Showing posts with label Onychophagia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Onychophagia. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016



Onychophagia is the obsession one has for biting nails. The person affected with this problem will engage in nail biting compulsively, irrespective of the consequences. This is a psychological problem which is indication of addiction for nail biting. Onychophagia is exhibited in 33% of children of age group 7-10 years. This problem has been associated with Obsessive compulsive disorder OCD.

Causes :

By biting the nails, the person will get a feeling of peace and relaxation. Whenever he/she feels stressed he will automatically engage in nail biting. The exact cause of onychophagia is unknown and varied. It can be due to stressful event or long lasting anxiety. Sometimes boredom or physical discomfort induces one to engage in biting nails. In most of the case, nail biting can be the consequences of psychological battle inside.

In rare cases, nail biting is an indication of self punishment. Usually onychophagia starts in early childhood and continues through adult ages. It is manifested in both sexes. Many people bite their nails as part of daily routine without getting stressed. For instance they bite nails while socializing, watching television or white chatting with their friends.

Some experts believe nail biting is associated with nervous disorder and exhibited by people who have difficulty to open-up or ventilate their feelings. Sometimes it can be a symptom of pending anger or stubborn attitude. The behavior of nail biting can also be an expression to show denial or disobedience in following the instructions or to memorize the lesson among children.

Signs of Onychophagia :

Nail biting can be a social phenomenon for many people. In our society great stress is placed on the child and every parent expects his child to be competent enough to face the challenges of the world. So, without their knowledge they push the child continuously to reach the goal, without knowing whether the child is mentally prepared for it. In the end the child will restore to one or other defense mechanism like nail biting.

A conscious child will feel increased pressure on the tips of his fingers. So he starts biting it to reduce the pressure or tension. For young girls, hands are to be kept clean and they consider it as a sign of beauty. Hence they resort to biting the nails to repeatedly keep the hands clean and beautiful.

What is the risk in onychophagia?

Biting nails can medically give room for spreading of infection in many ways. Countless germs are present on the hands and fingers in spite of our repeated washing of hands. By biting the nails a person is giving chance to spread multiple infections to his body. Often people who are seen biting nails will have problems like Diarrhea, nausea or vomiting tendency.

Many infectious bacteria or fungus like candidiasis and virus like herpes can pose danger to our health by engaging in nail biting.

Complications :

Onychophagia or nail biting continuously can cause redness and spread of acute infection through the fingers. Further it increases the risk of getting painful blisters on the nails and the nails will look swollen and painful. If left untreated nails can develop Abscess making it difficult to treat.

Pictures of Onychophagia :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Onychophagia

Onychophagia Onychophagia Onychophagia Onychophagia
Treatment :

It is easy to treat onychophagia through cognitive behavior therapy. Restrictive treatments are administered to stop the habit. For instance applying bitter polish on the nails, getting warning from parents or family members or self improvement suggestions can help a person to overcome this habit. You can also make a dressing or bandage on the tip of the finger so that it reduces the habit of nail biting.

In most of the cases, the approach should be based on psychological aspect. The person can undergo cognitive behavior therapy which slowly takes him out of this habit. Giving a physical solution alone is not enough to stop or manage onychophagia. The doctor should refer the person to a counselor to find his state of mind or suppressed emotions and help him to come out of it.

Bitter varnish can be applied on the tips of nail so that the person will develop aversion by smelling the nails. The person should be motivated well enough to reduce this bad habit and stop it eventually. Unless the person cooperate it is not possible to treat onychophagia.

Monday, May 09, 2016

Onychophagia – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Cure, Pictures

Onychophagia – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Cure, Pictures

What is Onychophagia?

This is basically compulsive biting of the nail and is a body focused repetitive behavior that causes destruction of the individual’s own fingernails as well as the skin around the cuticles and nails. Biting of the nails is fairly common but with some individuals it can be more than just a bad habit. It may become very serious, as these individuals are suffering from compulsive nail-biting and they can experience bruises, bleeding, and permanent damage to the fingers as well as infections.

This behavior is normally unconscious and individuals with this compulsion behavior can have great difficulty stopping due to the fact that they are not even aware of their actions. Onychophagia involves the biting of the nail. Compulsively biting of just the skin is referred to a dermatophagia. These behaviors are classified as a type of impulse control disorder.

Onychophagia Symptoms

Several sources list the following symptoms and signs of onychophagia:

  • Short nails

  • Bleeding skin around nails

  • Skin damage around nails

  • Compulsive nail biting

  • Callouses

  • Hangnails

  • Painful nails

Onychophagia Causes

The reason for nail biting that is compulsive is possibly a blending of environmental as well as biological factors. Compulsive grooming has been seen in all animals with the behavior increasing while under stress.

Nail biting which is compulsive is usually seen in those individuals who suffer with obsessive-compulsive disorder as well as body dysmmorphic disorder. Since this is a repeated behavior and is common in individuals suffering with obsessive-compulsive disorder, it is often reflected to be on the OC continuum of disorder. These types of disorders are prone to be seen in families.

Usually there are numerous reasons why individuals with this behavior continue it and normally it may be much more than only a difficulty of will-power.

Whenever individuals are stressed many feel the need for soothing themselves and find biting nails makes them feel better. It has some calming effect and reduces the stimulation level.
In contrast, whenever individuals are inactive or bored, nail-biting helps to keep an individual awake or alert rather than otherwise becoming distracted or bored.

You're reading Onychophagia – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Cure, Pictures posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

Some nail-biters can spend tremendous time examining and grooming their nails for irregularities and then trying to fix these problems. Ironically, the nail-biting ends always in the nails looking worse in spite of the effects leading to nails being perfect.

Nail-biting may cause a cycle that is self-perpetuating. This nail-biting leads to anxiety and shame, which can result in more nail-biting.

Onychophagia Treatment

The very first-line of management for obsessive-compulsive disorder is normally anti-depressant drugs, especially serotonin re-uptake inhibitors or SRIs. This includes the faMiliar “selective” serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRIs which include:

  • Prozac

  • Luvox

  • Zoloft

  • Paxil

  • Celexa

  • Lexapro

The dosages for anti-obsessional abilities are normally higher than what is required for anti-depressant properties.

Most individuals who attempt SRIs will be “treatment responders,” most studies have shown that the reduction of symptoms inclines to be meek at best. Medication is not a total cure only a suggestion the medication has lessened OCD symptoms by some degrees. Together with the medication, there needs to be cognitive-behavioral therapy. CBT is used to describe evidence-based treatments that are focus on reducing an individual’s current behavior thru the application of learning theories to psychotherapy.

Onychophagia Cure

There is no information on the internet as to the cure rate for this disorder. But, it is doubtful that cure can be complete without some type of behavior therapy. Normally there is only about a 30% decrease in symptoms using medication alone.

Onychophagia Pictures


