Showing posts with label Infected Belly Button Piercing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Infected Belly Button Piercing. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Infected Belly Button Piercing

Infected Belly Button Piercing

When a piece of jewelry is placed on your belly, it moves back and forth and rubs against your clothes. Very often, the belly piercing gets infected, when touching it with fingers. You may unknowingly, touch it with dirty fingers. Sometimes, when you are bathing in bathtubs, the water may accumulate on the jewelry and piercing area which give rise to bacterial growth.

Make it a point to cover the belly piercing with waterproof bandage before you take bath or swim.

Being the dark and moist area, belly button is the ideal place for the growth of microorganisms.

Symptoms :

The belly piercing area is infected if it turns red and swollen. For some people, there may be pus like liquid discharge with foul smell from the belly. The area will be hot to touch and it may ooze green or yellowish pus. It is a clear sign of infection and it is time for you to take treatment.

There may be redness, swelling, itching with pain for some people. The more the infection is, the more will be the discharge. If left untreated, there is every possibility for developing navel infection or Abscess.

The first sign of infection is the redness, warmth and pain in the belly.

Treatment :

Antibiotic is the best remedy for treating belly Piercing Infection. You can consult your doctor instead of using over the counter medicines for treating such infection.

The more you delay, the more will be the infection. When you can feel warm in the area with pus like discharge, you have to treat it immediately.

Next you need to check, if you are wearing the right size of jewelry. In case it is very tight, then you have more chance for infection. Make sure that you are doing piercing from trained professional who use sterile equipments for piercing.

If you don’t have greenish or yellow discharge from the belly button, then you can very well remove the jewelry and give space for the belly to heal on its own. For many people, it is the wrong jewelry that causes trouble.

You can wash away the infected area with saline water or tea tree oil. Some people use vinegar for treating the infection. After washing, give time for drying before you apply water based lotion for healing.

Apply antiseptic cream for treating fungal or bacterial infection. You can use hot compresses on it for getting relief from pain.

Pictures of Infected Belly Button Piercing :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Infected Belly Button Piercing

Infected Belly Button Piercing Infected Belly Button Piercing Infected Belly Button Piercing Infected Belly Button Piercing Infected Belly Button Piercing Infected Belly Button Piercing Infected Belly Button Piercing

Infected Belly Button Piercing

Infected Belly Button Piercing

Symptoms of an Infected Belly Button Piercing

You should take belly button piercing seriously. This is not something to be treated lightly as this poses an impending doom. In fact, belly button piercing does not heal all too fast. For some people, it may take almost a year for the belly button piercing to get completely healed. It is also imperative to treat the belly button piercing with utmost care and as well as observe proper hygiene. Aside from that, it also matters to know the signs and symptoms of an infected belly button piercing which can be manifested by the following:

  • Tenderness – This just goes away with time.

  • Redness – This is also not a reliable indicator of an infected belly button piercing since just like tenderness, this also resolves fast.

  • Pain – This is the dominantly felt by people with infected belly button piercing. People who had experienced such reported that they felt sharp pain in the area.

  • Swelling – This also accompanies pain.

  • Discharge – Soon as the belly button piercing gets infected, greenish discharge may also be present.

  • Foul odor

  • Blisters

  • Warmth around the area

  • Pus

Once you have noted any of these symptoms, it is critical that you seek for medical attention the soonest time possible so as to prevent undue damages.


The primary cause of an infected belly button piercing is the unsanitary way of how the procedure was done. It can also be due to the unsterilized equipment.

You're reading Infected Belly Button Piercing posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.


Most people have a wrong notion that when their belly button gets infected, they would almost immediately take off the belly button ring. That should not be it. This will only lead to the formation of Abscesses in the area. The best thing to be done once an infected belly button piercing is suspected is to keep the jewelry in place and seek for medical treatment right away.

Here are a few tips on how to properly care for an infected belly button piercing:

  • Wash the area with saline.

  • Soak a cotton ball in a cup of water with salt and apply it on the affected site. This can be done at least two times daily.

  • Apply antibiotic creams available over-the-counter. This is only applicable to mild to moderate cases. Severe cases should seek the attention of a medical professional.

  • Clean the affected area with hydrogen peroxide solution. However, you should stop using hydrogen peroxide once the infection has already subsided.

  • Do not wear irritating clothes.

  • Consult your physician if the symptoms still persist.

An infected belly button can bring about lots of discomforts. Thus, it is crucial to prevent this from taking place. Only trust the professionals when you decide to get one.

Infected Belly Button Piercing Pictures

infected belly button piercing pictures

infected belly button piercing pictures

infected belly button piercing pictures

infected belly button piercing pictures

Monday, May 09, 2016

Infected Belly Button Piercing – Symptoms, Causes, Signs, Home Remedies, Treatment

Infected Belly Button Piercing – Symptoms, Causes, Signs, Home Remedies, Treatment

Belly button is more private than other parts like ears, nose and lips. More and more women are interested to get belly button piercing done. There are few cases of developing an infection and very few cases of rejection. The navel area does not have compatibility with the jewelry and hence it rejects it. There are some risk factors associated with belly button piercing and there are some fashion factors and enhanced beauty factors in relation with belly button piercing.

infected belly button piercing

Symptoms :

Belly button would normally do not develop any infection except in few cases of using unsterilized needle and intolerance. Some of the signs of belly button infection include pain in and around the navel area, redness, tenderness and discomfort. It is quite normal for having mild pain initially after piercing and the discomfort would be there for 2-3 days. For some women it can cause soreness and yellow discharge which is nothing but production of lymph fluid.

Causes :

The major cause of belly button Piercing Infection is using unhygienic instruments and following poor hygiene. Touching the navel area frequently can increase the chance of getting infection. You would carry contaminated particles in your fingers that are transferred to the newly infected site causing bacterial infection. If the bedding is not clean or if the clothing is not clean you can get infected. Using dirty hands for cleaning the navel can also lead to serious infection.

infected belly button piercing

Signs of Serious Infection :

  • You can feel irritation and itchy feeling around the belly button.

  • The skin around the navel becomes highly sensitive and cause pain even by slight rubbing of your shirt.

  • Thickness of the navel area has reduced significantly and you can see the ring has become looser than it was before.

  • The size of the button grows around the area of piercing.

  • You can find Keloid or bumps developing on the site of navel piercing.

  • In severe cases it can produce discharge of fluid from the hole.

  • The area of belly button has developed swelling and causes significant pain.

All the above symptoms indicate serious infection and it is time for you to check with your GP.

infected belly button piercing

Home Remedies :

  • It is enough if you keep the belly button clean and dry.

  • Wear only loose clothing and avoid using tight waist bands etc. It can delay the process of healing not allowing free air inside.

  • Change the jewelry only after proper healing and if you are not sure you can always seek help from professional piercer for changing it.

  • Avoid touching the navel frequently.

  • Avoid bathtubs for few days since it may carry plenty of bacteria and virus. Opt for taking showers.

  • Never use the soap or soap solution directly on the site of piercing.

  • To reduce swelling and pain you can use sea salt solution. Clean the area with this solution 3-4 times a day from the next day of piercing. This would considerably reduce the chance of infection.

infected belly button piercing

Medical Treatment :

  • Over the counter painkillers like ibuprofen and similar drugs can be used for managing pain.

  • Take mild antibiotics if you are sure that it the area is infected.

  • Your doctor would suggest you suitable antibiotics in case of soreness and bump formation.