Showing posts with label Herpangina. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Herpangina. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016



Herpangina is a self limited disease which affects young children. It is a viral infection that attacks only during summer months. Group of virus causes this infection and Coxsackie virus is known to cause herpangina. Initially the infected child will have fever with Sore Throat, followed by development of blisters in throat and palate region. Anyone affected with herpangina finds it difficult to eat and drink and hence you need to monitor the children for preventing dehydration.

Causes :

Herpangina is a viral infection caused by Coxsackie virus and similar entero-virus group. Basically it spreads through fecal particles that accidentally get in touch with the skin of the child. It can also spread through saliva or air molecules causing respiratory problem. During the incubation period, the virus stays within the body of the child up to 2 weeks and during that period there will not be any symptoms.

Symptoms :

Fever, loss of appetite, sore throat, pain in swallowing and Headache are some of the signs for detecting herpangina infection. Blisters or lesions are formed on the mouth or throat and sometimes sores are also found in feet, hands and even on buttocks. The lesions are whitish grey in color and may cause pain and itching. Ulcers are found inside the oral cavity, uvula and tonsils region. Some people will have their lymph nodes enlarged. Skin Rashes are not present in all the people who are infected with herpangina.

Diagnoses :

Doctor can easily detect the virus on physically examining the body.

Treatment :

Ibuprofen and Tylenol is given for reducing pain and fever. You should always check that the child drink plenty of fluids each day even when he has discomfort in eating and drinking. Include foods that are soft and avoid irritating foods. Take ice cream, cold milk, dairy products, fruit juices and avoid fried and spicy items during the period of infection.

Topical ointments like benzocaine or lidocaine can be applied on the blisters to reduce inflammation.

Mouth wash can be done by the affected person several times a day to reduce pain and discomfort in mouth.

Since herpangia is a viral infection, antibiotics are not to be used. You should follow the instruction and prescription of the doctor for getting it cured completely.

Though this infection is similar to Hand Foot and Mouth Disease, it can be differentiated by the presence of blisters or lesions inside the mouth or at the back of the mouth.

Pictures of Herpangina :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Herpangina

Herpangina Herpangina Herpangina Herpangina Herpangina Herpangina Herpangina Herpangina
Complications :

If not treated early, herpangia in children may land up in dehydration and even hospitalization.

Prevention :

The ideal way to avoid this viral infection is to follow hygiene when you eat and when you are using public places.

Monday, May 09, 2016

Herpangina – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Contagious, Pictures

Angina">Herpangina – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Contagious, Pictures

What is Herpangina?

Herpangina is a viral illness common in young children characterized by ulcer-type sores in the mouth. The ulcers are usually white or grayish-white with an open, indented center and a red, inflamed border. Anyone can contract herpangina, but it is most common in children age 3 to 10, especially those that attend school or daycare.

Herpangina Symptoms

The symptoms of herpangina are listed below:

  • Painful ulcers and/or sores in the mouth, particularly on the roof of the mouth.

  • Sore Throat and painful swallowing.

  • Lack of appetite and unwillingness to eat, especially in younger children.

  • Fever, malaise, tiredness, generalized “feeling bad”.

  • Headache.

Herpangina Causes

Herpangina is caused by Coxsackie group A viruses. Although they are not the same illness, herpangina is related to Hand Foot and Mouth Disease, which is caused by another strain of the Coxsackie virus. Herpangina is spread primarily through contact with saliva or feces. One of the reasons herpangina is more common in children is because they are more like to use the restroom without thoroughly washing their hands, sneeze or cough into their hands, or chew on toys that other children may play with.

Herpangina Treatment

Treatment for herpangina consists of comfort measures to reduce the symptoms of the illness. Because it is viral, antibiotics are not effective against herpangina. However, the virus is does not live long and symptoms of herpangina usually resolve within 4 to 7 days.

You're reading Herpangina – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Contagious, Pictures posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

Treatment of the symptoms of herpangina consist of the following:

  • Over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol (acetaminophen) or Advil (ibuprofen) can be used every 4 hours to reduce pain and fever per dosage instructions on the package.

  • Over-the-counter topical anesthetic throat sprays can be used to reduce throat pain.

  • Doctors may prescribe a prescription anesthetic for the mouth and throat, such as xylocaine or benzocaine, for severe pain and disturbance in normal fluid and food intake.

  • Cold drinks and foods, especially popsicles and dairy products (ice cream, sherbet, cold milk), can be soothing to the mouth and throat.

  • Avoid any foods with coarse texture, hot temperature, or that are spicy or acidic (tomatoes, citrus fruits) as these can aggravate the ulcers in the mouth and throat.

  • Plenty of rest helps the body fight off the virus more quickly. Children especially need quiet, low-energy activities, such as coloring, watching movies, or playing board games.

Is Herpangina Contagious?

Herpangina is very contagious, particularly among children age 3 to 10. Although herpangina is more prevalent during the summer, outbreaks do occur in school, day care centers, and other areas where many children are together in group settings. Because herpangina is a common illness and is relatively short-lived with no long-term effects, there are no studies on the frequency of occurrence or number of cases each year.

The best prevention of herpangina is to give careful attention to hand hygiene because it passed from person to person through microscopic traces of feces and saliva. Make sure children wash their hands carefully after using the restroom, after coughing and sneezing, and after being in contact with other children. It is also helpful to make sure children understand they should not share cups, eating utensils, toothbrushes, lip glosses, or other items that touch the lips or mouth.

Herpangina Pictures

herpangina pictures

herpangina pictures

herpangina pictures