Showing posts with label Myringitis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Myringitis. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016



Myringitis is an ear infection that causes blisters and small lumps on the eardrum. It is a painful condition in which the middle ear develops inflammation due to the formation of blisters. Apart from pain, there may be partial hearing loss for 2-3 days as the blister starts growing. The eardrum also called as tympanic membrane lies between the outer ear and middle ear and is responsible for sending sound signals to the brain. Due to bacterial or viral infection, there would be swelling and itching sensation on the ear. It also triggers formation of pus filled blisters on the membrane causing sharp pain in the ear.

Causes :

The main cause for myringitis is Streptococcus Pneumoniae and Mycoplasma pneumonia. The bacteria enter into the eardrum gradually multiplying causing infection and blisters. The eardrum can get infected by bacteria or virus when the person uses the public swimming pool. Swimmer’s ear (acute otitis externs) can also cause ear infection and inflammation.

Symptoms :

There would be considerable pain on the infected ear along with itching or burning sensation. Sometimes, there may be pus like discharge from the ear that is yellow or white in color. The symptoms will be there as long as the blisters survive. In addition there may be Common Cold, fever, Headache and partial hearing loss for 2-3 days until the blisters heal completely. There would be radiating pain for few days, even after the infection is treated.

When the blisters rupture and drains off liquid, there may be discharge of blood along with draining material. The ear canal will be warm and tender owing to the swelling and blister formation.

In case of primary myringitis, the tympanic membrane will be visibly red in color exposing the small blood vessels inside. Further the doctor can also see infected material and visible debris behind the eardrum.

Myringitis is often seen in children and sometimes in adults.

Diagnoses :

Your doctor will look for the signs of ear pain and blisters inside the eardrum. He may test the pus like fluid oozing out from the blister for detecting any bacteria.

Treatment :

Antibiotic medicines are given either in the form of ear drops or as oral medicine. It is necessary to take antibiotics for a course so that bacteria are totally destroyed. Anti-inflammatory medicines can be taken for getting relief from pain. The infection can be contagious and hence the affected person should avoid contacting with others until the symptoms subside.

The doctor may clean the infection and drain the pus from the eardrum. In rare cases, surgery is done (myringoplasty) for removing bacteria and dirt particles from the eardrum.

Pictures of Myringitis :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Myringitis

Myringitis Myringitis Myringitis Myringitis
Prevention :

• Care must be taken to keep the children away from the infected environment.

• In case if one child gets acute Otitis Media there is increased chance for spreading the infection to other children in daycare centers.

• The child can be vaccinated with pneumovax so that he will not get infection from pneumoniae bacteria.

• Further the child should be instructed to wash the hands properly before eating.

Myringitis – Symptoms, Causes, Prevention and Treatment

Myringitis – Symptoms, Causes, Prevention and Treatment

What is Myringitis?

This is a painful problem caused by inflammation of the middle ear as well as oozing blisters on the eardrum. It normally is a secondary complication of a viral or bacterial infection. An individual with myringitis is expected to involve pain that radiates as well as some degree of loss of hearing over the normal course of 2 days as a blister develops. It is very important to get medical attention at an emergency room or otolaryngologist specialist’s office at the beginning of pain in the ear in order to receive treatment which is appropriate.

The eardrum which is also referred to as the tympanic membrane creates a barrier in between the outer ear and the middle ear. This helps to relay any sound waves to the brain and prevents foreign particles from becoming an irritation to the middle ear. When any bacteria or virus invades the eardrum, it causes inflammation that leads to itching, swelling and sensations of burning in the ear.

Acute infectious myringitis normally is a secondary infection following acute Otitis Media or upper respiratory tract infection and most commonly occurs in children.

Myringitis Symptoms

Myringitis is usually caused by an infection with a virus or bacteria. Often, the infection begins in the eardrum. The majority of cases of myringitis follow an ear infection in another part of the ear. Acute otitis media as well as swimmer’s ear both can lead to secondary infections of myringitis. Upper respiratory infections, for example Pneumonia or flu, can dispose an individual to ear infections.

The symptoms and signs include:

  • Drainage from the ear

  • Hearing impairment

  • Sudden onset of ear pain that lasts 1 to 2 days

  • Fever

The symptoms of acute infectious myringitis may be:

  • Complaint of severe pain in the ear

  • Tenderness over mastoid process

  • Otoscopic exam will reveal reddened, small, inflamed blebs in the ear canal, on the tympanic membrane, with bacterial invasion, in the middle ear.

Myringitis Causes

Myringitis is normally caused because of an infection with either a virus or bacteria. The common bacteria include:

You're reading Myringitis – Symptoms, Causes, Prevention and Treatment posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

  • Mycoplasma pneumoniae

  • Streptococcus pneumonaie

  • Staphylococcus aureua

The majority of the time, myringitis will follow an infection in another part of the ear. Acute otitis media as well as swimmer’s ear often can lead to a secondary myringitis infection. Upper respiratory infections for example pneumonia or flu can predispose an individual to ear infections.

Myringitis Treatment

Treatment of myringitis can include the following:

  • Antibiotics

  • Antibiotics accompanied by steroid ear drops

  • Ear drops which offer local anesthesia

  • Rupturing any vesicles on the eardrum

Possible side effects of treatments:

  • Antibiotics and other medications may cause allergic reaction

  • Stomach upset

  • Rashes

Hospitalization is not necessary for myringitis. As well as the treatment listed above, measures to get rid of pain are at times indicated. Analgesics, for example acetaminophen or aspirin as well as the use of heat to the external ear are normally sufficient, but pain which is severe can require the a prescription for pain medication.

Since it is often hard to determine bacterial from viral or mycoplasma otitis, antibiotic therapy is always indicated. Topical or oral antibiotics are used to either prevent or treat secondary infections.

Myringitis Prevention

The following are some measures to prevent problems with the ear:

  • It should be stressed how important it is to complete the total prescribed antibiotic therapy

  • To avoid myringitis, it is advised to get immediate treatment of acute otitis media

  • Proper method for installing topical antibiotics should be shown to patient by doctor or his staff

  • Avoid any prolonged immersion of the ear in water, such as pool or hot tub

  • Stay away from individuals with upper respiratory infections

  • Children should get flu as well as pneumonia vaccines

  • Wash hands often