Showing posts with label Lice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lice. Show all posts

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Does Hair Dye Kill Head Lice?

Does Hair Dye Kill Head Lice?

Lice may be small, but these parasitic insects can cause serious itching and irritate youa lot. They can grow quickly and pass from one person to another simply by sharing hairbrushes or hats. It is important that you take steps to get rid of lice as soon as you notice that you or your child has developed them. While there are many effective ways to resolve the issue, some people believe that hair dye is equally effective. Can hair dye kill head lice?Keep reading to find out yourself.

Does Hair Dye Kill Head Lice?

Yes, there are instances when bleach and hair dye can kill both adult lice and nymphs (juvenile lice). Some brands of hair dye contain chemicals that may be toxic to lice. However, it proves ineffective against lice eggs (nits) because the chemicals cannot penetrate the shells. It means you will again develop the same issue because these eggs will hatch in 7-10 days and you will find new lice in your head.

What it means is that hair dye can kill live lice in your hair, but you need to take some other steps as well to get rid of those nits. Here is what you can do:

  • Find nits hideouts first. Adult female head lice lay nits at the base of your hair, near the scalp and behind the ears. They may also be at the neckline at the back of your head. Identify all these hideouts before going any further.

  • Get rid of the nit glue. For this, you need to apply a mixture of vinegar and water on your hair for about an hour. Be sure to apply it to your scalp as well. You can also soak your hair in vinegar for some time for good effects. Then, comb your hair thoroughly to remove the "glue" that nits use to stay attached to your scalp.

  • Use combs specifically designed to get rid of lice. You can find electronic combs that you can use on dry hair to kill lice. You can also add some Listerine to the ends of the comb and use it to eliminate lice.

  • Get your favorite hair dye and apply it on your hair. Does hair dye kill head lice?You will know for sure once you apply it yourself. Theoretically, the chemicals in hair dye are potent enough to kill living lice. You may want to try it on a small area of your hair first to notice any change. If it works, you can apply it on the rest of your hair. You can also consider dip dying the hair and wait for 45 minutes to rinse the hair.

  • Make use of lice and nit shampoo. If you do not get great results from hair dye, you can find lice shampoo to kill the head lice and nits. Be sure to use a specially designed lice comb after shampooing.

  • Use heat to get rid of lice. After using your shampoo and lice comb, you need to treat your clothes and personal items to get rid of the remaining lice. Bed-wetting, washing machine, or drying items will help kill the lice at a temperature higher than 130°F(54.4°C).

  • Be sure to re-treat your hair at least once a week in the beginning and then every 10 days.

Other Ways to Kill Head Lice
Does hair dye kill head lice? Yes, it does, but there are limitations. Hair dye is not effective against nits, so you need to use the lice comb and shampoo for better effects. However, there are other ways to achieve great results.

Laundering clothing, bedding, hats, stuffed animals and towels with hot water (130°F or higher) and soap will help kill the lice. You should also dry these items on a high heat setting for at least 20 minutes.

Over-The-Counter Products
It is easy to find several over-the-counter lotions and shampoos that kill lice – Nix and Rid may help in this regard.

You should not be using OTC products if your child is under two years of age. The best option would be to use a fine-toothed comb on wet hair. Repeat every 3-4 days for a couple of weeks. Talk to your pediatrician if you can use other treatments with combing.

Prescription Medication
If you find that the answer to"does hair dye kill head lice" is no, the chances are you are in an area where lice have grown immune to these chemicals and many other OTC treatments. The only option left in this case is to try prescription medicines. You can try a prescription medication such as Malathion or a prescription lotion like Ulesfia. A prescription shampoo like Lindane may also help. However, it is important to bear in mind that although prescription medicines are effective against head lice, they may produce several side effects as well.Here are more about these options:

  • Malathion is an effective option. You need to rub it into your hair and scalp. Be sure to keep it away from heat sources and avoid using it if you are pregnant or are breastfeeding your baby.

  • Benzyl alcohol lotion(Ulesfia) is another nice option to try. You have to apply this lotion directly in your scalp and hair. Leave it for 10 minutes and then rinse it off with cool water. Apply it again after a week. Benzyl alcohol lotion may cause scalp, skin, or eye irritation, so use with caution.

  • Lindane may be effective, but you should only use it when other options have failed. It may not suit everyone and even cause neurological side effects. Never opt for it as a first line of treatment.

Does Tea Tree Oil Kill Lice?

Does Tea Tree Oil Kill Lice?

