Showing posts with label Pain behind Knee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pain behind Knee. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Pain Behind Knee – Causes, Types, Treatment, Swelling

Our knee is made of three bones namely lateral, medial and patelio-femoral bones. When there is injury or degeneration of bones due to any reason, it can cause knee pain. People having rheumatoid Arthritis will frequently complain of knee pain and joint pain. Knee pain is the discomfort and pain observed on the knees for variety of reasons. The intensity of pain may range from mild to severe depending on the severity of the problem.

Causes :

Three major factors like aging, injury and involvement in athletic activities are the main cause for knee pain. When there is any trauma, it affects the cartilages or ligaments of the knee causing degeneration of bones or ligaments.

Knee pain is caused due to overuse of knees and restricted movement of knees. It can occur due to poor physical activity and not doing any stretching exercises. The knee has to be put to use properly for warming and cooling down so as to function well. Very often mild pain in the knees will settle down on its own or gentle massaging. Knee pain can also develop due to overweight (Obesity).

For some people, the underlying health issues like arthritis (Rheumatoid arthritis or Osteoarthritis), Bursitis (inflammation on the knee), accumulation of fluids behind the knee, any infection on the joints, knee injuries, mutilation of cartilages, torn ligaments, medial collateral injury caused to ligaments and minor injuries or sprain on the ligaments etc. In rare cases, it may occur due to the formation of Tumors in the bones.

There are 4 major types of injury :-

  • Ligament injury – Injury can affect the inner part of the knee called collateral ligament or the outer part or sometimes it may be within the ligaments. Depending on the extent of injury, the range of pain varies widely. The affected ligament will become tender and warm. The cruciate injury of the ligament is felt deep inside the knee, creating popping sensation.
  • Meniscus Tears – The meniscus of the knee may get torn due to the rapid movements and applied forces. This type of knee pain is common in sports personalities.
  • Tendinitis – Tendinitis occurs in the front portion of the knee which often happens during strain or rapid jumping or fall. For this reason patellar tendinitis is also called as “jumper’s knee”.
  • Fractures – It is a severe form of trauma in the knees which occur during motorcycle accidents causing breakage of bones inside.
  • Pictures of Pain behind knee :

    Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Pain Behind Knee

    Pain Behind Knee Pain Behind Knee Pain Behind Knee Pain Behind Knee
    Treatment :

    For mild forms of pain behind knee, avoiding physical activity and taking rest will make it better. You can also apply ice pack on the affected portion for several times. Keep the knees in elevated position and do not sit or stand on the same posture for long time. If needed, you can take ibuprofen or any other pain killer for getting relief.

    If you are overweight, then try all possible methods to reduce your weight. Since the entire weight of the torso is put on the knees, it can be affected badly. Always wear proper fitting shoes and avoid using high-heeled shoes or sandals. In case, pain behind knee is caused due to bursitis, then avoid putting the affected knee on the bed; instead use a pillow between the knees to reduce pain.

    Tuesday, May 10, 2016

    Pain Behind Knee

    Pain behind Knee

    Our knee is made of three bones namely lateral, medial and patelio-femoral bones. When there is injury or degeneration of bones due to any reason, it can cause knee pain. People having Rheumatoid Arthritis will frequently complain of knee pain and joint pain.

    Knee pain is the discomfort and pain observed on the knees for variety of reasons. The intensity of pain may range from mild to severe depending on the severity of the problem.

    Causes :

    Three major factors like aging, injury and involvement in athletic activities are the main cause for knee pain. When there is any trauma, it affects the cartilages or ligaments of the knee causing degeneration of bones or ligaments.

    Knee pain is caused due to overuse of knees and restricted movement of knees. It can occur due to poor physical activity and not doing any stretching exercises. The knee has to be put to use properly for warming and cooling down so as to function well. Very often mild pain in the knees will settle down on its own or gentle massaging. Knee pain can also develop due to overweight (obesity).

    For some people, the underlying health issues like arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis), Bursitis (inflammation on the knee), accumulation of fluids behind the knee, any infection on the joints, knee injuries, mutilation of cartilages, torn ligaments, medial collateral injury caused to ligaments and minor injuries or sprain on the ligaments etc. In rare cases, it may occur due to the formation of tumors in the bones.

