Showing posts with label Lump in throat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lump in throat. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Lump in Throat

Lump in throat

Many people have felt a small lump in throat feeling at some point of life. It feels like cluster of hair or any debris is blocking the throat. Sometimes, the feeling of lump would be felt like a small sized tennis ball stuffed well inside the throat. You may feel like that your tie has suddenly become tight or someone is strangulating your throat. This sort of feeling occurs when the individual is in high rate of stress or in high anxiety or tension. Almost 95% of the affected person will have sort of neurotic or psychiatric problem. Only in rare phenomenon lump in throat feeling occurs due to organic disease.

Some people feel the presence of foreign particle in the throat and they would actually try to eliminate it by repeated coughing or choking. It is based on the perception of ideas and the affected person may suffocate or choke badly due to built-in pressure in the throat. People who are depressed state of mind or those who are taking treatment for hysteria would also feel these symptoms.

Strangely the lump in throat feeling does not occur permanently and it comes and goes randomly. In medical terms this feeling is caused by the underlying problem of “globus hystericus” wherein the affected person will have difficulty in swallowing food or even saliva.

Causes :

As stated earlier, lump in throat feeling is of psychological origin many times. People who exhibit symptoms of schizophrenia, hysteria, Depression, anxiety and neurosis have this type of feeling.

This problem also occurs due to the factors like neck disease, chronic inflammation of respiratory tract, throat cancer and GERD (a disease of gastro esophageal type).

Symptoms :

There are many signs felt by the affected person apart from lump in the throat. Some of the important symptoms are dryness and itchy feeling in the throat, difficulty in breathing, Heartburn, problems in eating and drinking, acidity formation, intense throat pain. Many healthy people will get scared of impending throat cancer when they have the above symptoms.

Throat pain is not felt continuously if the feeling is associated with psychological type. It may occur randomly and become worse when the person gets tensed.

People with organic disease like narrowing of larynges will have difficulty in eating and swallowing saliva. They would have problems in breathing due to blockage in the throat. People with GERD problem will have moderate to severe heartburn when excess of acid is forced upwards from the stomach.

Many signs of psychological origin will be absent in the mornings and will get worse during the course of the day. When there is disturbance in the normal contraction and relaxation of the value present in the esophagus it can create spasms and tightness. And stress and anxiety will worsen the problem.

Diagnoses :

Your physician will examine the throat to rule out any serious problem. If needed, he may conduct a CT scan or esophageal endoscopy or sometimes MRI scan for ascertaining the disease.

Treatment :

In case lump in throat is due to stress or anxiety then the patient will be put to comfort by giving a shot of valium for relaxing the muscle. After he feels better, he would be given warm fluids. Your doctor will constantly monitor the symptoms and give medications depending on the factor that causes the ill-feeling of lump in throat. Throat irritation can be managed by giving anti histamines and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Valium is given orally or in the form of injection for managing muscle spasms that cause lump feeling.

If the problem is due to throat cancer or tumor in the throat, then your doctor will give suitable therapy for controlling the symptoms. For controlling the symptoms of physical nature, then the doctor will give antidepressants for controlling the brain signals that causes pain and stress.

In case if the problem is of psychological origin the patient will be given counseling and regular relaxation therapy.

Lump in throat – Causes and Treatment

Lump in Throat – Causes and Treatment

Causes of Lump in throat

What is the cause of this? There are 2 valves in the esophagus or the swallowing tube. They are usually lightly contracted as well as relaxed when an individual swallows – this allows the food to pass thru them going to the stomach. Then they squeeze closed again to prevent the regurgitation of the stomach contents. At this time if the standard tightening turns into a spasm these symptoms can begin. Stress frequently makes these spasms much worse. Even if not caused by stress, stress can make the spasm worse. Relaxation of different types such as alcohol to meditation can often relieve these symptoms.

Problems which can be confused with globus sensation include:

  • GERD

  • Cricopharyngeal or upper esophageal webs

  • Symptomatic diffuse esophageal spasm

  • Mass lesions in the neck or mediastinum that cause esophageal compression

  • Skeletal muscle disorder such as Myasthenia Gravis


First should be a complete exam of the neck as well as throat to eliminate any serious problems. In most individuals the first thing that enters their minds is that a lump in the throat could be cancer. But in practice, real lumps in the throat such as cancer are not felt. This is the reason why cancer can get so big before being discovered.

You're reading Lump in throat – Causes and Treatment posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

The following red flag findings are of some concern:

  • Throat or neck pain

  • Loss of weight

  • After the age of 50 any abrupt onset

  • Pain, difficulty or choking when swallowing

  • Food regurgitation

  • Weakness of the muscles

  • Visible or palpable mass or lump

  • Progressively worsening of any symptoms

Symptoms not related to swallowing, without any difficulty or pain when swallowing, or the sensation of food getting stuck in the throat in a patient with an otherwise good exam is an indication of globus sensation. Any of the above mentioned red flag findings on exam can suggest a motor or mechanical disorder with swallowing. Symptoms which are chronic and occur during unresolved or pathologic grief and which can be relieved by crying indicates globus sensation. These findings of globus sensation need no further testing.

But if the diagnosis is not clear or the physician is unable to visualize the pharynex, testing for dysphagia should be done.

Treatment for globus normally is just reassurance and show concern. No drugs have been proven beneficial. Any underlying anxiety or Depression or other behavioral disturbances needs to be managed with psychiatric referral if needed.