Showing posts with label Carbuncle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carbuncle. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016



A carbuncle is a painful lesion or swollen boils that occur in groups and are attached to one another through the skin. The carbuncle forms due to infection on the hair follicle with pus formation (Abscess) under the skin. It occurs often the hairy area of the skin like on your back or on the nape of your neck. But it can also develop on areas like thighs, buttocks and groin. It can be painful due to pus filled infection on the skin. A carbuncle starts as tiny red lumps and very soon it gets filled with pus growing larger in size causing intense pain.

Causes :

Staphylococcus aureus bacteria causes carbuncle attacking the skin surface on the throat and other areas of the body. It normally enters into your body through hair follicle or small cuts or wounds. Once it gets infected, it fills the lesion with pus causing pain.

These pus filled lumps are actually the group of white blood cells (in excess) and the dead skin cells of bacteria. Carbuncles are contagious and have to be treated or kept covered after draining the pus.

Who are at risk?

People who have chronic skin problems, people with diabetes or kidney disease or with weakened immunity and old age people are prone to develop carbuncle. Carbuncles are increasingly found on individuals who live in groups like hostels sharing things like towel and other clothing in common. It can develop on the areas of the body that are kept moist without free air and also due to cuts during shaving.

Symptoms :

A carbuncle is cluster or group of boils or lesions found on the back of the neck or shoulders. It has pus filled structures causing pain and irritation. It oozes out yellowish liquid from the lesions. Often, carbuncles cause deep infection when compared with single boils. But they heal quickly as they develop and may leave a scar on the skin surface.

Some people can get fever and fatigue and a feeling of discomfort. There can be swelling on the lymph nodes of the neck or groin or armpits.

Tests :

Your doctor can diagnose carbuncles by checking the symptoms of cluster of boils with pain. If necessary he would gently remove tiny bit of pus inside the carbuncle for testing in the laboratory for confirming the bacteria’s presence.

Treatment :

Home Remedies :

When you get cluster of boils do not prick it with needle or any sharp objects since it will worsen the condition giving chance for spreading. You can apply warm compression on the affected area and repeat this process many times a day. This procedure will make the boil to rupture easily so that the pus inside will drain out completely. The cloth used for warm compress should be washed in hot water and dried in sunlight.

Wash the hands thoroughly after touching the affected areas so that the liquid pus will not spread to other skin areas. In case of intense pain, you can take ibuprofen for reducing the pain and inflammation.

Medical Treatment :

Small boils or blisters can be treated at home by making use of warm compresses and by taking pain-killers. For boils of large size, you can visit your doctor. He will gently drain the boil after making small incision using a sterilized needle. This promotes fast healing and speedy recovery. After this process your doctor will prescribe antibiotics for complete healing and to prevent recurrent infections from bacteria.

Giving antibiotics is necessary if the person has weak immunity or affected with other infectious diseases. Carbuncles will take maximum of 1-2 weeks for healing.

Pictures of Carbuncle :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Carbuncle

Carbuncle Carbuncle Carbuncle Carbuncle Carbuncle Carbuncle Carbuncle
Prevention :

You cannot prevent it from developing but you can always take precautions for reducing the risk. Washing hands regularly and avoiding cuts and wounds is the best remedy for not getting carbuncle. In case you have developed cuts or injury on the skin, wash it using soap water and apply antibiotic ointment and keep it covered using dry bandages. Do not share personal items like clothing or towels or shaving equipments with others.

Carbuncle – Pictures, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Carbuncle – Pictures, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

What is a Carbuncle?

Carbuncles as well as boils are pus-filled, painful bumps that develop beneath the skin by bacteria infection and inflammation in 1 or more hair follicles.

Carbuncles normally begin as tender, red lumps. The lumps can rapidly fill up with pus, grow larger as well as become very painful pending their splitting open and draining. A carbuncle is a bunch of boils which develop an area of infection beneath the skin.

An individual can normally care for carbuncles or boils at home, but should not attempt to squeeze or prick it. This can cause the infection to spread. You should call your primary care physician if a carbuncle or boil is severely painful, lasts more than 2 weeks or happens with fever.

