Showing posts with label Piercing Infection Health Risks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Piercing Infection Health Risks. Show all posts

Monday, May 09, 2016

Piercing Infection Health Risks

Piercing Infection Health Risks

Piercing has become part and parcel of today’s fashion and both men and women of any age are fond of piercing. More number of people is getting involved in piercing for adding attraction. It is quite common for modern youth to pierce in many parts of the body like ear, nose, lips, tongue and genitals. Some women are fond of piercing their breast. Piercing can be defined as tearing of the uppermost layer of the skin (of any part) for making a hole. Piercers would use sterilized instruments like pierce gun or needles for making such hole in the skin to accommodate jewelry.

What Are The Risks Involved In Piercing?

Number of factors can lead to bacterial infection at the site of piercing.

  • Non-Sterilized Instruments :

Using the same needle for many people and using non-sterilized instruments can cause infection. Piercing is similar to receiving injection. A nurse/doctor uses only disposable sterilized syringe to give you a shot of injection. Likewise the professional piercer should use only sterilized instruments for piercing. He/she should not use the same needle for many persons. This can cause transmission of infected blood from one individual to the other. Transmission of virus/microorganisms can occur and you are at the risk of developing Hepatitis B or C and HIV.

  • Dirty Environment :

The place of piercing should be kept clean. Items like tables, desks and all other equipments should be cleaned properly or disinfected regularly. This can prevent infection to large extent. The piercer should wash his hands thoroughly wish soap water before and after the act of piercing. If he/she touches you with dirty hands you are more likely to get infected.

  • Cleaning The Site With Alcohol :

Before piercing is done, the piercer would clean the area with disinfectant solution. Any part like ear, nose, navel etc can be cleaned thoroughly before piercing. For oral piercing like tongue, lips etc you will be asked to rinse with antiseptic mouthwash. This can prevent future infection.

  • Professional Piercers :

Always opt for professional piercers in your area. In many states it is mandatory to possess a valid license for piercing. You can find the list of professional piercers in your city by contacting the State County or health department. Never indulge in self piercing or getting it done by your friend. This can cause various complications.

  • Specific Risks :

Any type of piercing that can interrupt or block the normal functions of the body can cause serious risk and potential complications. Tongue piercing can interfere in the way you speak and the jewelry on the tongue can cause discomfort in swallowing and drinking. This can wear away the tooth enamel. In case of infection in severe cases the infection can be passed on to the internal organs through airways or food pipe.

Genital piercing can make the act of having sex more painful and difficult. Even urination can cause pain in the genitals due to infected piercing. Cartilage piercing on the ear carries more risk than ear lobe piercing. In some cases this can lead to Keloid formation and fluid may ooze out of it. This may require surgical drainage. Oral piercing (includes tongue, lips) in any form is more dangerous than any other part of the body. Mouth or oral cavity contains millions of bacteria through which infection can easily occur and passed on to inner organs.

Abscess is the collection of fluid like pus on the site of piercing. Abscess or keloid can be formed on the area due to bacterial infection. If left untreated it may lead to blood poisoning or Sepsis.

  • Swelling Of Skin :

It is normal for each person to develop skin swelling for few days after piercing. This would automatically resolve without any treatment. But for some people swelling of skin remains in the site causing pain, discomfort and tenderness on the site.

Images, Pics, Photos and Pictures of Piercing Infection :

Piercing Infection Piercing Infection Piercing Infection

Rare Risks :

  • The following risks are very rare in piercing and can happen if no action is taken after getting infected.

  • Ear Piercing Infection can cause perichondritis, keloid formation, allergic reaction and traumatic tear.

  • Genital piercing in women can cause allergic reaction, abscess, and pain and can interfere with the function of contraceptives. It can cause considerable pain during intercourse.

  • In males, genital piercing (on the penis) can cause penile engorgement, frictional irritation, infection, condyloma, urethral infection and interruption in urinary flow.

  • Oral piercing infection can cause allergic reaction, trauma, hematoma, injury to salivary glands, considerable pain while eating, and in severe cases speech impediment. In very rare instance it can cause tooth fracture also.

  • Navel piercing can cause bacterial infection, frictional irritation, and rejection of jewelry.

  • Nipple piercing can largely interfere with breastfeeding. It may also cause abscess and bacterial Endocarditis.

  • Nose piercing can cause nasal infection, perichondritis, necrosis of nose wall and aspiration.