Showing posts with label Diuresis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diuresis. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016



It is a condition in which a person’s kidneys will produce increased quantity of urine which will be released from his body. During this process, he may also lose excess of ions and salts from his body. If this happens without the intake of any drugs or any medical condition, it is a serious condition. This is caused by several health conditions and due to the intake of diuretic drugs.

Causes :

There are many factors which causes increased production of urine by kidneys. Strenuous exercises, certain powerful drugs, and other health related disorders can increase secretion of urine. Taking more coffee will certainly increase urine production. Similarly there are many foods that provide intense thirst will respond in producing more urine.

Generally speaking, diuresis is not a serious health concern. Patients who are in the recovery stage of renal problem will certainly produce more amount of urine indicating that the kidneys are functioning well.

Complications :

If not with certain medication and diseases, diuresis can cause some problem. In other words, it is a symptom that indicates that kidneys are over functioning. People who suffer from diabetes and heart problems will have indications of diuresis. Likewise, people who have hypercalcemia disorder will produce more urine. It is essential to consult your medical practitioner to know the root cause of the problem.

Types :

There are several types of diuresis according to the cause of production of urine.

Osmotic diuresis is caused when certain particles get piled up inside the tubules of kidneys. This would in turn induce re-absorption of water which leads to increased water content in the blood, which is released in the form of urine.

Rebound diuresis

This type of diuresis occurs to people who are under the recovery process of kidney problem.

Immersion diuresis

Sudden fall in body temperature and increase in Blood Pressure will induce urine production. Sometimes, when the body is exposed to extreme cold temperature, this would increase the urine production.

Post obstructive diuresis

In this type, more urine is produced when a person has just recovered from urinary blockage.

Symptoms :

The main sign of diuresis is increased urine output. He passes urine more frequently and it will of more quantity. There may or may not be discomfort and pain in the genitals. Other symptoms of this disorder are fatigue, increased thirst, disturbance in sleep, hypercalcemia and heart problems.

Pictures of Diuresis :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Diuresis

Diuresis Diuresis
Treatment :

Doctors would prescribe anti diuretic drugs for treating this condition. For other patients, treatment is aimed in treating the causative factors rather than the symptoms.

Excess of urination can cause a serious condition called hypokalemia and there is every chance for dehydration.

Whatever may be the cause, you should seek early medical help to avoid complication in future.

Monday, May 09, 2016

Diuresis – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Diuresis – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

What is Diuresis?

This is the raise in the kidneys producing urine that normally results in an equivalent increase in urine expelled by the body; diuresis without being linked to an increase in urination can create very severe problems medically. There is a large range of causes that are very wide for diuresis and a variety of treatment approaches, if treatment is required.

Types of Diuresis

There are several types of diuresis and these include:

  • Osmotic diuresis

  • Rebound diuresis

  • Immersion diuresis

  • Post obstructive diuresis

Diuresis Symptoms

Signs or symptoms of diuresis are largely described by symptoms such as:

  • Increase in urine production – this means that the patients passes excessive urine too quickly.

  • Discomfort – mainly the sensation to urinate is felt in the region of the genitals.

  • Disturbed sleep – frequently urination can disturb sleeping thru the night.

  • Tiredness –urination frequently causes loss of essential minerals and salts as well as sodium. The loss of essential minerals and salts can cause fatigue.

  • Hypercalcemia – usually high calcium in blood system. In cases of Osmotic Diuresis Hyperglycemia is the condition that is the underlying cause.

  • Heart failure – This condition of diuresis may result from any complicated medical condition.

Diuresis Causes

Diuresis may be cause by numerous factors. Certain of the major causes are:

  • Renal failure – Kidney function that is impaired can lead to build-ups of wastes and fluid in the body which leads to diuresis. But in patients with renal failure this is a sign that is welcome as it indicates an improvement in the functioning of the kidney.

  • Medications – medications for diuresis are usually a direct cause, although a planned one. With many medical conditions, it is necessary to have water eliminated from the body.

  • Drink and food

  • Diabetes insipidus – for those patients with diuresis Diabetes insipidus causes an urine production that is excessive and urine concentration that is abnormal.

  • Diabetes mellitus – in Diabetes Mellitus with diuresis it is due to the overproduction of urine – leading to a rise in level of glucose which raises osmotic pressure and reduces the reabsorption of water by the kidney.

  • High blood sugar

  • Renal Obstruction

  • Polydipsia

Diuresis Treatment

Diuresis treatment usually is dependent on diagnosing correctly the condition as well as finding a treatment for it. Accurate diuresis treatment may help restore urine production to normal.

You're reading Diuresis – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

One treatment for diuresis can consists of drugs that are anti-diuretic together with medications for treating the condition that is causative. Those Post Obstructive Diuresis patients, the output of urine needs to be monitored closely. Any urination that is excessive may bring on Hyopkalemia as well as volume contraction that is quite severe in patients.

When the balance of fluid drops too low, fluids need to be directly delivered into the body of the patient as quickly as possible. This will stop volume contraction. In cases of treatment for post obstructive diuresis treatment normally consists of fluid balance maintenance.

The condition in Post Obstructive cases normally get better after several days. In some cases, they may stay up to a week before going away.