Showing posts with label Cat Scratch Disease. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cat Scratch Disease. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Cat Scratch Disease

Cat Scratch Disease

Cat scratch disease is medically called as Bartonellosis since it is the name of the bacteria that causes this infection. The bacteria will get transmitted into the body by cat bites and scratches. When the person comes in contact with the pet’s saliva directly or touches the broken skin of the cat he may get this infection.

The symptoms of cat scratch disease are small bumps or blisters are formed on the affected site. He would have fever, fatigue and Headache. Sometimes, there may be swollen nodes on the affected part.

The doctor will check for swollen lymph and scratch or bite from the cat. In case if the symptoms are not clear, then he would suggest to do IFA test for detecting the presence of bacteria.

Normally treatment is not required for cat scratch until if it gets serious. Taking over the counter antibiotics will help you to relieve from painful blisters. For people who have history of previous illness treatment is a must. In case if the person is suspected for AIDS or any other immune system problem, then taking antibiotics is necessary.

Pictures of Cat Scratch Disease :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Cat Scratch Disease

Cat Scratch Disease Cat Scratch Disease Cat Scratch Disease Cat Scratch Disease Cat Scratch Disease Cat Scratch Disease