it is very thick and hardened part of the skin.

2Emery Board

Alternatively, you can use the emery board for removing soft corns. You can use emery board to remove calluses and corns between the toes. Remember to scrape off the skin layer after taking bath each day so that dead cells can be removed.

Calluses and Corns

3. Castor Oil

Castor oil is an excellent remedy for many ailments and pain in the body. It has anti-inflammatory property to reduce the swelling caused by calluses and corns. Castor oil can be used as softening agent of the skin.

4. Corn Pad

Over the counter corn pads can be used for removing calluses and corns. You can get small round shaped non-medicated pads from the pharmacies. After placing a pad around the calluses you can add 2 drops of castor oil on it and cover it with an adhesive tape firmly so that it remains intact. Moisture in the castor oil can protect the corns from pressure and soften the calluses or corns thus helping in getting rid of them. You can wear the corn pad for two or three days until the corns become soft in contrast to the hardened thick layer of skin. Remember to wear socks while using castor oil or corn pad since it can cause strains on your clothing.

5. Right Shoes

Once you have corns or calluses in your feet make it a point to wear the right fitting shoes. Avoid wearing high-heeled shoes which can worsen the pain. A right pair of shoe is one which has a small gap enough to insert a finger after wearing it. There should be breathing space between each toe so that calluses would not rub against your feet while you are walking.

Calluses and Corns

6. Epsom Salt

Epsom salt is nothing but Magnesium sulfate which is effective in treating calluses and corns. You can manage the pain with this simple home remedy. Add 2-3 tsp of Epsom salt in warm water tub and soak your feet in this solution for 20-25 minutes. This therapy would make your feet soft reducing the pain caused by corns. Repeat this procedure daily until the calluses turn completely soft and wither off.

7. Aspirin Treatment

Aspirin can help you in removing corns for sure. Salicylic acid present in the aspirin is good enough to work on calluses or corns making them soft. Take 5 aspirin pills and crush them into fine powder. Now add few drops of lemon juice and little water to make a paste. Apply this paste on the affected area and cover it with an adhesive tape. Now cover the area with a hot towel for few minutes. After removing the towel, you can gently scrub the corn with emery board or pumice stone since it has become soft.

Often the calluses and corns are very small measuring less than an inch. In case you have developed bigger sized corns or calluses you can get it removed by your doctor. He may use a long scalpel for trimming away the corns easily. A fresh layer of skin would develop on the area in few days.

8. Simple Soaking

Just keep your feet or hand immersed in lukewarm water for few minutes daily. This simple remedy is enough for softening the skin layer of corns and calluses. After few days of soaking you can clear off the corns easily with a pumice stone.

Calluses and Corns

9. Medication

Callus remover or other medications like “clear away” can be obtained from the medical shop. You can use such patches for removing corns and calluses. The patch should be kept intact on the callus for few days until it becomes soft enough to be rubbed off with a pumice stone.

10. Salicylic Acid Gel

You can apply the paste of salicylic acid on the corns directly and cover it with a tape. Repeat this process for several days which would gradually turn the callus or corns to soft layer of skin. Now you can gently scrub this extra layer with a pumice stone.

Tips For Prevention :

  • There is actually no way to prevent formation of calluses or corns. But you can always keep your skin soft and well moisturized.

  • Apply moisturizing cream on your hands and feet generously before retiring to bed. This habit would help in keeping the skin soft indirectly preventing calluses and corns.

  • Wear right size of cushioned shoes that does not exert pressure on your toes.

  • Change your socks daily since there is chance for bacterial growth present on it.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016



A callus is a thick layer of the skin usually formed on the toes when the skin layer is subjected to repeated pressure. Corns and calluses can be prevented by keeping the toes in good condition and by wearing proper well fitting shoes. Normally callus does not require any treatment since most of them are harmless. In case you are diabetic, then having a callus may increase the complication and hence you need to take treatment.

Symptoms :

A callus is characterized by the thickened skin or roughening of the outer layer of the skin. It may look as a tiny raised bump or lesion. Sometimes it may cause discomfort and mild pain when applied pressure. Callus is seen generally on the soles of the feet under the heels and sometimes on your palms or fingers. When compared with corns, callus is large in size and corns can cause pain.

Causes :

The major reason for getting calluses in your toes or fingers is wearing ill fitting shoes. When the outer skin layer is subjected to repeated pressure it gets thick and develops into a callus. You should not wear shoes that are very tight since they compress the heel area every time you walk. Similarly wearing loose fitting shoes can cause the skin layer to rub with the shoe very often giving rise to inflammation.

Some people whose job demands working with hand tools throughout the day like carpenter and gardener can get calluses on their palms and fingers since the area of the skin is under constant pressure. It is better to wear protective gloves on the hands when your job warrants such work.

Diagnoses :

Your doctor can easily detect callus on physical examination of the skin. If required, he may do an X-ray on the affected part for detecting any physical anomaly.

