Showing posts with label Internet Addiction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Internet Addiction. Show all posts

Saturday, July 01, 2017

What Is Internet Addiction and How to Break It?

What Is Internet Addiction and How to Break It? Internet addiction? You are probably wondering whether it is possible for someone to get addicted to the Internet. Well, this otherwise dynamic and positive force of technology can also become negative and debilitating. Just like the drinking of alcohol, purchasing of items and the eating of food can become addictive, so does the Internet addiction disorder. It is possible for you to get addicted to the Internet, especially due to the increased preoccupation with and interest in the Internet.

What Is Internet Addiction?
Addiction to the Internet may be described as an impulse control disorder, that is very similar to Gambling Addiction and does not involve the use of intoxicating drugs. Just like with any other addiction, people addicted to the Internet use this virtual fantasy world to connect with other people. They use this as a substitute to the real-life human connections. This addiction is a result of a user becoming emotionally attached to online friends or activities.

How Can You Know That You Have An Internet Addiction?

There are 11 main indicators of Internet addiction. Having three of the symptoms mentioned below amount to an abuse. However, having more than five of the symptoms can be described as an addiction.

  • Spending too much time on the Internet than in other activities.

  • Reduced self-control.

  • If browsing your favorite sites make you feel excited than doing anything else.

  • Neglecting your friends and family members just to be on the Internet.

  • Withdrawal from other daily activities; focusing on the Internet alone and neglecting other activities.

  • Lying about your regularity of Internet usage to friends and family members.

  • The Internet is interfering with your school or job responsibilities.

  • An increased urge to be on the Internet and restlessness whenever you are not using the Internet.

  • You are ashamed about the much time you spend on the Internet.

  • Changing your sleeping patterns just to be on the Internet.

  • Change in weight or experiencing Headaches, backaches or carpal tunnel could also be symptoms of Internet addiction and abuse.

  • Take a test to know whether you are having an Internet addiction or not:

    For more information regarding Internet addiction, watch the following video

    What Can I Do to Break My Internet Addiction?
    1. Find Out Your Addiction Sources
    You may be using the Internet to soothe your rocky moods, such as Anxiety, Stress and Depression. To combat this addiction, you first have to understand what makes you love the Internet. For instance, the Internet could be reminding you of your past addiction to alcohol or drugs. Understanding the source of addiction will help you fight the addiction better.

    2. Get More Real Life Friends
    Basically, the more relationships you have in real life, the less you will need to be on the Internet, especially for the purpose of social interaction. You should set aside some time each week for family and friends. If you are shy about meeting new people, it is advisable to find groups with a common interest, such as an education class, a sports team or a book reading club.

    3. Get Yourself Some Professional Help
    Therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy can be of great help when you are trying to overcome this addiction. The therapy works systematically to combat this dependency and perception of the use of Internet, computer and smartphone. It will also help you learn healthy ways of dealing with uncomfortable emotions. If this Internet addiction is interfering with your marriage life, you may need marriage counseling to overcome your addiction and help you to reconnect with your partner.

    4. Complete Your Studies
    If you are a student, it is advisable to first accomplish your studies. When you get home from school, finish doing your homework rather than using the Internet. Additionally, you should research from books and other materials in the library instead of getting the information from the Internet. Using books instead of the Internet for your studies will help you avoid the Internet, hence overcome Internet addiction.

    5. Try Your Favorite Sports
    Taking part in your favorite sports can also help to reduce the time you spend on the Internet, hence overcome the addiction. During your free time, participate in sports, preferably the ones that require teamwork, such as tennis, soccer, basketball, badminton and volleyball. You may also take part in activities like jogging, hiking, skating, swimming or bowling clubs to spend your free time. Spending more time outdoors in such activities will ensure that you have minimal time for the Internet. This will gradually alleviate the Internet addiction disorder.

    6. Do Some Volunteer Work
    Dedicating your time to the work for non-profit charitable organizations can also help you stay away from the Internet. It is one of the recommended ways of dealing with Internet addiction. Rather than waste so much time on the Internet, dedicate your free time towards improving the lives of others. You may do this daily, once a week or once a month, depending on how free you are. As you come to terms with technology addiction facts, you will realize that the more time you spend away from the Internet, the easier it is to deal with the addiction.

    How to Regulate Proper Internet Use

    • Keeping a log of the time you use the Internet for non-essential or non-work activities will help you realize where the problem is. After this, you need to identify the time you use the Internet and what makes you do so.

    • Come up with a daily schedule of the time you will be using the Internet. Additionally, you may also make a commitment to be switching off the gadgets, including computers, Smartphone and tablets at certain time of the day to avoid using the Internet. You can also set up a timer, scheduling your Internet usage in a day.

    • To compensate for the time you spend on the Internet, find something healthy to do. If you are lonely or bored, you can resist the craving for Internet by partaking in other activities such as games or visiting friends.

    Monday, May 09, 2016

    Internet Addiction

    Internet Addiction

    Internet has changed our life a lot by giving information about anything and anytime. It is a tool to stay connected with our friends abroad; irrespective of the part of the globe they live. Internet has also paved way for hassle-free shopping and more and more people are using this option for saving time and avoiding crowds. However internet has ruined many people’s life since they are glued to the computer forgetting their duties and relationships.

