Showing posts with label Hypercapnia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hypercapnia. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016



Hypercapnia is the condition in which there is increased level of carbon dioxide in blood. This condition is closely associated with hypoxemia (low level of oxygen) which causes breathing difficulty. It is customary to inhale oxygen and exhale Co2. But due to some medical conditions, the process of normal respiration gets disturbed causing high level of carbon dioxide. (Normal level is 45 mm of Hg). Hypercapnia is an emergency medical condition and the patient needs to be hospitalized for immediate treatment.

Causes :

Loss of consciousness, lung disease, COPD, hyperventilation, overdose of drugs and repeated seizures can cause hypercapnia. Sometimes, it can be caused due to formation of lesions or bumps in the brain which may block the nerve signals of respiration. Even the condition of Obstructive Sleep Apnea can cause hypercapnia. Sometimes it can be caused due weakness in the skeletal muscles.

If the person is kept exposed to higher levels of carbon dioxide for long time, it can trigger hypercapnia. This condition can also be caused due to initial inhalation of supplementary oxygen by a patient with underlying medical problems like sleep apnea.

Symptoms :

Some of the common signs of hypercapnia are rapid breathing, difficulty in breathing, drowsiness, Headache, inability to think and sleepiness. All the above symptoms are indicative of respiratory failure and the affected person should be immediately hospitalized. In some people, there may be dizziness, flushed skin, increased heart rate, palpitation and muscle twitches.

Treatment :

The doctor will first examine the patient and act rapidly to give treatment depending on the condition of the patient and severity of hypercapnia.

Non invasive ventilation therapy is given for patients who suffer from chronic problems of respiration. It can be in the form of CPAP or BiPAP to control the respiratory failure. In this method, artificial ventilation is provided to the patient by means of upper airways. It would certainly improve the breathing process if the patient cannot breathe. A tight fitting mask is placed on the nose of the patient and a mixture of oxygen and air is sent through the nasal mask. This procedure is called non-invasive positive pressure ventilation. The patient will be given continuous supply of oxygen till he restores normal respiration.

However this procedure is not suited for all patients with breathing problem and your doctor should decide the course of treatment.

Mechanical ventilation is yet another method wherein machines are used for supporting breathing. A long tube is inserted into the person’s mouth or nose and is pushed into the lungs through which oxygen is pumped. It is also known as endo-tracheal intubation. This process is followed for patients who have lost normal respiration due to illness or sudden injury. The same procedure is implemented when a person is operated surgically under local anesthesia.

In case respiratory problem is due to drug overdose, then antidote medicines are given in the form of naloxone and flumazenil. If needed, cardiopulmonary resuscitation is done for the patient during emergency.

People who have chronic problems like Asthma and Bronchitis and Emphysema are treated with artificial respiratory methods. The main aim of giving treatment is to increase the oxygen level and decrease the CO2 levels in the lungs. It would also reverse hyperventilation thus facilitating normal breathing pattern of the patient.

Monday, May 09, 2016

Hypercapnia – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Hypercapnia – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

What is Hypercapnia?

First of all, it is also known as: increased CO2 levels as well as high CO2.  This is the term referring to increased levels of carbon dioxide, which is the waste product of respiration, in the blood system.  Those individuals who suffer with COPD or other respiratory diseases have problems moving air into and out of the lung.  This simply means that it is difficult for their lungs to exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide, which is an essential process of the overall process of breathing.  Carbon dioxide in the blood can lead to low levels of oxygen in the blood which is referred to as hypoxemia also with the high levels of carbon dioxide– or hypercapnia.

Patients with diseases such as COPD have problems with the movement of air into and out of the lungs.  This means it is also problematic for the lungs to interchange oxygen for carbon dioxide, all of which are essential parts of breathing properly.  This may lead to low levels of oxygen in the blood – or hypoxemia as well as level of carbon dioxide – hypercapnia.

As mentioned above hypercapnia is the buildup of carbon dioxide in the blood system.

Hypercapnia Symptoms

Hypercapnia develops rather slowly over time and is very mild  to the extent of not even showing any symptoms at all.  When symptoms do develop they might initially include:

  • Headache

  • Inability to think straight

  • Drowsiness or sleepiness

Symptoms of more severe hypercapnia can eventually lead to what is known as “respiratory failure” as well as possible death, and these late symptoms include:

You're reading Hypercapnia – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

  • Skin that is flushed

  • Rapid breathing

  • Dizziness

  • Blood Pressure increase

  • Heart  rate increase

  • Muscle twitches.

Hypercapnia Causes

The causes can be many ranging from lungs being in bad shape due to smoking or breathing chemical at a job to some predisposed condition where problems with lungs are genetic. All it really means is that for some reason the lungs are damaged so the individual is not able to inhale or exhale fully so that not enough oxygen reaches the blood system and instead there is gradually a built up of CO2.

Other examples of conditions that can lead to hypercapnia include:

Hypercapnia Treatment

Treatment for hypercapnia is dependent upon now bad the disease is, and begins with finding the underlying cause and treating it. If this is unproductive, additional management may include:

  • Positive Pressure ventilation and is non-invasive–BiPAP or CPAP

  • Intubation together with ventilation that is mechanical