Showing posts with label Eye Stye. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eye Stye. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Eye Stye

Eye Stye

A stye is a tiny red bump found on the base of eyelash and sometimes inside the eyelid. This develops when there is any infection on the glands of the eyelid or on the hair follicles. In medical terms stye is called as hordeolum. A stye is called external hordeolum when it develops on the base of hair follicle and it is called as internal hordeolum when it occurs on the glands. The gland is present beneath the eyelid which secretes oily liquid into the eyeball that keeps them well lubricated.

Stye infection is very similar to Chalazion in which a cyst develops on the glands of the eyelid. When stye is left untreated for long time, there is possibility for chalazion cyst to develop. It may cause scarring or inflammation around the meibomian gland. However chalazion is not painful, but stye causes pain.

Causes :

Infection occurring in the glands of the eyelid causes stye. Generally the glands keep the eyeballwell lubricated but due to some reason, the glands get clogged and cannot produce oily substance anymore. This results in the infection of meibomian glands. Very often, it is the Staphylococcus bacteria that cause stye infection on the glands and on the hair follicles of the eye. Most of the stye infection is caused due to bacteria. Stye can also develop due to Blepharitis when there is inflammation of the eyelids.

Symptoms :

The infected eye becomes red and tender. There may be mild pain on the affected area. Sometimes, eye may feel itchy. In advanced stages, the eyelid may develop swelling and discomfort. There may be watery discharge from the infected eye. Very often the eyes become sensitive to light. You can also see tiny yellowish spot around the bump which is nothing but the pus rising from the surface.

It is necessary to get your eyes treated when you see any of the symptoms above.

Diagnoses :

Your doctor will look for the signs and symptoms and prescribe suitable antibiotics.

Who is at risk ?

Stye can occur on people of any age group. People with a history of chronic illness like diabetes, blepharitis and seborrhea are more prone to eye infection than others. Individuals who are under stress will have the risk of getting eye infection. Sometimes, increased level of blood fats can trigger blockages in the eye glands causing stye.

Treatment – Home Remedy :

Most of the time, stye does not require any treatment and it will resolve on its own. You can apply warm compression over the affected eye for 10 minutes and repeat this process for 5-6 times a day. The symptoms of reddish eye and pus like discharge will settle down when you apply warm compress.

Medical Care :

If the stye does not respond to home remedy, then you can consult your doctor. He would prescribe antibiotic ointments for clearing the infection. For treating multiple stye infection, sometimes, oral antibiotics are also given.

In case of severe drainage from the infected eye, your doctor may lance the pus keeping you under local anesthesia.

Avoid using contact lenses and applying eyelashes when you get eye infection.

Pictures of Stye :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Stye

Stye Stye Stye Stye Stye Stye
Prevention :

Always keep the eye tools clean and don’t use more cosmetics on your eyes. Avoid sharing the eye cosmetic with others and do not touch your eyes without washing your hands.