Showing posts with label Eyelid Twitching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eyelid Twitching. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Eyelid Twitching

Eyelid Twitching

Twitching of eyelids is a repetitive action of blinking of eyelids or spasm on the upper eyelids. Twitching affects the muscles of the eyes and it is involuntary movement occurring for every minute or few seconds. Eyelid twitching can happen due to fatigue, more stress and intake of caffeine.

Eyelid twitching is often painless and resolves on its own. However it can be quite embarrassing if the spasms are strong to close the eyelids for few minutes. Again the intensity of twitching varies from one person to another. For some there can be spasms throughout the day and for some others they get it only when they are tensed or emotional. In rare cases, twitching of eyelids can be chronic leading to constant winking of eyelids. It will cause difficulty in opening the eyes.

Causes :

Very often eyelid twitching is the result of fatigue or stress. Once the spasms begin it will continue for few days and will disappear. It can be annoying for the person. In many cases, the concerned person will not even notice when the twitching has stopped and has been used to live with it.

In case of severe contractions the eyelids will completely close. And there can be irritation on the cornea or outer membrane/lining of eyelids. Exact reason for eyelid twitching is unknown. It can be due to lack of sleep or underlying eye infection. For some people it can be due to eyelid infection like Blepharitis or dry eyes. It can also be caused due to photo sensitivity. It can be caused due to the side effects of prolonged use of drugs for Epilepsy or psychosis.

Symptoms :

Eyelid twitching can be repeated and creating spasms of the eyelids. The person can experience difficulty in opening the eyes when it twitches uncontrollably. It can cause blurry vision and the eyes can become sensitive to light. In rare cases, it can be an indication of nerve disorder like Bell’s palsy, Parkinson’s disease and Dystonia.

Diagnoses :

Your doctor can identify twitching of eyelids by looking at the spasms involving the facial muscles. It can cause redness and watery discharge from the eyes. No special tests are necessary for diagnosing eyelid twitching. In case the doctor suspects neurological or brain related problem, he may refer to neurologist.

Treatment :

No treatment is necessary for casual eyelid twitching since it will disappear after some days. In case if twitching is accompanied by irritation of eyes or lining called conjunctiva you can manage it with over the counter artificial tears. Blepharospasm is usually harmless and will not occur when you sleep well. Botulinum injection is taken for managing eyelid twitching of type blepharospasm and hemifacial spasm. Botox injection is sent into the eye muscles to give relief from spasms. But one disadvantage in using this injection is it can recur and you need to repeat this course again.

Drugs like lorazepam, clonazepam and trihexyphenidyl are prescribed. Some people prefer to take alternative methods of treatment like acupuncture or chiropractic approach for managing eyelid twitching. If there is no response for other treatments, surgery can be done for blepharospasm twitching. The surgeon will gently remove some of the muscles and nerves that cause eyelid twitching.

Monday, May 09, 2016

Eyelid Twitching – Causes, Treatment, Remedies, Types

Eyelid Twitching – Causes, Treatment, Remedies, Types

What is Eyelid Twitching?

Are eyelid spasms wreaking havoc in your life? They can make people feel less confident and also cause an individual to fear if they are a symptom of various health problems. Many people do not realize that most of the time, they are just mild side-effects of an unhealthy lifestyle.

Those who are constantly put in stressful conditions and seek comfort in various vices are very prone to this sort of problem. It is not that big a deal unless it happens on a daily basis or does not resolve after a few hours. Should you be plagued by prolonged episodes of twitching, it would be best to consult a health-care professional with a degree in ophthalmology.

Eyelid twitching are spasms in the muscles of the upper or lower part of the eyelid. They are more formally called eyelid spasms. Most of these twitches are involuntary or harmless in nature. These are felt by the patient and visible to other people as well. Many cases resolve after a few minutes or hours. They come and go as they please.

More severe and extreme cases may last for months or weeks. If they are deep spasms in the eyelids or around the face, please seek the help of a health care practitioner. It may be a sign of a more serious condition.

