Showing posts with label Merkel Cell Carcinoma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Merkel Cell Carcinoma. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Merkel Cell Carcinoma

Merkel Cell Carcinoma

Merkel cell carcinoma is a Skin Cancer that is rare in type and needs immediate treatment. It is also called as neuro-endocrine carcinoma since it affects the upper layer of the skin causing bluish red bumps on your face and neck. This problem occurs normally on elderly people and those who are exposed to hot sunlight for long time. Even if the immunity is impaired due to underlying health issues, merkel cell carcinoma can occur on the skin. The important feature of this disorder is it spreads very fast and difficult to control and hence requires immediate treatment.

Symptoms :

This type of skin cancer may affect the face, neck and arms. It appears in the form of small red lesions or bumps on the skin and does not have any distinct appearance. It often attacks the skin area that is kept exposed to sun. The color of the bump can vary from pinkish red to reddish blue. In rare cases, the affected person may lose sensitivity to touch when nerve cells are impaired with functions.

Causes :

Exact cause of MCC is yet to be found. But people who are aged, and those who are exposed to sun for long-time are more prone to this disorder than others. It can also affect the individual who have chronic immune disorder like heart problem, HIV or kidney disease.

This type of cancer begins its attack on merkel cells which is found on the epidermis (upper layer) of the skin. These cells are well connected to nerve endings and hence this disorder is called neuroendocrine carcinoma.

Who are at risk ?

People who are overly exposed to sunlight due to work atmosphere, weakened immunity system due to underlying infection and people with previous history of skin cancer are more prone to get MCC than others. As you progress towards old age, the risk of getting this problem also increases. Similarly people who are fair complexioned and those who are undergoing chemotherapy are also at risk.

Tests :

Your doctor will do a skin biopsy to identify the stains of cancer causing cells in the skin.

Treatment :

Treatment depends on the intensity of the disease and the general health condition of the person concerned. Chemotherapy, surgery and radiation therapy are the best methods of treatment available.

During surgical process, the surgeon will remove the tumor (cancer causing cell) from the affected skin. He would also remove lymph nodes in case if the disease has progressed up to lymph nodes of the skin. He may use scalpel or by means of micrographic surgery for removing the tumor. Very often skin cancers that occur on the face are treated with Moh’s surgery.

During radiation method, the affected part of the skin is exposed to powerful beams of radiation that destroys the carcinogenic cells. The patient will be positioned in long table to facilitate maximum exposure to radiation therapy. Some doctors may combine radiation method after surgery for destroying cancer cells totally. This method is effective in controlling the spread of disease further.

Chemotherapy is also used for killing the tumor cells on the skin surface. The person can be given oral drugs or put on IV fluids during the process. Your doctor will decide the mode of therapy depending on your age and health condition.

Pictures of Merkel Cell Carcinoma :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Merkel Cell Carcinoma

Merkel Cell Carcinoma Merkel Cell Carcinoma Merkel Cell Carcinoma Merkel Cell Carcinoma Merkel Cell Carcinoma Merkel Cell Carcinoma
Prevention :

You need to avoid going out in hot sunlight. Apply sunscreen lotion liberally on exposed parts of the skin. You can also wear hat and cotton clothes and use goggles to protect your eyes.

Monday, May 09, 2016

Merkel Cell Carcinoma – Symptoms, Treatment, Staging, Prognosis, Pictures

Merkel Cell Carcinoma – Symptoms, Treatment, Staging, Prognosis, Pictures

What is Merkel Cell Carcinoma?

This is a very rare kind of cancer of the skin that normally appears as a bluish-red or flesh colored nodule. It often appears on the face, neck or head. Merkel cell cancer is also referred to as “neuroendocrine carcinoma of the skin”.

Merkel cell cancer often grows in older adults. Long-time exposure to the sun or a weakened immune system can increase the threat of this form of cancer.

Merkel cell cancer is prone to grow quickly and to also spread swiftly to other areas of the body. Options for treatment of this type of cancer normally are contingent on if the cancer has developed away from the skin.

Merkel Cell Carcinoma Symptoms

The first symptom of this type of cancer is normally a very fast growing nodule or tumor that is painless and is developing on the skin. This shiny nodule can be skin colored or may appear is shades of blue, purple or red. Most Merkel cell lesions develop on the head, neck or face but they also can develop anywhere on the body, even in areas not open to sunlight.

If a freckle, mole or bump is noticed that is beginning to change shape, color or size and is rapidly growing as well as bleeds easily after any minor trauma for instance washing the skin or shaving – it is time to make an appointment with the primary care physician.

Merkel Cell Carcinoma Treatment

Treatments for this type of cancer may include:

With surgery, the physician will remove the tumor together with the surrounding skin border that is normal and circles the tumor. If any evidence shows that this cancer has migrated to lymphatic nodes in the region of the tumor, then these lymphatic nodes are also removed in a procedure known as “lymph node dissection”.
The physician most like will use a type of scalpel to cut the cancer away. In many cases, the physician might use a technique called Mohs micrographic surgery. Once the visible part of the tumor has been removed, the physician makes very thin slices of the tumor tissue to examine the slices under a microscope. This process is repeated until the cancer cells no longer are found in the tissue of a slice. This kind of procedure takes away less tissue that is normal tissue – reducing scarring – and it guarantees a tumor free boundary of skin. Mohs surgery is frequently used for cancer on the face.

You're reading Merkel Cell Carcinoma – Symptoms, Treatment, Staging, Prognosis, Pictures posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

Radiation therapy
This comprises guiding high energy beams, such as x-rays at cancer cells. During this type of treatment, the individual is situated on a table and a very large machine travels around the individual, guiding the beams to very precise points on the body.

The therapy is often used after surgery to eradicate any cancer cells that might remain after the removal of the tumor. Because of the rarity of Merkel cell cancer, it is not clearly precise who should obtain this therapy after total surgical removal of the lesion. Discuss with the physician the benefits as well as the cons of having radiation therapy after the removal of the cancer.

This option also can be used to shrivel the cancer before it is removed or as the sole option for treatment in those individuals who choose no surgery. Radiation also can be used to treat any areas where the cancer has spread.

This is the using of drugs to kill the cells of cancer. Chemotherapy drugs are normally administrated thru IV or may be taken oral or both.

The doctor can commend chemotherapy if the cancer spreads to the lymphatic nodes or other organs in the body, or if it returns despite treatment. But, whether chemotherapy improves the rate of survival in those individuals with Merkel cell carcinoma is still unclear. Discuss with the physician the benefits as well as the risks of using chemotherapy.

Merkel Cell Carcinoma Staging

Stages I and II of this type cancer are described as localized disease of the skin at the primary site. Stage I is for those primary lesions that are less than or equal to 2 centimeters and stage II is for lesions that are primary and or greater than 2 centimeters. Stage III is described as disease which involves any nearby lymphatic nodes or regional lymph nodes. Stage IV of the disease is found beyond the regional lymphatic nodes.


The majority of deaths from this cancer happen within the first 3 years of diagnosis. Those individuals with stage I, II and III disease do much better than individuals with stage IV disease which is metastatic. A new study shows that individuals who have no lymphatic node involvement have an excellent prognosis.

Merkel Cell Carcinoma Pictures

Merkel Cell Carcinoma

Merkel Cell Carcinoma

Merkel Cell Carcinoma

Merkel Cell Carcinoma