Showing posts with label Elephantiasis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elephantiasis. Show all posts

Saturday, June 04, 2016

Elephantiasis – Causes, Symptoms, Stages, Types, Treatment

Elephantiasis – Causes, Symptoms, Stages, Types, Treatment

Elephantiasis is a parasitic infection spread by the female mosquito. Gross enlargement of organs, more particularly the limbs occur during elephantiasis and the legs would be similar to that of an elephant’s leg. Other areas like hands and genitals can also get enlarged due to this disease. The lymphatic system is spread evenly in the body supported with nodes and blood vessels. The main function of lymphatic system is to drain off any tissue fluid which cannot pass into the bloodstream and filtering the micro-organisms from the fluid. The system would return the blood back into the vein that is carried to the heart for purification.

Sometimes lymphatic node may develop swelling causing lymphadenitis. Obstruction of normal blood flow can lead to considerable collection of lymph in specific areas. Inflammation of lymph nodes would block the normal functions of the lymphatic system resulting in accumulation of fluid in one part. Lower limbs are more prone to inflammation than other nodes leading to accumulation of fluid causing elephantiasis. Lymphatic Filariasis is common in certain regions causing elephantiasis for many people. Often elephantiasis occurs due to parasitic infection. Other causes include sexually transmitted diseases, Tuberculosis infection and repeated strep infections. Exposure to certain chemicals like silica can also cause elephantiasis.

Elephantiasis Types :

  • Filiarial Elephantiasis – It is the first type which is caused by parasitic worms like Brugia malayi or Wuchereria bancrofii. More than 90% of elephantiasis is caused by Wuchereria bancrofii worm. The larva of this worm is transmitted by the mosquito into the body. Gradually the larva would move towards the lymphatic system until it completes its life cycle turning into an adult worm. It may take several years for the larva to become an adult.

  • Non-Filarial Type – Other factors that causes lymphEdema is grouped under non-filiarial elephantiasis. Environmental factors, exposure to certain chemicals and genetic factors can also cause elephantiasis.

  • How The Worms Affect The Lymph Nodes?

    The worm after entering the body would settle in a comfortable place of the lymphatic system. It grows several folds and produces large number of worms. They secrete toxic materials causing slow changes in the immune system of the body. At one point the immune system gets weak and becomes incapable of the growth of worms. These toxic substances would cause dysfunction of drainage of fluids resulting in accumulation of fluid. The affected area develops swelling and causing death of tissues and Gangrene. Secondary infection can also occur in this area causing further complication.

    Causes Of Elephantiasis :

    More often elephantiasis is the result of filiarial infection transmitted by female mosquitoes. In rare cases podoconiosis can cause elephantiasis resulting from exposure of red clay soil. In rare cases immunity disorders like TB, Leprosy and STD can cause elephantiasis.

    Risk Factors :

    People living in tropical regions of South America, Central America and Africa and people of South and Southeast Asia are at high risk of elephantiasis. Infected population and poor control of mosquito is the main reason for infection. Walking barefoot in the red clay soil can increase the risk of getting podoconiosis. Minute soft particles of the soil would enter into the body through the feet causing podoconiosis. Cancer patients for whom large number of lymph nodes are removed are susceptible to elephantiasis.

    Elephantiasis Symptoms :

    It may take several years for the first symptom to appear in people infected with elephantiasis. Till that time larva mixes with blood passing through the feces and saliva which again is transmitted to others through mosquito. This disease would cause enlargement of lymph nodes of the legs. The affected area becomes hard and thick and even the skin gets hardened. Due to gross accumulation of fluid inside the area becomes enlarged multiplying several times of normal size. The leg would resemble an elephant leg in affected people and hence the name elephantiasis. The outer layer of the skin would develop Ulcers taking pebbly appearance and the skin color gets dark.

    Some other symptoms of elephantiasis include fever, fatigue and chills and malaise. Often the legs and lower portion of the knee are targeted by this disease. In rare cases it can affect the external genitals. In men it can cause enlargement of scrotum and retraction of penis under the skin. It can cause considerable pain and burning sensation. In female the vulva gets enlarged due to fluid accumulation. A big mass would cover up the skin between the thighs due to enlargement of lymph nodes. In very rare cases breasts can also get enlarged. There will not be any symptoms in the initial stages except mild pain and tenderness in the affected leg. In some people it may cause thin red streaks or lining on the skin indicating inflammation of blood vessel inside.