Getting rid of lice can be a grueling experience. These wingless creatures that live on the human head by attaching themselves to the hair follicles are also highly contagious. In the US, over 10 million people get lice infestations every year. The good news is head lice are treatable. There are various chemical and natural treatment options available. Tea tree oil is believed to be one of the best treatments as it is mild on the scalp, making it ideal for children. But can tea tree oil kill lice? Let’s find out below.

Does Tea Tree Oil Kill Lice?

Yes it does. It works by coating the hair follicles and scalp which kills the head lice and soothes the irritated scalp. Studies have been carried out on tea tree oil as an alternative to medical ingredients used for treating head lice. According to one study, most children treated with lavender oil and tea tree oil had no lice after the last day of treatment.

The best part about using tea tree oil as treatment for lice is the fact that it doesn’t have any side effects. Tea tree oil is an insecticide that has powerful antifungal, antibacterial, antiseptic and antiviral properties. It also contains terpinen, which is a naturally occurring bacteria-fighting ingredient. All these properties put together make tea tree oil an excellent treatment option for lice.

How to Kill Lice Using Tea Tree Oil

Step 1: Choose pure tea tree oil

As mentioned above, tea tree oil has excellent properties that help treat lice. There are plenty of products in the market claiming to contain tea tree oil. However, they are unlikely to be as effective as pure tea tree oil. A concentration of at least 2% is required to kill lice nits. The best quality tea tree oil is steam distilled from the Melaleuca alternifolia tree.

Step 2: Use a lice comb

Apart from the positive answer to the question “does tea tree oil kill lice”, a lice comb is also a necessary part of the lice treatment. A lice comb has very closely spaced teeth that enable you to take a closer look at the hair near the scalp. A magnifying glass can come in handy too. It will help you examine the scalp after you’re done with treatment.

Step 3: Mix shampoo with tea tree oil

Pure tea tree oil can sometimes cause skin irritation. Mix some tea tree oil with shampoo before using it to treat lice. You can add 2 to 4 drops of tea tree to about 97 drops of shampoo.

Step 4: Apply the mixture onto your hair

Pay close attention to the scalp. When you’re done, cover your hair with a swimming or shower cap and leave it in for about half an hour.

NOTE: If you’re applying it on your child’s hair and they experience an itching or burning sensation, it could be a sign of an allergic reaction. Rinse off the mixture with warm water. Dry the hair with a towel then allow it to air dry.

Step 5: Lather and rinse

Work the hair with your fingers until it lathers to ensure it eliminates most of the lice. Once you’re done rinse your hair with warm water.

Step 6: Apply conditioner

Although the answer to “does tea tree oil kill lice” is yes, there might still be lice left in your hair after the rinse. Apply conditioner to suffocate the remaining lice. Leave the conditioner in the hair.

Step 7: Comb through the hair

Use a lice comb to work through the hair starting at the scalp. If you have long hair, divide it into sections and go through them one by one.

Step 8: Repeat the treatment for a week

Repeat steps 3 through 7 for about a week. While this might appear excessive, lice take about a week to hatch and mature into adult lice. Maintaining treatment for a week will kill any new infestation.

Other Things You Can Add

  • Lavender oil

You can use tea tree oil with lavender as a repellant. Mix one teaspoon of tea tree oil with ½ teaspoon of lavender oil. Apply this mixture to your scalp regularly

  • Olive Oil

You can mix tea tree oil with olive oil, which is a natural insecticide. This mixture helps loosen up the lice for easy removal. Mix 2 to 3 drops of olive oil with some tea tree oil and apply to the affected area of the scalp. Leave it in for about an hour and rinse it off with vinegar. Now comb your hair to remove dead lice.

  • Vodka

Does tea tree oil kill lice? Yes. For better effects, mix about 2 ounces of vodka with about 20 drops of tea tree oil. Using a cotton ball, apply the solution to your hair and leave for atleast10 hours before washing it out.

Other Ways to Treat Lice
You can treat lice with over-the-counter medicated shampoo (pediculicides). Apply to the hair and leave for 10 minutes before washing off. These products are perfectly safe as long as they are used according to the instructions. Treatment should be repeated after 7-10 days to ensure all the nits are eradicated. Should you find nits after two treatments, you can ask your doctor to prescribe more potent medication.

Suffocate the nits by applying mayonnaise, butter, or petroleum jelly to your hair. Put on a shower cap and leave it on overnight. Remove the smothering agent you applied with baby oil. Shampoo and rinse off. Repeat the process a few nights in a row.

Preventing Head Lice in Children
Kids love playing. During play, they can easily get and spread head lice. Below are some measures you can take to protect your child from getting lice.

