Showing posts with label Fingernail Infection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fingernail Infection. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Fingernail Infection

Fingernail Infection

Fingernail infection is called as Paronychia in medical terms. It is the infection found on the edges of the fingernail and toenail. It is necessary to get it treated on time failing which there is chance for spreading to severe infection affecting the entire finger. This is the most popular type of hand infection affecting men and women equally.

For some people both the fingernails and toenails are affected.

Causes :

The main cause of fingernail infection is due to bacteria. It enters into the skin that surrounds the nail when the nail is damaged due to biting or dishwashing or due to any other injury. Fungus can also enter the nail causing paronychia and often this infection recurs in the same person.

Nail infection are predominantly caused by fungi belonging to the group dermatophytes. (Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton interdigitale commonly causes nail infection).

These microscopic organisms or pathogens enters the skin when there is a cut or scrapes on your fingers and thrive on the region of the nail-bed. They cannot tolerate sunlight and loves moisture.

Not washing the hands properly and injuring the hands during physical work are the main causes for fingernail infection.

Symptoms :

There will be redness along with swelling around the nail. Pain may or may not be there. The finger becomes sore to touch due to inflammation. Sometimes there can be pus collection inside the nails forming an Abscess. The intensity of pain varies on the nature of fungal infection and the damage caused to the nails.

Nails become thick and brittle and sometimes they become ragged and distorted due to fungal infection. In rare cases, the nail separates from the nail-bed protruding from the skin resulting in pain and pus formation. There can be itchiness on the area of infection.

Who are at risk?

People with reduced blood circulation, diabetic patients, and persons who sweat more are prone to nail infection. There are incidents for hereditary factor to show nail infection continues in family.

Individuals who work frequently in moist environment with bare hands can get fingernail infection. Persons with weakened immunity and those who are suffering from AIDS and other blood related disorders can also get this infection.

Diagnoses :

It is easy to detect fingernail infection on mere physical examination of the affected finger. Your doctor can tell you how intense the infection is and decide the course of treatment.

Treatment :

For mild form of infection, it is enough if you soak the finger in lukewarm soap water for some time. You can soak the finger for at least 10-15 minutes and repeat this process several times. This will reduce the intensity of inflammation and decrease the redness and soreness on the finger.

If the infection is severe with pain, then your doctor will treat the abscess by draining the pus inside.

He will use lidocaine or local anesthesia to create numbness in the finger so that you will not feel the pain. He would gently open the abscess using a scalpel and drain the pus inside the finger.

For some cases, he would place a wick inside the abscess so that it could drain completely. It is called packing wick and should be replaced within a day or two.

If you delay in visiting the doctor the infection may get severe and spread down under the fingernail which warrants nail removal. However the nail will grow after some days or weeks. For severe infection antibiotic creams or oral antibiotics are prescribed. Sporanox, fluconazole and Terbinafine are prescribed orally.

Topical creams and nail polish that contains antifungal lacquer like Penlac is given. Even after the surgical process of pus removal, you can soak the finger in antibiotic soap solution for 10-15 minutes a day to get comfort.

Pictures of Fingernail Infection :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Fingernail Infection

Fingernail Infection Fingernail Infection Fingernail Infection Fingernail Infection Fingernail Infection Fingernail Infection Fingernail Infection
Prevention :

You should use the fingernails sparingly. Do not bite it when you are tense or getting emotional. If your work involves working with water frequently then you need to wear rubber gloves for protecting your fingers.

In case you are diabetic watch your toenails and fingernails regularly.

Wash your hands before eating food and after using toilet. Be careful not to hurt your fingers while using knife to avoid cuts.

Fingernail Infection – Pictures, Symptoms, Treatment, Home Remedies

Fingernail Infection – Pictures, Symptoms, Treatment, Home Remedies

Other Nail Infections

Pseudomonas is another bacterial infection that occurs between the natural nail plate and the bed of the nail.

