Showing posts with label Foot odor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Foot odor. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Foot Odor

Foot odor

There are thousands of sweat glands in our body and it obviously produces some extent of moisture in the feet. Bacteria find your feet an ideal place for dwelling owing to the favorable atmosphere producing foot odor. It is largely found on people who sweat a lot. Sweat generally does not have any odor but it would definitely produce foul smell when it has bacteria in it.

Sometimes, bacteria would tear the top layer (epidermis) of the skin causing intense infection. Very often, dampened shoes or socks are the major cause for foot odor. However it is easy to prevent foot odor by following simple routine of washing the feet with soapy water and keeping it dry and clean.

Causes :

Moisture is the real culprit for foot odor which gives room for the bacteria to thrive on it. Bacteria find it easy to grow on the moisture of the socks or shoes which have no space for evaporation. Eventually they will stick on to your skin causing foot odor.

Some other possible factors for bad smell in your foot include consumption of alcohol, stress, sweaty feet, hormonal imbalance and taking strong medications.

Symptoms :

Foot odor is marked by foul smell. It is more particular when the affected person removes his shoes or socks. Apart from bad smell, there can be intense sweating on the foot.

Prevention :

It is more easy to prevent getting foot odor than taking attempts to treat it.

You should follow regular hygiene when it comes to washing your feet. Always wear dry socks that have space for evaporation. Wash your feet regularly with warm water and dry it completely before wearing shoe or socks. Make it a practice to change your footwear daily so that it has breathing space for a day.

Try using disinfectant spray on your shoes. Sprinkle few amount of baking soda on your shoes for destroying bacteria. You can try applying castor oil paste on your feet for preventing it from any bacterial infection.

Treatment :

In case you are not able to overcome the foot odor by taking above home remedies, then it is time for you to consult your doctor. He may prescribe you good antibacterial soap or powder or any ointment for treating it.

You can use over the counter odor eaters or creams for getting rid of foot odor but in case of intense smell, you need to check with your podiatrist. He may prescribe you with ointments or foot powders to fight against bad smell. If you are looking for odor eater in the store, you can choose sodium bicarbonate powder as cheap alternative.

In case the foot odor is intense, your doctor may consider doing a surgery for cutting the nerve that manages sweating sensation.

Home Remedies :

Before spending on expensive products you can try some of these simple natural remedies for getting rid of foot odor.

• You should keep your feet immersed in warm water for few minutes daily and this will soften the skin and will remove that foul smell. By regularly doing this therapy you are not only removing foot odor but also strengthening your feet and softening it.

• Alternatively you can soak your feet in tea decoction for 10-15 minutes. Tannic acid present in the tea is effective in removing the sweat and drying your feet.

• Some people try using bleach powder but this should be used with caution. There is chance for over-drying the feet in this method.

• Prepare a mixture of warm water that contains sodium bicarbonate (20 gm) and soak your feet for 15 minutes daily. You will truly find this therapy useful in getting rid of bad smell.

Foot odor – Causes, Remedies, Treatment

Foot Odor – Causes, Remedies, Treatment

Foot odor Causes

The main reason some individuals have feet (and socks) that smell much worse than other peoples are because some individuals sweat more than others and the smell is a sign of overactive sweat glands. This Excessive Sweating develops an environment for the growth of excessive fungus as well as bacteria. And it is all these extra fungus and bacteria which causes the overwhelming odor. But there are other variable physiological reasons for excessive sweat – this is why there are times that a person’s feet smell worse than at other times. The excessive bacteria produces isovaleric acid which is what causes the odor of sweaty feet.

Causes of foot odor include:

  • Excess activity of sweat glands

  • Excessive anxiety

  • Various medications

  • Hormone changes

These causes of foot odor are not in anyway dangerous to your health but they do create an environment for the growth of microorganisms. Infections such as athlete’s feet or toenail fungus are easy to develop, so anyone with foot odor needs to take steps to keep hyperhidrosis from occurring.

Foot odor Remedies

  • Change – basically make frequent changes in shoes and especially socks and this gives odor producing fungus and bacteria less chance to grow.

  • Dust your feet – Twice daily dust your feet with a foot powder such as Tinactin as this will aid in killing fungus or bacteria which cause odor. But remember if your feet are already sweating, the power will only cake up on the feet and reduces its usefulness.

  • Synthetic socks – Instead of cotton socks use synthetic ones. They tend to be more absorbent and the less moisture, the fewer bacteria.

  • Odor controller – Inserts make with charcoal can be found at any drug store. Placing them in the shoes can absorb the odor. But, you need to use them with synthetic socks.

  • Cedar – These inserts are made with the smell of cedar and can help keep the shoes fresh when they are not being worn.

  • Natural materials – Shoes which are made with natural materials such as leather, canvas, or mesh allow the shoes to breathe better than man-made material such as plastic. They allow heat to escape.

  • What you eat – In many people, eating any hot, spicy foods can cause the odor by making the feet sweat. If you do eating anything extremely spicy make sure to wash your feet as soon as possible.

  • Tea – Tannic acid available in tea can help to eradicate foot odor. The method to do this is to make a container of tea without adding lemon or sugar and then pour it into a foot tub. After the tea has cooled, soak your feet for about 10 minutes. Soap and water will remove any stain that the tea might leave on the feet.

  • Domeboro – A time- honored foot odor remedy is bathing the feet 2 times each week in a foot bath made with a small package of Domeboro with warm water.

  • Lamb’s wool – For those who truly have excessive sweating, the individual can wrap their toes in small pieces of lamb’s wool. This is available in most drugstores. The lamb’s wool draws the moisture to it and absorbs it. But it needs to be change frequently during the day.

  • Antiperspirant – Use an antiperspirant spray on your feet after a shower or bath.

Foot odor Treatment

If after using the home remedies and you still have very sweating feet, you should speak with your family doctor for something strong to use on your feet. Two prescription sprays that your doctor can prescribe include:
Drysol is a prescription anti-sweating spray that contains aluminum chloride. This is used to plug some of the sweat glands. For the best results, on the first night that you use Drysol, you should cover your feet with plastic wrap after applying the spray. After that first spray, use Drysol once a week without covering the feet up.

You're reading Foot odor – Causes, Remedies, Treatment posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

For those feet that are really bad some doctors will prescribe Formalyde-10 spray. This contains both formaldehyde as well as mint. This is the “big guns” for the worst smelling feet and the spray definitely works for the most severe cases.

Other treatment:

Electric Current
Electrical current devices which pass a small electrical current thru the skin is often an effective way to diminish sweating for several weeks.

In the really most severe cases, a surgeon can cut a nerve which controls the sweating.