  • Avoid sharing personal items

Do not share any items that touch the head. This includes combs, brushes, hats, helmets, hair clips, scarves, towels, headsets and earbuds. Let your child know that they shouldn’t be sharing these items with friends at home or at school.

  • Be careful when using shared spaces

Shared spaces such as lockers, closets and clothes hooks are a breeding ground for lice. Ask your child not to keep his/her belongings in common areas, especially those that come into contact with the head such as hats and scarves.

  • Limit contact

Inform your child about avoiding games that involve head-to-head contact with their friends. This is because lice can be spread in this manner. Adults caring for the kids should also be on the lookout.

Monday, June 20, 2016

How to Check for Lice

How to Check for Lice

Lice in hair is a very common occurrence especially in children. Many schools do lice checks and will always inform you if your children have lice, but you should also check them yourself to confirm the presence of lice. This article will detail how to check for lice, as well as symptoms and treatment.

What Are Head Lice and Nits?
Head Lice are small brown/grey insect about the size of a sesame seed, which cling onto hairs, but always stay close to the scalp as this is what they feed on. Head lice also lay eggs which take around a week to ten days to hatch, and a further ten days for newly hatched louse to grow into adults and begin laying eggs of their own.

Nits are what’s left behind when head lice hatch, they are small, white empty eggshells which look similarly to Dandruff, but stick to the hair much more, meaning they are far more difficult to brush out of your hair than dandruff.

How to Check for Lice
Step 1: Look for Signs/Symptoms of Head Lice
First of all, one should first learn the symptoms of having head lice, so you are able to spot any warning signs. One or more of the following symptoms may be apparent when head lice are present:

  • Tickling sensation on the scalp.

  • A feeling as though something is moving in the hair.

  • Itching sensation caused by an allergic reaction to the lice bites, especially on the back of the head and/or ears.

  • Sores on the scalp caused by excessive scratching.

  • Trouble sleeping, as lice become more active when it is dark.

Step 2: How to Look for Lice, Stage One (Dry Hair)

  • Inspect the scalp: Part the hair in numerous places and look for sores or rashes, paying special attention to the back of the neck and ears.

  • Look for movement: Lice are difficult to spot, but you may be able to notice movement in the hair.

  • Try to spot nits: Look for small white/yellowish sacs, shaped like teardrops. They will be attached to the hair close to the scalp within a quarter-inch.

  • Remember that it is easy to confuse nits with dandruff or hair products residue as they look similar. The main difference is that nits stick to the hair, whereas dandruff and hair product flakes are easy to brush out.

  • If you find nits, it is also important to ascertain whether they are still alive. If they are more than a quarter inch from the scalp then they have likely already hatched, and your child may no longer be infested. Only nits which are close to the scalp, or lice, are evidence of an existing infestation.

Step 3: How to Look for Lice, Stage Two (Wet Hair)
If you are unable to tell whether lice are present using the above method, then you can learn how to check for lice using the method below, via the use of a lice or flea comb.

  • First, wet the hair.

  • Next, add a good amount of conditioner to the hair.Using an appropriate comb, comb the hair from the scalp (roots) to the end.

  • If lice are present in the hair, they should be visible on the lice/flea comb.If you find that lice are present, then you should also check everyone in your household. Everyone should receive treatment to ensure that you rid your family of the lice infestation.

How to Treat Head Lice
If you choose to use a product, then follow the directions that come with the product. Ensure to not use conditioner prior to applying the treatment as this can make it ineffective.

1.Pick a Lice Killer

  • Your fingers can be used to squash the lice.

  • Mayonnaise can kill lice (but not nits) when smeared all over the scalp. Cover the head with a shower cap or something similar, and leave it for 36 hours.

  • Shampoos which contain the ingredient pyrethrin work to kill both the lice and nits when applied to the scalp.

  • Neem oil, or shampoos which contain neem oil can also be effective, but it has to be left on the scalp for 20 to 30 minutes.

2. Pick Out the Nits After Finishing the Topical Treatment
This should be done either outside or in a bath tub. Wet your hair and then comb it using a fine-tooth comb, ensuring to remove all nits which are within a quarter inch of the scalp.

3. If you decide to use no specified treatment methods which kill the nits, then you will likely have to repeat the process of wetting and combing your hair to remove the nits for around nine days.

4. Repeat the treatment around a week to 9 days after the initial treatment, to eradicate any lice which may have survived the initial treatment.

When learning how to check for lice, remember that shaving the head or cutting it short will make this process much easier, although this may not be a highly desirable option for some, and checking for lice in long hair isn’t too difficult when following the guides above.