Carbuncle Symptoms

Carbuncles are a group of boils which usually occur on the back of the neck, thighs or shoulders. Carbuncles:

  • Cause deeper and very severe infections than a single boil can

  • Develop and begin to heal much more slowly than a single boil does

  • Are very liable to leave scars

Symptoms as well as signs that can go with carbuncles include:

  • Grow fast

  • Have yellow or white center

  • Ooze, weep, or crust

  • Spread to other areas

Often, other symptoms can occur. These can include:

  • Fever

  • Fatigue

  • Sick feeling or general discomfort

  • Itching skin before carbuncle develops

You should see your physician if you have:

  • A carbuncle on the spine or face

  • A carbuncle that rapidly worsens or severely hurts

  • Carbuncles that are extremely large, have not headed within 2 weeks or are accompanied by fever

  • Recurrent boils

  • A problem which suppresses the immune system, such as organ transplants, HIV infection, corticosteroid use

  • Recently been in the hospital

  • Older adults as well as children who develop 1 or more boils or carbuncles also should receive medical care.

Carbuncle Causes

Carbuncles normally develop when one or more hair follicles – the shafts which are tube-shaped from which hair grows – develop a Staph Infection (Staphylococcus aureus). This type of bacteria that is normally an inhabitant of the skin and often your nasal passages are the cause of numerous severe disease including Endocarditis as well as Pneumonia. Endocarditis is an infection which develops in the heart lining. Staph infections are major causes of infections acquired in the hospital.

Staph bacteria which cause carbuncles as well as boils usually enter the body thru a scratch, a cut, or any other skin break. This causes inflammation and ultimately pus formation – which is a mixture of old white blood cells, dead skin cells as well as bacteria.

Anyone can develop boils or carbuncles including individuals who are healthy. The following features can increase the risk:

Close contact with individuals who have an infection with staph
You are most probable to grow staph infections if you live with somebody who currently has carbuncles or boils.

Diabetes can cause complications for the body to battle any infection, especially any bacterial infections of the skin.
Further skin problems
Since they damage the skin’s defensive barrier, skin problems such as eczema as well as acne, makes an individual more vulnerable to carbuncles and boils.

You're reading Carbuncle – Pictures, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

Immunity is compromised
If you have an immunity system which is compromised for any reason, you are more vulnerable to carbuncles as well as boils.

Other causes of carbuncles include:

  • Poor hygiene

  • Friction of clothing or shaving

  • Poor overall health

There are normally few complications of carbuncles and boils but they can be serious. They include:

Sepsis of the blood or blood poisoning
Bacteria from carbuncles can invade the bloodstream and migrate to other areas of the body. The infection which spreads is known as blood sepsis or poisoning, can cause infections deep inside the body

Another severe complication is the appearance of strains of staph which are drug-resistant. Almost half of the staph bacteria which are in hospitals are defiant to many commonly used antibiotics.

Abscess of the brain, spinal cord, skin or organs such as the kidneys


Carbuncle Treatment

An individual normally can treat carbuncles at home simply by applying warm compresses to promote natural drainage as well as relieve pain. They should clear up on their own in less than two weeks.

Placing a moist, warm cloth on the carbuncle will aid in draining and speed healing. Gently soak the area with a moist, warm cloth several times daily. Never squeeze a carbuncle or attempt to cut it open at home as this could cause the infection to spread and become worse.

If the boils or carbuncles are very large (some carbuncles can be as large as golf balls), treatment normally includes draining the boil of carbuncles by an incision as well as often taking antibiotics:

Incision and drainage
Your physician can drain big boil or carbuncle by first creating a small opening in the tip. This will relieve the pain, speed healing and helps decrease scarring. Infections which are deep and can not be totally drained should be packed with gauze so the pus can keep on to draining.

Often you physician can advise antibiotics to aid the healing of serious or persistent infections or infections which can be caused by MRSA. There are also antibacterial soaps.

Hygiene which is good is very important in order to prevent the infection to spread. Always wash your hands after touching a carbuncle. Do not reuse or share towels or washcloths. Washcloths, towels, clothing as well as sheets or other items need to be washed in very hot water. Bandages need to be changed frequently and thrown away in tightly closed bags.

Carbuncle Pictures