Eyelid Twitching Causes

  • It is commonly a sign of a short term episode of stress. This includes those caused by staring at the computer for too long or focusing on intricate work. Reading a book under the wrong kind of lighting or magnification has been a common prelude to spasms of the eyes.

  • Squinting due to eye problems or too much sun exposure has also been identified as a culprit.

  • There is the possibility of nutritional imbalances. This could be caused by picky eating habits. Some scientists claim that magnesium deficiency can cause the dreaded eyelid twitching. If you suspect that you have vitamin or mineral deficiencies, please consult a reputable doctor before taking any sort of supplements.

  • Exhaustion and excessive amounts of caffeine are another cause.

  • Anxiety that is linked to panic disorders that can be relieved by rest or relaxation.

  • Dry eye is a common occurrence that can cause twitching. This is a mainstay in people who take medications like antihistamines and antidepressants. Those who take too much caffeine and under stress are commonly affected. With all the treatments available now, you can visit an ophthalmologist who may prescribe synthetic tears for this problem.

  • Possible allergies are notable causes.

Different Types of Eyelid Spasms

The Eyelid Twitch
This is a common and minor occurrence. It can be caused by the factors listed above. It is a harmless condition that requires the patient to rest and relax for it to subside.

The Essential Blepharospasm
It is extreme and involuntary that involves both of the eyes. The eyelids and or eyebrows involuntarily close. Vision is usually impaired when the spasm occurs. They rarely happen but when they do, you will not be able to go about your normal activities. This condition is caused by abnormal impulses of the nerve which produce the spasms. They present themselves just like the faMilial tremor.
The Hemifacial Spasm
This is a more severe type of eyelid twitching. It involves the eyelids and the orofacial muscles ( those around the mouth). The hemifacial spasm is caused by an artery that presses on one of the facial muscle nerves. This causes the whole face to twitch.

You're reading Eyelid Twitching – Causes, Treatment, Remedies, Types posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

Eyelid Twitching Treatment

For Eyelid Twitching
Eyelid twitching does not require any specific medical treatment. They usually resolve on their own after relaxation. To minimize the occurrences, health practitioners will recommend eliminating stressful activities. Warm or cold water flushes are commonly used on the area of concern. Remember never to use hot water.

Cut back on your sugar substitutes like Nutrasweet. Aspartame has the ability to cause or exacerbate eyelid twitching. The doctor may also as you to limit your intake of caffeine as it has been proven to cause this condition when large amounts are consumed (especially on a daily basis).

The Essential Blepharospasm
This sort of eyelid twitching will require a different kind of treatment. Milder cases can be controlled by the use of certain types of medication along with biofeedback. Whereas extreme cases will require botulinum (Botox) therapy or surgery.

Botulinum (Botox) treatment has been utilized for this type of problem. It can also help minimize the evidence of wrinkles. Botulinum is used to help paralyze the facial muscles of the area injected. It can last for a few months but will need to be repeated when the effects wear off.

This sort of treatment has a few unwanted yet common side effects. Although temporary, there have been reports of droopy eyelids, dry eyes and double vision. The more severe cases will be scheduled for surgery to relieve the problem. The nerve that causes the condition will be removed.

The Hemifacial spasm
Just like essential blepharospasm, Botulinum injections work wonders for this problem. Aside from that, a neurosurgical procedure is performed to get rid of the condition. This is done to relieve the pressure on the nerves. All surgeries have a possibility of causing various complications. The risk will always be there.

Eyelid Twitching Remedies

  • Flush out the affected eye with warm or cold water. This can help relax it and stop the eyelid spasms in their tracks.

  • Catch up on your sleep. The lack of proper sleep can trigger twitching. This may just be a sign of exhaustion.

  • Let go of all the stress. Take yoga classes to relax your inner self. Twitching has been linked to the presence of positive and negative stress factors. Those with anxiety attacks and panic disorders have episodes of this condition.

  • Eat healthy. Many nutritionists claim that eating a balanced diet can work wonders on your over-all health. This rule still applies to this sort of condition. Seek out the help of a nutritionist to talk about healthier food options to supplement your deficiencies.