Showing posts with label Pathological Liar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pathological Liar. Show all posts

Sunday, June 05, 2016

Pathological Liar

Pathological Liar

It hurts when you find out that somebody lied to you. But it hurts even more when you find out that someone has been lying to you repeatedly. Although almost everyone lies once in a while, sometimes exaggerating facts, omitting little details, or telling a completely different story, a few people may be called pathological liars, who always twist the truth, no matter how simple or seemingly unimportant it may be. How can one tell if he is dealing with a pathological liar? What Is a Pathological Liar?
A pathological liar lies compulsively and impulsively, almost without thinking about the consequences of his action. He lies regularly on a spontaneous basis even if he gains no benefit from it, or even if he traps himself into it. A pathological liar cannot control his impulse to lie and it is usually a self-defeating trait. Causes of Pathological lying
One may develop into a pathological liar because of:
  • A personality disorder (sociopathic, histrionic, narcissistic, or borderline personality)

  • Dysfunctional families

  • Physical or sexual abuse during childhood

  • Substance abuse

  • Disorders in impulse control (pathological gambling, kleptomania, compulsive shopping)

  • Neuropsychological abnormalities (learning disabilities, Mental Retardation, etc.)

  • Suggestible or accommodating personality traits

Signs of Pathological lying
  • Masked smiling

  • Lacks head movement

  • Increased movements or self-adapters (such as playing with an object, scratching the head, etc.)

  • Increased or heightened voice pitch

  • Slow speech

  • Increased use of pause fillers (such as “uh”, “hm”, or “er”)

  • Nonverbal behavior does not match communication methods (hand movements do not match the spoken words)

Watch a video of the truth about pathological liars:

How to Detect a Pathological Liar
Here are some ways on how you can detect someone who is a pathological liar: 1. Is He/She Trying to Get Attention?
A pathological liar wants to be in the limelight or center of attention and lying reinforces his feeling of being important. Some possibilities include:
  • Sympathy attention. The liar wants everybody to know his story and exaggerates details to get sympathy from anybody who can hear him, whether it is because of a small or a big problem or incidence in his life.

  • Wants to feel important. This person wants to feel that he is superior to others and lets them know he has a better experience or accomplishment, whether it is a personal or professional aspect.

  • Feels bored. This individual is usually bored when there is no drama in his life, so he fabricates lies that may hurt or affect other people.

  • Insecurity. Pathological liars are usually insecure and they feel they must make up lies about their accomplishments or events in their life to become worthy of attention.

2. Does He Have Harmful Secret Habits?
People who lie habitually may be hiding a secret habit such as an alcohol problem or drug addiction. They may be engaged in obsessive behaviors like online gaming or hiding an eating disorder such as Anorexia or bulimia. They may also have a personality disorder such as narcissistic, bipolar, or borderline personalities. These pathological liars need professional help in the form of group counseling or therapy to treat their behaviors as well their lying problem. 3. How does He React When He Is Caught Lying?
The pathological liar reacts very negatively when busted for telling a lie by:
  • Being extremely defensive. He may try to blame someone else.

  • Fabricating yet another lie. The pathological liar covers up the original fib to make sure that his reputation remains intact by telling a bigger lie.

  • Becoming vindictive. They may react with anger or rage and may retaliate. However, others may become upset at being caught by someone close and may react with tearfulness.

4. Is He even Living in the Real World?
Pathological liars typically have trouble maintaining consistency in their life and do not live in reality. This may include signs such as:
  • Changing jobs often. The pathological liar has difficulty holding on to a job because they either are busted for fibbing or are not able to handle ordinary tasks because they bluff their way into a job.

  • Cannot hold steady relationships. Interpersonal relationships fail because of lying and unrealistic expectations. Although they often attract new relationships because of lying, they have trouble maintaining them.

  • Estrangement from family. Family members may become tired of supporting or being close to a pathological liar and he may become alienated.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Pathological Liar

Pathological Liar

Behavior of compulsive lying is truly a controversial topic discussed in psychology. Pathological lying is the process of lying persistently to get going without paying little or no concern for others.

Sociopath :

The person who lies constantly is called a sociopath and he always lies to get his goal accomplished. He is not bothered about the feeling of others. The personality of such sociopaths is charismatic and they use their maximum talent and social skills in self centric approach.

Compulsive Liar :

It is the person who habitually lies repeatedly. The art of telling lies has become his/her habit and they very often respond to questions by telling lies. The answers will carry little elements of truth and they often manipulate the truth either large or small. The individual feels uncomfortable in telling the truth and this habit develop right from his childhood.

Characteristics :

Psudologia fantastica is the name given for pathological liars who will have the following traits in them.

Whenever they tell lies, they will include some truth in it and they manipulate the truth to some extent. If questioned, they can even admit that what they told was untrue. The habit of telling lies is long lasting and it does not stem out as a response to particular situation or environment. A pathological liar will not tell lies out of pressure and it would have become an innate trait for of his personality.

There would be an inner motive which can be detected in clinical setting. In other words, pathological liar will lie due to habitual spousal torture or extortion or due to any other reason. However he would continue to tell lies repeatedly even after the issue has been settled. The stories which they tell during lying largely describe them as great personality or in close association with famous personalities.

They would also have false memory syndrome which is a condition that makes him/her believe that the events recited by him/her had actually taken place. At no point of time, they would accept the stories as fantasy and they strongly believe whatever they said is true. He would, for example, believe strongly that he has supernatural powers to stop some natural events.

Pathological lying is a type of psychological problem that interrupts the rational judgmental skills of the person concerned. The individual will often make willful false statements for the simple belief that everything is possible by him.

Who are at risk ?

People with various types of psychological problem are prone to tell lies willfully or intentionally. They will keep on progressing into the fantasy world believing their irrational powers strongly. For instance, individuals who are affected with various types of personality disorder like narcissistic personality, borderline personality and antisocial personality would prefer to lie for drawing attention. Very often these lies are meaningless and would clearly convey the message to the listener that they are lying.

Treatment :

Treatment becomes very difficult because the person has to be treated for underlying psychological or behavioral problem and he/she believes strongly that what he/she tells is absolutely true. It is hard for them to accept or admit their problem. Psychotherapy can be given for treating pathological liars.

Behavioral therapy given by trained psychologist can help them to overcome this problem. Pathological lying is definitely a complex phenomenon to cure and is totally different from lies told by healthy persons.

Symptoms :

You can identify a pathological liar by the body language and the way in which the concerned person uses language. They will start telling fantasy and complex sentences which never end shortly. They tell lies even for simple things without any purpose. They would try to impress people on their stories since they believe in what they are actually telling. Very often, the stories narrated by pathological liars are farfetched and one can easily identify them as lies.

Why pathological liars lie ?

Mostly pathological liars tell lies to get noticed or getting attention from others. Some people tell stories or fantasies to gain popularity and to cover up their failures.