    There are 4 major types of injury:-

    Ligament injury :

    Injury can affect the inner part of the knee called collateral ligament or the outer part or sometimes it may be within the ligaments. Depending on the extent of injury, the range of pain varies widely. The affected ligament will become tender and warm. The cruciate injury of the ligament is felt deep inside the knee, creating popping sensation.

    Meniscus Tears :

    The meniscus of the knee may get torn due to the rapid movements and applied forces. This type of knee pain is common in sports personalities.

    Tendinitis :

    Tendinitis occurs in the front portion of the knee which often happens during strain or rapid jumping or fall. For this reason patellar tendinitis is also called as “jumper’s knee”.

    Fractures :

    It is a severe form of trauma in the knees which occur during motorcycle accidents causing breakage of bones inside.

    Pictures of Pain Behind Knee :

    Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Pain Behind Knee

    Pain Behind Knee Pain Behind Knee Pain Behind Knee Pain Behind Knee
    Treatment :

    For mild forms of pain behind knee, avoiding physical activity and taking rest will make it better. You can also apply ice pack on the affected portion for several times. Keep the knees in elevated position and do not sit or stand on the same posture for long time. If needed, you can take ibuprofen or any other pain killer for getting relief.

    If you are overweight, then try all possible methods to reduce your weight. Since the entire weight of the torso is put on the knees, it can be affected badly. Always wear proper fitting shoes and avoid using high-heeled shoes or sandals. In case, pain behind knee is caused due to bursitis, then avoid putting the affected knee on the bed; instead use a pillow between the knees to reduce pain.

    Pain behind Knee – Causes and Treatment

    Pain Behind Knee – Causes and Treatment


    Meniscus pain
    The meniscus is also a major cause of pain that is behind the knee. The meniscus is responsible for the absorption of the shock in the knee joint and also prevents the knee from twisting too far. If the knee clicks or hurts when you move your leg quickly or when you do fast turns, then you can have a meniscus problem that is causing the pain behind the knee. This is a frequent problem with individuals who do high impact sports such as soccer, basketball and football due to quickly running and turning at high speeds.

    Popliteus pain
    The popliteus is the muscle behind the knee that supports the knee joint from the back. It is a muscle that AIDS the knee holding together. If an individual has knee pain that occurs at the back, this is one probable cause of the knee pain. This muscle can become injured by getting squashed or strained in between other muscles like the hamstrings as well as the calves.
    Arthritis of the knee
    The majority of pain comes from the arthritic knee joint which is usually caused by wear and tear of the knee joint. When the knee joint becomes worn out, the knee can go into spasms of the muscle as well as inflammation. The pain is much worse when the individual puts all or most of the weight of the body on to the knee by activities such as bending down or standing on one leg – for example when going up stairs. If you do have that type of pain, then the likely cause of pain behind the knee is arthritis of the knee.

    You're reading Pain behind Knee – Causes and Treatment posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

    This is another cause of pain behind the knee and is the medical name for abnormal softening of your knee cartilage. This problem happens so frequently with runners that chondromalacia is also referred to as Runner’s Knee.


    Pain that develops behind the knee may be managed with rest as well as ice to help reduce the swelling. Additionally, the following will also help in the management of the pain:

    • Exercising using those exercises that are low impact. This helps strengthen the muscles particularly the quadriceps, and can help with the pain behind the knee.

    • Strengthening and stretching the quadriceps as well as the hamstrings can ease pain located behind the knee.

    • Exercising with a stationary bike, swimming or taking part in other exercises that are low-impact can help in relieving behind the knee pain.

    • A knee brace offers stable relief from pain behind the knee

    • Using over-the-counter pain relieving medications as well as anti-inflammatory drugs may help to relieve the pain from behind the knee.

    • Trying shoes with added arch supports while walking or exercising, is vital to treating pain behind the knee.

    The individual who uses the above measures and still pain behind the knee persists, should visit their primary care physician. The physician can tell if the individual needs any surgery to fully lessen the pain from behind the knee.