Treatment :

It is enough if you remove the pressure causing agent from the skin for removing callus. Wearing proper fitting shoes will eventually remove callus from your toes or heels. You can also use protective pads on the feet for resolving it. In case of pain, you can take anti-inflammatory medications available over the counter.

Your doctor would gradually trim the callus using a scalpel gently for reducing the discomfort or pain. He would apply salicylic acid on the affected area for removing the dead skin tissue. To avoid any infection, you can take antibiotic medicines or ointment.

In case if the foot’s shape has been badly damaged due to callus, then surgery is done for correcting the bone alignment. Alternatively shoe inserts can also be used to prevent callus from recurring.

Pictures of Callus :

Images, Pics, Pictures, and Photos of Callus

Callus Callus Callus Callus
Home Remedies :

People who are diabetic should not try any of this home treatment. It is better for them to consult doctor to avoid any complications.

Soaking the feet in lukewarm water for 10-20 minutes daily will provide good flexibility of the skin and reduce the thickening gradually. You can use padding on the affected feet for reducing inflammation. In case you are using salicylic acid, take care since it can irritate your skin. Try using pumice stone on the affected area to remove dead cells of the skin. Always wear shoes of right size that are comfortable for you.

Callus – Causes, Removal, Treatment, Pictures

Callus – Causes, Removal, Treatment, Pictures

What is a Callus?

Calluses and also corns are layers of thick skin that are hardened and occur when the skin protects itself from pressure as well as friction. They can be very unsightly but are a protective reaction.

When you are healthy, you should only require treatment for calluses when they cause any pain. For the majority of individuals, by merely eliminating the cause of the pressure or friction generally makes the calluses vanish.

Callus Symptoms

You probably have calluses if you see:

  • Rough, thick locale of skin.

  • Raised, hardened bump.

  • Pain or tenderness under the skin.

  • Dry, waxy or flaky skin.

Callus or Corns

Calluses and corns are frequently confused but they are not the identical thing:

  • Calluses normally develop on the soles of the feet, particularly under the balls or heels, on the palms of the hands or on the knees. Calluses are very rarely painful and can vary in shape as well as size, and they are usually larger than corns.

  • Corns are slighter than calluses are and they have a center which is hard surrounded by skin which is inflamed. Corns usually tend to occur on areas of the feet that do not put up with any weight, for instances the sides and tops of the toes, but, they also can be found in some cases in weight-bearing regions. Corns may even occur between toes. They can be throbbing when pushed on or touched.

If a callus becomes inflamed or painful, the individual should see their primary care physician. If the individual has circulation which is poor or diabetes, they should talk to their physician before doing any self-treating. With diabetes or poor circulation even a small injury to the foot can develop into an open sore that can become infected and is very difficult too heal. It could even lead to gangrene and amputation.

Callus Causes

Friction and pressure from actions which are repetitive can create calluses and cause them to get larger. A few causes consist of:

Shoes that don’t fit
If shoes are tight or small or have a very high heel, they squeeze areas of the feet. When they are too loose, the foot can repeatedly slide as well as rub inside the shoe. The foot can also rub up against a stitch or seam inside the shoe which is poorly placed. Another instant is Bunions which often have calluses over the bunion because of rubbing against the shoe.

No socks
When wearing sandals or shoes without socks it may lead to rubbing on the feet. Ill-fitting socks turn into a problem.
Hand tools
On the hands calluses can occur because of the repetitive pressure of using various tools at work, in the backyard or around the house. For example, farmers get hand calluses that prevent the hands from developing possible blisters which are painful.

You're reading Callus – Causes, Removal, Treatment, Pictures posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

There are individuals with certain factors which can increase the risk of calluses:

  • Hammertoe, bunions or any other deformities of the feet.

  • Not protecting hands when using tools,

Callus Treatment

The treatment for calluses normally consists of avoiding repeating actions which causes them to grow. Wearing shoes that fit properly, using shielding pads as well as other means for self-care may help resolve them.

When the callus endures or start hurting in spite of self-care effects, medical therapy can supply relief:

Salicylic acid
The physician can apply a bandage which contains 40% salicylic acid. The physician will advise the individual how often the bandage should be replace, as well as recommend on using a purnice stone or a nail file to level the dead skin away before adding a new bandage. Salicylic acid is accessible in a topical variety for large areas for instance Cuad Mediplast, Dr. Scholl’s Corn Removers as well as others.

The physician may pare down skin which is thickened with a scalpel, normally during an office visit.

Antibiotic medication
The physician can also advise using an antibiotic ointment to decrease the chance of infection.

Inserts in shoe
If an individual has a fundamental foot deformity, the physician can prescribe custom-make shoe inserts pads – orthotics – to avert recurring calluses.

For those rare instances, the doctor can also advise surgery to correct any miss-alignment of bone that could be causing the problem.

Callus Pictures