    Internet addiction is a type of disorder that involves compulsive behavior interfering with normal living. The affected person will always be glued to the computer and forget his responsibility about family. This sort of internet addiction will create severe stress on his relationships and workplace. Such people would have an emotional attachment to the internet giving priority to online activities like chatting. They may enjoy any aspects of the internet and exchange ideas through social networking sites. They would spend hours together chatting with their friends and involving in social websites without bothering about real life responsibilities. Some people would spend plenty of time on research browsing on specific topics of internet.

    Blogging is another internet activity wherein a person would post his views about particular topic of interest and keep track of his followers. Internet addiction is very similar to that of Gambling Addiction where people get excitement and thrill when participating in betting events. These people would use the fantasy world of internet to connect with people instead of real life connection with humans. If your loved ones have any of the following conditions he/she may be considered to have internet addiction. These are the warning signals to indicate that the person is getting addicted to internet.

    Points To Consider :

    • The person would be preoccupied or concerned about the internet activities most of the time.

    • The person would spend plenty of time on the internet to get the desired satisfaction and excitement.

    • The person might take efforts to control use of internet or computer but he/she may not be successful in his/her attempts.

    • The person would be moody, aloof, irritable or even depressed when circumstances warrant him/her to cut down the usage of internet.

    • He/she would immense excitement and thrill through online chatting rather than direct conversation physically.

    • His/her relationships and job or education would be put in trouble due to consistent internet usage.

    • He/she may tell lies and conceal his/her internet activities to the family and even to the therapist.

    • The person may consider that involving in internet is a way to escape from day-to-day problems.

    • He/she may feel guilty and hopeless and depressed due to his/her incapability to cut down the internet usage.

    In short, if the use of internet interferes with your life, family and work in any form you are considered to be addicted to internet. The American Psychiatric Association considers internet addiction to be a disorder requiring behavior modification. Internet addiction is increasingly growing in young generation especially with children who live in isolated family atmosphere.

    Internet Addiction

    Causes :

    Many factors like biological, environmental, genetic and social factors are responsible for causing internet addiction at young age. Children are left alone at home for hours together and they find relief in playing games and chatting on internet. This eventually becomes uncontrollable forcing them to ignore their duty of studying. Internet provides the thrill/excitement or “high” for people like other addictions which make them more and more dependent. Many addicted people prefer to enjoy temporary pleasure over internet, in the place of normal intimate relationships.

    About 70-80% of internet addiction people belong to 20-30 age groups. People who suffer from psychological problems like anxiety and Depression are predisposed to develop internet addiction. Those with other types of addiction like alcohol addiction or gambling addiction easily become prey for internet also. Children living in unhealthy atmosphere at home are more prone to develop internet addiction. Children and teenagers who are shy and ignored by peers are at high risk of getting addicted to computer.

    Effects of Addiction :

    Getting addicted to internet can cause serious impact on your family relationships and workplace. It can affect the academic career of young people since most of the time they are preoccupied with internet. Middle aged people can face serious problems at work and even face financial risk or losing their job due to overspending on online bets and games. Real life relationships will be jeopardized due to virtual relationships over internet. People who are addicted to internet will not spend quality time with family and this may brand them as “socially awkward”.

    Some people create secret identity on internet and develop fake online profiles which would ultimately lead to disrespect. This would build feelings of low esteem and fear of disapproval causing depression in later stage. In many cases people are so addicted to internet that they might not sleep properly developing serious physical as well as emotional problems.

    Online sex addiction is becoming increasingly common in people with internet usage. Men are more likely to brows porn sites and women are more prone to build secret affairs and romantic partners by concealing their identity. 1 in every 8 Americans is found to be addicted to internet in some way. China has the highest rate (30-32%) of internet addiction. Statistics state that about 70% of people with internet addiction also have other addictions like sex, drugs or alcohol.

    Symptoms :

    People who are working online cannot be considered as internet addicts, though they spend all their day over computer. A person is considered to be “internet addict” if he/she spends most of the time on computer ignoring his duty/relationship/work. He would have euphoric feelings (over excitement) when he is using computer. He might have feelings of guilt, hopelessness, anxiety and depression. He gets easily irritable and agitated and never admits that his mistake. He has no sense of time and often he is unable to keep schedules. Even when the person is not on computer, he would be preoccupied and worried about his internet activities all the time.

    • Physical Symptoms :

    People who are internet addicts may develop Headache, backache and sleep disturbance. In the long run, the person may develop blurred vision and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. He may lose or gain weight according to his eating habits and lack of physical activity.

    Treatment :

    Treating people with internet addiction can be challenging because they seldom accept this as a problem. A psychiatrist may take 2 or 3 sessions to detect if the person has underlying emotional disorder and begins treatment accordingly. For many people, giving psychotherapy (like CBT) at regular intervals is helpful in getting rid of internet addiction. For those with serious psychological problem, medications are prescribed. Like other addiction, internet addiction is also treated with antidepressant drugs like Escitalopram or similar drugs. You need to consult your doctor to know about the side effects of these drugs and the ways to overcome the withdrawal effect.