Showing posts with label Herpetic Whitlow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Herpetic Whitlow. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Herpetic Whitlow

Herpetic Whitlow

Herpes Simplex virus 2 is the main reason for causing painful infection on the fingers which is called as herpetic whitlow. Both HSV 1 and HSV 2 are responsible for causing this infectious disease on hands. There would be considerable pain with swelling of fingers and predominantly it affects index finger and thumb. It would start as low grade fever prior to the infection of fingers. The chance of getting infection is more in workers who work in atmosphere prone to waste materials or genital secretions. The infection spreads if anyone comes into direct contact with affected person. Since HSV virus easily infects people who does not follow hygiene in toilet training children are prone to get this infection easily.

Symptoms :

The disease is characterized by reddish spots or lesions on the fingers. The index finger or the thumb is mostly affected with infection. There would be severe pain with inflammation of the fingers. The fingers become tender and Edematous and look swollen. It would be difficult to carry on daily routine in using the fingers for writing or holding anything. You can observe the group of lesions or bumps present in the fingers which is filled with pus like fluid. The drainage is mostly clear but sometimes cloudy containing traces of blood in it. The infection will easily spread to other parts of the fingers and hands. Lesions are rarely formed in mouth and genital area.

The virus will begin its attack anywhere from 2-20 days of entering the body. Extreme tiredness and reduced physical sensation in the finger is the major sign of this disease. Blisters will be formed at the end of 7-10 days and the lymph nodes below the armpit become unusually tender.

Who are at risk?

People who are frequently in contact with HSV type of virus at workplace are at constant risk of getting herpetic whitlow. Group of individuals working as doctors, nurses and in beauty salons belong to this category. If a woman engages sexually with her partner having infection on his genitals then she has increased chance of getting the same infection. Since the infection often spread through fingers, it is necessary to educate children to wash their hands after using toilet and before eating food.

Causes :

Herpes simplex virus is the major cause for this disease. People who are exposed to virus in workplace and those who are following poor hygiene in toilet are prone to get this infection. Individuals who are affected with herpes lesions and herpes labialis are at the risk of getting herpetic whitlow due to auto-inoculation. People affected with autoimmune disorders like HIV, cancer etc have increased chance of getting infected.

Diagnoses :

The doctor can identify the infection by looking at the lesions on the fingers. Further he may ask you about the history of workplace or your habit of using public toilets. He would collect few drops of liquid from the lesions and perform viral culture test or Tzanck test for identifying the virus.

Treatment :

Treatment is given initially for removing the symptoms of inflammation and pain on the fingers. Acyclovir is prescribed either orally or as topical cream which can provide great relief to reduce the symptoms.

High dosage of this medicine can also reduce the risk of getting infected again. Valacyclovir or Famciclovir are also given for treating herpetic whitlow. The purpose of taking this drug is to prevent inoculation of spreading this infection orally or transmitting the infection to others. These drugs are effective in preventing complications and decrease the rate of transmission. Very often the same drugs are used for treating HSV 1 and 2. Apart from antiviral medicines the infected person will be given Ibuprofen for tolerating pain.

After complete recovery, the virus may still remain dormant on the person and move to peripheral ganglia. It may recur second time but the symptoms are not that severe and the infection will settle in few days.

Pictures of Herpetic Whitlow :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Herpetic Whitlow

Herpetic Whitlow Herpetic Whitlow Herpetic Whitlow Herpetic Whitlow Herpetic Whitlow Herpetic Whitlow Herpetic Whitlow

Prevention :

Do not share towels and use public toilets. To avoid spreading, cover the infected blisters with dry plaster. Doctors and nurses who treat HIV patients should wear rubber gloves. Beauty therapists should avoid treating individuals with herpes infection.

Monday, May 09, 2016

Herpetic Whitlow – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Contagious, Pictures

Herpetic Whitlow – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Contagious, Pictures

What exactly is Herpetic Whitlow?