Tinea Unguis
Tinea Unguis is ringworm of the nails and is characterized by deformity, nail thickening as well as eventually results in nail loss.

Onychatrophia is a washing away of the nail plate that causes it to lose its luster, becomes smaller and often sheds entirely.

Onychorrhexis brittle nails that can very often vertically split, peel or/and have vertical ridges.

Onychauxis over-thickening of the nail plate – can be caused by internal disorders.

Leuconychia white lines or spots n the plate of the nail – may be caused by tiny air bubbles which are trapped in the layers of the nail plate due to trauma.

Beau’s Lines
Beau’s Lines nails characterized by lines of darkened cells which are horizontal as well as linear Depressions.
Kollonychia caused thru Iron Deficiency Anemia. Nails will show ridges which are raised as well as being thin and concave.

You're reading Fingernail Infection – Pictures, Symptoms, Treatment, Home Remedies posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

Melanonychia vertical pigmented bands most often described as nail “moles” which normally form in the matrix of the nail.

Pterygium inward advancement of the skin over the nail plate normally happens because of trauma to the matrix because of a surgical procedure or because of a deep cut to the nail plate.
Pterygium Inversum Unguis

Pterygium Inversum Unguis acquired condition characterized by a growth of the hyponychium which if forward and characterized by tissue which is living firmly attached to the underside of the nail plate and contains a blood supply and nerves.
Psoriasis of the nails

Psoriasis of the nails has raw, scaly skin and is often confused with eczema. When it attacks the plate of the nail, it leaves it pitted; dry as well as it will often crumble.


Acute Paronychia symptoms are:

  • The area which is affected often looks erythematous as well as swollen.

  • In the extreme cases, pus can gather beneath the skin of the fold which is lateral.

  • If not treated, this infection can expand into the eponyshium and is called sponychia.

  • Additional expansion of the infection may lead to the association of both lateral folds as it trails beneath the nail sulcus; this is known as an infection runaround.

  • In cases which are severe, the infection can trail proximally under the skin of the finger as well as volarly to produce a concomitant felon. The fulminant purulence of the nail bed generates enough pressure to lift the nail off the nail bed.

Chronic paronychia symptoms as follows

  • Erythematous, swollen, as well as tender nail folds without fluctuance are a feature of persistent paronychia.

  • Finally, the nail plates develop into thick and discolored with transverse creases.

  • The cuticles as well as nail folds can split from the nail plate, forming a space for the incursion of various microorganisms.


The most important treatment for infections of fingers or nail bed infections is antibiotics as well as appropriate wound care. The appropriate care of these wounds varies for each of the many diverse infections. This usually ranges from an easy slit and draining of the wound to a far-reaching examination by surgery of the lesion in order to eliminate as much contaminated material as possible.

Several of these infections may be cared for as an outpatient but there is some that do require inpatient treatment as well as IV antibiotics. Because the organisms which cause these diseases are similar, several of the same kinds of antibiotics can be used.

For Paronychia, this wound can be cared for with wound care alone. If any pus is current, it needs to be drained. This can be done in many diverse ways. Normally, a scalpel is used to create a straightforward incision over the gathering of pus to permit drainage. Or the scalpel can be inserted along the edge of the nail in order to permit drainage. For large infections, a portion of the nail may need to be removed. The physician will place the patient on oral antibiotic and discuss home wound care.

Home Remedies

Since infections of the finger do have the possibility to become severe, home care is rather inadequate. A very small infection can be handled at home if the person has no other medical illness to cause complication, for instance diabetes. The majority of these infections need urgent treatment as well as evaluation by a physician. Since any postponement in treatment can result in disability or loss of a finger, the patient should not be indecisive about obtaining medical care.

A simple and small infection will most likely react well to regular warm water soaking and elevation of that hand. If the finger shows no improvement in 1 to 2 days, medical treatment is advised.

Fingernail Infection Pictures