Showing posts with label Koilonychia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Koilonychia. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016



Koilonychia is the condition in which the fingernails becomes thin and finally gets lifted at outer edges. This condition is also called as spoon nails and is caused when there is reduced iron content in blood. This disorder is inherited by birth and there will be abnormal growth of nails with thin edges. The nails will become concave shaped with raised edges looking very much like a spoon.

Causes :

Several factors cause disfigurement of fingernails. This starts in the form of thinning of nails and gradually the ends of nails get lifted outward.

Lupus disease, poor function of thyroid hormone, Glossitis, Reynaud’s syndrome, Patella syndrome, deficiency of iron, poor absorption of iron, muscle skinning, pica and hemochromatosis are some of the factors causing koilonychias. If the person uses plenty of soaps and detergents it can also affect the texture of nails.

Individuals undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy for cancer can also get this condition. Poor nourishment or insufficient amounts of vitamins and iron in food can also cause this problem. People can get this condition if the intestine is not properly absorbing the nutrients present in food properly. If the nail is subjected to injury or trauma it gets broken easily and comes out of nail-bed. The child may inherit this condition by birth and it can develop later if the child is malnourished.

Symptoms :

This disease is marked by the feature of “spoon” shaped nails that are projecting outward in the edges and getting thinner and thinner. This condition is indicative of anemia (deficiency of iron in blood) and can be easily cured. The nails will gradually become thin and the edges of the nail would turn outwards thus detaching from the nail bed.

This disease can be recognized if the color and shape of your fingernails or toenails change. Even the condition of koilonychia will affect the density of nails making it thinner. The nails become concave in shape (assuming the shape of spoon), nail plates become thin and the nails completely come out of the nail bed easily. There can be pain if the nail gets fully detached from the nail-bed. Presence of secondary infection will be there changing the color of the nail in bottom surface.

The affected child may look very tired due to reduced iron content. He will show other signs of anemia. Frequent biting of nails will also cause this problem.

Prevention :

Avoid biting your nails often since it may cause inflammation of the nails. Wear protective rubber gloves if your work involves constant usage of hands in liquid medium (like washing and cleaning). Eat nutritious food rich in iron content. Include lot of vitamins in your diet. Children recognized with this problem should be given balanced food rich in vitamins and iron.

In case the child becomes anemic consult your doctor for starting right treatment. Reduce the intake of coffee or any other beverages that contains caffeine.

People with this condition should use skin softening ointment or cream after taking bath.

Pictures of Koilonychia :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Koilonychia

Koilonychia Koilonychia Koilonychia Koilonychia
Treatment :

It is easy to cure anemic condition if that is the cause for koilonychia. Your doctor will check the iron content in his blood and prescribe suitable iron supplement in the form of oral medicine. Further you can consult the dietician for working out a food-chart for your child that contains lots of vitamins and iron supplements.

Treatment begins in replacing the loss of iron in blood in the form of iron pills. Care should be taken that the person should not be overloaded with iron. Your doctor will also check the functions of digestive system to ascertain whether the nutrients are absorbed fully in the intestine.

Monday, May 09, 2016

Koilonychia – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Pictures

Koilonychia – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Pictures

What is Koilonychias?

This is an abnormal development of the nails where they are concaved and thinned with edges that are raised – also referred to as “spoon” nails. This is a very common disfigurement where the plate of the nail, normally having a contour that is convex, is switched to one having a concavity in the center as well as upturned distal and lateral margins. The nail is normally very thin as well as quite brittle.

In cases that are mild, the “water test” can be used to diagnose this condition. A drop of water is able to be retained on the nail plate in the concave indention.

Koilonychia affects everything including the color, shape, texture as well as the thickness of the toenails and the fingernails.

Koilonychia can also be genetic as an autosomal dominant trait or it can be linked with other disorders. Acquired koilonychias can be associated with Iron Deficiency Anemia. The nails normally take a lengthy period of time to return to normal.

Koilonychia Symptoms

Signs or indications of koilonychias are:

  • Nails are “spoon shaped”

  • Nail plates that are brittle, soft as well as thinning

  • Nails are concave

  • Nails that can be detached

  • Nails that can come totally off

  • Individual shows signs of being malnourished

  • Nails have embossed edges

  • Condition can indicate iron deficiency

  • Associated with Plummer-Vinson syndrome

  • Pain if nail is detached from nail bed or if an infection is active

  • Beneath the nail is discolored by secondary infection

This condition is one of the indicators of anemia together with further iron deficiencies and needs to be cured as quickly as possible after being identified. This problem needs to be taken care of even if the spoon nails are triggered by chronic rubbing, trauma or picking of the skin beneath the portion of the nail that is visible, chronic covering with nail polish or moisture that causes brittle nails with peeling of the nail edge.

You're reading Koilonychia – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Pictures posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

Koilonychia Causes

This problem with the nail can be caused by iron deficiency anemia or in some exceptions is congenital. The Depression is developed thru iron anemia but can also be genetic as an autosomal prevailing trail or it can be linked with other syndromes and causes such as:

  • Impaired circulation peripherally

  • Thyroid dysfunction

  • Musculoskeletal conditions

  • Systemic lupus erythematosus

  • Renal disease

  • Hemochromatosis

  • Nail Patella Syndrome

  • Hypoplastic Patella

  • Raynaud’s disease

  • Contact dermatitis to petroleum-based solvents

  • Direct trauma

  • Excessive use of soaps or oils

Some common causes of infected koilonychias include:

  • Pica

  • Glossitis

  • Cheilosis

  • Malnutrition

  • Chemotherapy

  • Iron deficiency

  • Metabolic condition that is major

  • Damaging event

This problem can also be caused by disorders created by an inadequate intake of nutrients, unbalanced diet, problems with digestion, problems with absorption or the inability to digest nutrients or other medical problems that can prevent any improvement of the nails. Self-care can be important and can help in numerous ways by improving the nutrients in the diet. This can be done by including vitamins, chicken liver or iron in the diet consumed every day.

Koilonychia Treatment

This condition needs to be managed as quickly as possible after being recognized. Treatments given to replace any lost iron need to be taken at least 30 minutes prior to meals. Any iron supplements given to the individual by their primary care physician need to be taken exactly as prescribed to prevent possible problems linked to the overload of iron and should not be taken with any drinks such as tea or coffee since these beverages can inhibit the iron absorption.

Methods for treating or preventing Koilonychia include:

  • For abnormalities because of toenails that are ingrown, wear types of shoes that do not crowd together the toes as well as always cut the toenails straight across the top.

  • Get more iron and vitamins in the food you consume by more nutrition in the diet.

  • Use a skin softening cream after bathing or washing.

  • Take iron as prescribed by your physician in order to avoid any problems related to Iron Overload.

  • Do not mix iron with beverages such as tea or coffee due to these drinks inhibiting iron absorption.

  • Wear gloves when doing the dishes or being exposed to any chemicals that are harsh.

Koilonychia Pictures



