Showing posts with label Ileocolitis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ileocolitis. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016



Ileocolitis is a type of Crohn’s disease and is also called as Inflammatory Bowel Disease. This disorder normally affects the ileum and colon simultaneously; hence the name “ileocolitis” is given. Ileocolitis occurs in one half of the people who suffer from Crohn’s disease. In severe cases, the affected parts of the colon or ileum can become contagious thereby spreading to other areas like small intestine and large intestine.

This disease affects the ileum and large intestine and is a chronic inflammatory disorder causing digestive problems.

Causes :

Ileocolitis is an autoimmune disorder caused by the body’s own immune system. The defense mechanism of the body instead of protecting the tissue will start attacking the healthy cells. The chronic inflammation in the rectum or ileum damages the wall of the intestine which would become thicker in size than normal. Improper diet and stress are other causes of ileocolitis.

Some believe that this disorder can be hereditary wherein it is passed on to next generation through carrier genes of the parents. Since this disease involves immune system, people who are in the developing ages (20-30) are more prone to get this problem than adults.

This is a disease caused by mucus and hence one should limit taking acidity foods. Acidosis is the main reason for causing inflammation of the ileum and colon. Smoking may also increase the risk of ileocolitis.

People who work in the atmosphere prone to industrial pollution have increased chance of getting this problem.

Symptoms :

Some of the common signs of this disorder are swelling of intestine, pain in the abdomen, fever, loss of appetite, digestive problems and Diarrhea. Depending on the area affected it may cause ulcerous growth like sores and inflammation. Fistulas may be formed on the rectal area causing pain along with pus like discharge.

Tests :

Your doctor may perform Colonoscopy or CT scan of abdomen for detecting the intensity of the problem. If needed, MRI test may be done for identifying the depth of illness. Stool test, blood test and barium enema are also done in some cases.

Treatment :

Basically ileocolitis is formed due to acidity and inflammation of the ileum (colon) and hence avoid eating in bulk. You can try eating small meals frequently and drink lot of water. Take healthy nutritious diet that contains high fiber quantity. Avoid eating fatty or fried foods and limit your intake of milk and milk related products, in case you have problems of digestion while eating dairy products.

You can take loperamide to manage diarrhea. To control pain you can take aspirin or ibuprofen.

Prescription medicines include aminosalicylates, sufasalazine and corticosteroids. Some doctors prescribe azathioprine for treating ileocolitis that would control the immune system response. Biologic therapy is also recommended for patients with severe forms of Crohn’s disease. Antibiotics are given for patients for whom bacterial infection is the cause for inflammation.

Some people need to be hospitalized and feeding is done through nasogastric method or put on intravenous fluids, for giving rest to the colon.

In severe cases, surgery of bowel resection is done for removing the damaged part of the intestine. Again surgery is the only option for patients with hemorrhage and fistulas.

Herbal remedy comes in the form of Aloe Vera resin, cascara sagrada and other laxative herbs. You can increase the intake of catalyst herbs like ginger, cloves, cayenne and cinnamon.

Switching over to vegetarian diet is highly beneficial for patients who suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome and bowel inflammatory disease. You can also try taking lukewarm water added with sea salt or a cup of celery juice.

Complications :

If left untreated for long time, ileocolitis can cause bowel obstruction and ulcers. Since the walls of the colon become thick, it can restrict normal bowel movement which may cause ulcerous growth on its walls. There is chance for developing malnutrition due to lack of appetite and in rare cases, it may lead to cancer on the colon or rectum.

Monday, May 09, 2016

Ileocolitis – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Ileocolitis – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

What is Ileocolitis?

Iloecolitis is one of the types of Crohn’s disease which involves our ileum and large intestine. This is a chronic, inflammatory disorder that involves the colon and has serious digestive problems. The inflammatory disorder was first identified and described in the year 1932, at that time where digestive problems were at peak. Those commonly affected of the digestive condition are the teenagers and the young adults. The condition is also reported to be recurrent and chronic.


In order for the condition to be diagnosed, these tests are performed:

  • Blood test – This shall involve CBC, in order to asses for presence of an infectious process.

  • Stool culture – This would help in the identification of the causative agent or the presence of the problem.

  • Colonoscopy – This is a viewing procedure that shall observe the colon for any inflammatory process.

  • Barium enema – This involves the use of radiographic viewing and a contrast dye in order to view the bowels effectively. This has been the gold standard test for Crohn’s disease.

  • Ileocolitis Symptoms

    This condition is considered as the most common form of Crohn’s disease. As already mentioned, it affects our ileum and our small and large intestine. Eventually, the person affected of this condition shall experience the following symptoms:

    • Weight Loss, most common manifestation

    • Diarrhea

    • Abdominal pain usually found in the lower right part of the abdomen

    Complications of Ileocolitis

    Complications cannot be avoided with this digestive problem. There are instances where it has been diagnosed late or in its severe state that complications would easily arise. Here are the following common complications of the ileocolitis and other Crohn’s disease:

    Bowel obstruction

    Because there is alteration of the digestive tract, there shall be high risk for bowel obstruction as the thickness of the colon may be altered. As this happens, the flow of digestive contents shall be affected and may lead to obstruction.


    This is also possible because our own body defense may attack the digestive wall. As this happens, ulceration in the colon may happen; even in the anal area is a possible area of ulcer formation.


    This is a known complication as the disease condition involves the digestive tract, which is responsible for the absorption of important nutrients for nutrition. This complication is made possible because of the inability to absorb enough nutrients for the body to become nourished.


    There is a possibility that a person becomes at risk of developing Colon Cancer as one acquires ileocolitis or Crohn’s disease.

    Ileocolitis Causes

    The condition is said to be idiopathic, meaning from an unknown cause. But diet and stress has been frequently pointed out as precipitating factors of the condition. These are believed to be factors that aggravate the condition:
    When a family member has suffered or has been suffering from Crohn’s disease, they are placed in a greater risk for developing ileocolitis. It is believed that there is a specific gene that triggers the disease condition. According to studies, the gene identified is NOD2 or CARD15. But there are instances where family history does not involve the triggering of the disease process.

    You're reading Ileocolitis – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

    Immune system
    There has been some speculation that a viral and bacterial agent may cause the disease condition. As there is some viral infection, tendency of the immune system is to fight off the disease while there shall be a possibility that one’s own immune system attacks the digestive tract, unknowingly.

    Those mostly affected of the disease are people who are young, and most probably those who have not reached full capacity of their immune system. According to reports, those ages 30 years and below are more commonly affected.

    Those heavy smokers are mostly affected of ileocolitis. This bad habit contributes to the disease process and may even lead to a more severe form of the condition.

    The environment plays a big role in the development of the ileocolitis. Living in an industrialized area would place a person at a greater risk of the condition.

    Ileocolitis Treatment

    The treatment for ileocolitis involves reduction of the inflammation that is currently placing the patient in a hard condition. Here are the medical remedies for ileocolitis:

    Anti-inflammatory drugs

    This shall reduce the inflammation and reduce the presenting symptoms that one is experiencing. These drugs include sulfasalazine, mesalamine and corticosteroids.


    These shall help reduce the inflammatory process that induces the problem. Here are the drugs commonly prescribed; azathioprine, infliximab, adalimumab, certolizumab, methotrexate, cyclosporine and natalizumab.


    These can also treat the underlying bacterial agent that may have caused the condition.

    Anti-diarrheal agents

    To avoid dehydration, this drug is provided to lessen the bowel movements.