    Images, Pics, Photos and Pictures of Elephantiasis :

    Elephantiasis Elephantiasis Elephantiasis Elephantiasis

    Elephantiasis Stages :

    • Pitting Edema

    This is the first stage of Lymphedema causing progressive swelling of limb along with pain or discomfort. You may find it difficult to fit the regular clothing on the affected leg. The symptoms are high during the day and gets better during night. Keeping the legs in elevated position can bring relief. Swelling appears to be reduced by morning.

    • Spontaneously Irreversible Lymphedema

    This is the second stage wherein the skin hardens. The swelling will not get reduced by morning and it progresses gradually.

    • Lymphostatic Elephantiasis

    Now the condition becomes irreversible. Permanent skin changes would happen and it may not be possible to grasp the skin with fingers at this stage.

    Elephantiasis and lymphedema are not the same and elephantiasis is the third (final) stage of lymphedema.

    Diagnosis :

    The doctor would first complete the physical examination. Lymphatic filariasis can be diagnosed by blood count tests which contains increase of eosinophils. In addition PCR tests, ELISA test (to detect antibodies) and blood cytology is done to detect microfilaria.

    Elephantiasis Treatment :

    Not a single approach is enough to treat elephantiasis. Combination of medications, therapy and surgery is the right way for managing the symptoms. Medications like diethylcarbamazine are prescribed for destroying the entire group of microfiliariae.  Doxycycline can be effective in arresting further accumulation of fluids. Albendazole and similar antihelminitic drugs are given. Anti-parasitic drugs like Ivermectin are prescribed with albendazole. Secondary infection from bacteria can be treated with suitable dosage of antibiotics. Surgery is done for removing the lymphatic tissue from the leg followed with radiation therapy. For people affected with sexual organs reconstructive surgery is to be done.

    Prevention Tips :

    People living in endemic regions can take a shot of DEC for each year. Mosquitoes should be destroyed using suitable insecticides and sprays so that transmission does not occur.

    Tuesday, May 10, 2016



    The parasitic worm called by name Wuchereria bancrofti causes elephantiasis and is carried by common flies and mosquitoes which inject the worms into the host cell. The prominent symptom of elephantiasis is enlargement of glands and swelling of lymphatic vessels. Mostly it affects the lower extremes of the body like legs and torso. The affected parts of limbs become enlarged due to accumulation of fluid discharge into the tissues. It causes severe inflammation with pain. Sometimes the skin develop ulcer like growth and grows dark on the affected area. Fever, discomfort, pain and chills are quite common in this disease.

    In rare cases, it may also attack the genitals of men and women. The scrotum gets inflamed and the penile area may get retracted below the skin getting hot and painful. In females, the vulva can be attacked creating tumor like growth on the skin and upper vagina. The lymph nodes become enlarged due to fluid collection.

    The primary cause for getting elephantiasis is mosquito bite and insect bites. Walking barefoot in the garden and following unhygienic practice is the major cause for getting this disease. Some tiny chemical particles will enter into the tissue of the legs while you walk on the soil with bare feet. Elephantiasis is common in African countries and small parts of Asia.

    Chemotherapy is given for destroying the adult worms in the lymph nodes. Medications like antrypol, diethyl carbamazine and mectizan are given to kill the worms. In severe cases, surgery is done to remove the damaged lymph nodes from the body. In recent times, massage therapy is also useful in curing the disorder.

    Pictures of Elephantiasis :

    Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Elephantiasis

    Elephantiasis Elephantiasis Elephantiasis Elephantiasis Elephantiasis Elephantiasis

    Monday, May 09, 2016

    Elephantiasis – Facts, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

    Elephantiasis – Facts, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

    Elephantiasis is an infection caused by filaria that causes abnormal enlarged limbs or other area of the body. This micro-organism causes obstruction in the free flow of lymphatic system resulting in accumulation of fluid (causing enlarged limb). In some people external genitals also get enlarged. Since the enlarged limb looks like the leg of an elephant, the term “elephantiasis” is used. Lymph is the fluid that flows in the lymphatic system and when the normal flow is blocked it leads to fluid accumulation in the body. Elephantiasis is caused by 3 kinds of worms and sometimes due to sexually transmitted diseases of bacterial infection. This disease can be managed by suitable medications and in many cases by combined approach of surgical procedure.

    Facts on Elephantiasis :

    • Elephantiasis can be described as Lymphatic Filariasis in medical terms which causes abnormal enlargement of organs.

    • It is reported that about 1.2 billion people across the globe are suffering from elephantiasis.

    • According to the statistics available more than 120 million people in the word are infected with this disease and among them 40 million have become incapacitated on account of this disease.

