Showing posts with label Irregular Periods and Pregnancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Irregular Periods and Pregnancy. Show all posts

Monday, March 06, 2017

Irregular Periods and Pregnancy – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Irregular Periods and Pregnancy – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Abnormal period makes a woman anxious and this is more for sexually active women. Very often women who wish not to get pregnant are worried if they miss a period. Sometimes, irregular period is considered as a good sign for those who wish to get pregnant.

Menstrual Period :

A woman who gets a period is fit enough to become pregnant. Uterus automatically makes a protective lining to accommodate the developing fetus. But when there is no fertilization, this muscle lining is shed in the form of periods. Menstrual period is defined as a series of changes happening in the body of women and prepares her body for pregnancy. Each month ovary would release an egg for getting fertilized with a sperm. But when this does not happen, the uterus would shed the lining through vagina which is a period. Monthly period differs from one woman to the other. For many women periods would start exactly on the expected date and for others it is often irregular. Menstrual periods occur in a cycle ranging from 21-35 days and may last up to 3-5 days.

Symptoms Of Irregular Periods :

Some of the signs of irregular periods include skipped period, early periods or late, spotting in between two periods, stomach cramps and short cycle of periods.

Causes Of Irregular Periods :

Irregular periods can occur due to many causes like Stress, development of fibroids, growth of polyps in the uterine lining, polycystic ovary disease and doing too much of exercise daily. It can also occur due to medical factors like hyperThyroidism and scarring of uterus lining. Breastfeeding mothers and pregnant women will not get periods. In some cases prolonged use of contraceptive pills can alter your periods.

  • Abnormal Ovulation :

Irregular periods and abnormal ovulation is responsible for 30-40% of Infertility. It is difficult to become pregnant when you are not having regular ovulation. After ruling out other medical factors like thyroid hormone problems your doctor would give fertility medications to streamline the ovulation. Drugs like serophene or clomid are prescribed which is effective in inducing ovulation and repair the irregular periods.

Irregular periods

Treatment For Irregular Periods :

Women with irregular cycle are given clomphene starting with 50 mg a day. They should take this pill on the 3rd, 4th and 5th day of the periods. This medication would trigger ovulation in a week for most of the women. For others dosage is increased by 50 mg per day. There is a good chance of getting pregnant once the ovulation begins.

Some doctors prescribe Gonal F in the form of injection for stimulating ovulation. For some women these drugs start over-stimulation causing side effect like bloating. The condition of the uterus is monitored closely after taking medications and most of the women would become pregnant in this method.

  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome :

It is another type of ovulation problem faced by many women. Ovaries may not work properly and gets enlarged due to hormonal imbalance. This would result in irregular periods, no ovulation and weight gain. PCOS can also cause Hypertension and excess of cholesterol in the blood. For such women, shedding few pounds can help in getting pregnant. Medications are given to reduce the insulin levels to prevent Diabetes. Ovulation is stimulated for women with PCOS so that they can conceive normally.

  • Stress :

Increased stress can also lead to infertility. Women with stress are liable to have irregular periods and ovulation problems. In such cases therapist can give counseling to reduce stress gradually and both the partners should have sex without anxiety. Support groups, regular exercise and relaxation techniques like yoga can help in overcoming stress.

  • Artificial Insemination :

In this method, the sperm is injected into the uterus for inducing fertilization. Sperm is deliberately introduced into the uterus or cervix so that there is a high chance for getting pregnant. The procedure is simple and painless. But the success rate depends on various factors.

Ways To Increase The Chances Of Getting Pregnant :

  • Women who are overweight and obese should find out ways to reduce pounds.

  • Eating well balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables is important. They should avoid fried foods and packaged items.

  • Doing regular exercise will help in reducing weight and improve the chances of pregnancy.

  • Follow the instructions of your doctor in taking supplement pills.