This is an infection also referred to as finger herpes, digital Herpes Simplex or hand herpes. This is a painful infection in the area of the fingertip that is caused by the herpes virus. In fact, herpetic whitlow is the most common virus infection of the hand. It is often misdiagnosed as felon that is another serious finger infection or as a Paronychia which is a nail infection.

Infections to the finger are a very common situation and can range from mild to some cases possibly serious. Other times infections begin small and very easy to treat. But failure to treat these infections can cause complications and herpetic whitlow is one of these complications.

Herpetic Whitlow Symptoms

Symptoms include:

This infection normally starts with swelling and inflammation that is painful on one or even more fingers. The area of the infection turns red and redness is a very common symptom of this virus. There are often lesions over the affected area of the thumb or finger. The entire area is tender to the touch and in many individuals the tenderness is actually very painful. There can be a burning or tingling sensation in some individuals. This pain and swelling in some cases can be accompanied by a high temperature but this is mostly in cases that are rare. In some cases, the patients may also develop inflammation of the lymph nodes located under the arms.

Herpetic Whitlow Causes

This infection is mostly caused by herpes simplex virus or HSV 1 and 2. These are viruses that are mostly located in the genital or oral secretions. Dentists as well as other medical care workers are constantly open to these viruses and often suffer from this infection.

Individuals with immunity that is low are also at risk of this infection. Individuals with HIV have a high risk of infection.

In children, the orofacial region is the primary site of HSV infection. Chewing the fingers or thumbs are ways that this virus is transmitted from the mouth by children. HSV 1 is the main infection in children while HSV 2 is the cause of infections in adolescents as well as adults.

Recurrent HSV infections are fairly common and triggers include:

  • Sun exposure

  • Fever or illness

  • Hormonal changes

  • Trauma

  • Stress

  • Surgery

Herpetic Whitlow Treatment

Self Care Guidelines
Ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help in the reduction of pain as well as the fever caused by this infection. Cool compresses or ice packs can be applied to the area to also help in relieving some of the inflammation, swelling and discomfort.
Since HSV infections are highly contagious, it is vital to observe the following steps in order to prevent transmission of the virus during the infectious stages of herpetic whitlow:

You're reading Herpetic Whitlow – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Contagious, Pictures posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

  • Avoid the sharing of towels and other personal items

  • Cover the infected finger with bandages

  • Wear gloves if you are a medical care provider

  • Do not pop blisters as this can make the problem worse

Regrettably, this virus will still be able to be spread even when there are no active lesions. But it is rare for individuals with herpetic whitlow.

Seeking medical care
A physician should be seen if an individual develops a painful, tender sore on the finger, particularly when it is not going away or seems to be getting worse.

Medical treatment
Most infections are very easy for a primary care physician to diagnose – but occasionally a swab of the infected skin can be sent to the lab for viral cultures. Tests of the blood may be performed as well.

Infections by HSV that are untreated will get better on their own, but drugs from a physician can diminished the symptoms as well as reduce the length of the outbreaks. There is not any cure for the herpetic whitlow infection.

Your physician will often prescribe antiviral medications to help relieve symptoms as well as to prevent the spread of this infection to others. These medications include:

  • Valacyclovir oral

  • Acyclovir oral

  • Famciclovir oral

  • Acyclovir ointment topical

These medications are normally taken for seven to fourteen days. Herpetic whitlow that is more severe can also need oral antibiotic pills if the area is infected also with bacteria.

In rare cases, patients can have recurrent infections of herpetic whitlow that are severe enough or frequent enough to rationalize suppressive treatment where medications are taken every day so as to decrease the severity or rate of recurrence of attacks.

Herpetic Whitlow Contagious

Many wonder if herpetic whitlow is infectious. It is an infectious disease caused by the herpes simplex virus and can be transmitted from one local area to other areas of the body. Spreading between individuals is also possible.

Herpetic Whitlow Pictures

herptic whitlow pictures

herptic whitlow pictures

herptic whitlow pictures

herptic whitlow pictures