    • Elephantiasis can be prevented by taking preventive medications.

    • Often the limbs are largely affected by this disease leading to enlargement.


    How Lymphatic System Gets Blocked ?

    Lymphatic system operates as immune system in the body thus preventing the body against many infectious diseases. Lymph vessels are arranged in the form of network through which water like fluid called lymph flows. This fluid runs throughout the body and drains the nutrients in the bloodstream. When the lymph vessels are blocked by overgrowth of micro-organism it can stop the regular flow of lymph resulting in fluid accumulation. This can lead to massive swelling of organs involved.

    Signs and Symptoms of Elephantiasis :

    • Swelling of legs :

    This disease causes abnormal enlargement of limbs and other parts of the body. Often the legs or arms are affected. Swelling of leg occurs multifold and can cause social stigma. The swollen leg resembles the leg of an elephant.

    • Darkened Skin :

    The skin becomes very dry and thick giving pebbly appearance. Normal color of the skin changes in the infected area resulting in dark skin due to Hyperkeratosis. Other symptoms of elephantiasis include fever, chills, and general discomfort. It can also cause burning pain in the limb. For some people the external genitals become enlarged. Both men and women are infected by this disease.

    • Enlargement of Genitals :

    For males the scrotum gets enlarged and penis would get retracted beneath the skin. This can cause intense pain and warmth along with burning sensation. For females, vulva (genital part) gets thick and enlarged. A big tumor like mass would appear between the thighs causing intense pain while walking. For some women breasts can also become enlarged and over-sized. In addition to the above, if elephantiasis is not treated it can lead to secondary infection in any organs causing more complications.


    Causes :

    Any block in the free-flow of the lymph through the lymphatic vessels causes elephantiasis. Lymphatic system is distributed throughout the body and obstruction is caused by parasites called filariasis. Primarily elephantiasis is caused by 3 worms by name Brugia timri, Brugia malayi and Wuchereria bancrofti. These worms enter into the body and grow in the lymphatic system multiplying in number ultimately leading to blockage of lymph (liquid).

    Mode of Transmission :

    • Mosquitoes :

    The worms or parasites are generally carried by mosquitoes and when they bite it transfers the parasites (in larval stage) into the bloodstream.

    • Sexual Transmission :

    Elephantiasis causing enlargement of genitals can be caused by bacteria called Lymphogranuloma Venereum which can be transmitted through sexual intercourse. Another bacterium called Chlamydia Trachomatis can also cause obstruction of lymphatic system leading to swelling of genitals. In rare cases elephantiasis can also be caused by podoconiosis disorder. This occurs to people walking barefoot in the soil/garden wherein some minerals present in the soil can trigger immune system by mistake causing inflammation in the lymph vessels of legs and feet.

    • Protozoan Infection :

    For some people it can be caused by Leishmaniasis, a protozoan. Elephantiasis can develop after surgery or radiation therapy also wherein the removal of lymph nodes can lead to accumulation of lymph fluid resulting in swelling of organs. Research is going on to identify the complete gene structure of Brugia Malayi worm that causes this disease.


    Who Are Largely Affected ?

    People living in tropical regions like India, Africa, Southeast Asia and Southern America can develop elephantiasis. It can occur to any person irrespective of age and gender.

    Tests :

    The doctor would observe swelling of organs like limbs or hands with obvious enlargement. He would collect the complete medical history of the patient and order for collection of tissue sample from the enlarged limb to test it in the lab. Number of tests is done in the laboratory to confirm the diagnosis of lymph damage.

    Treatment :

    Based on the test results the doctor would start the treatment for underlying condition of lymph damage.

    Medications :

    Diethylcarbamazine is prescribed for filarisis associated lymphatic damage. For LGV doxycycline can be given. Powerful antibiotics like azithromycin are given for donovanosis.

    Surgery :

    • In most of the cases surgical intervention is done.

    • Reconstructive surgery is done for repairing the male genitals.

    • Unwanted lymph tissue is removed from the vulva region of females through surgery or radiation.

    • To prevent secondary infection powerful antibiotics like streptomycin are recommended.

    • At present, research work is going on to give preventive medicine to reduce the rate of transmission.

    Lifestyle Changes :

    • Reduce fatty foods in the daily diet.

    • Use insect repellants and mosquito nets to prevent their bites.

    Monitoring The Health :

    Even after completing the course of medication, the health of the patient will be regularly monitored for at least one year or more to observe any changes. Any signs of parasitic infections are checked and treated regularly.