Showing posts with label Pityriasis Rosea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pityriasis Rosea. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Pityriasis Rosea

Pityriasis Rosea

Pityriasis rosea is a skin problem causing rashes characterized by red scaly patches. This skin problem is benign and harmless but it can cause complications on pregnant women. It begins as one large sized lesion on the abdomen or chest area with size ranging from 6-10 cm. It looks like dragging pine tree branches on the skin. It largely targets people of age group 10-30. It looks ugly on your body and can cause itching. This skin disorder resolves on its own within few weeks.

Causes :

Exact cause of pityriasis rosea is not known. But this is not caused by bacteria or fungal infection. It is a type of allergic reaction on the skin causing rash. It is believed to be triggered by viral infection in some cases. However this disorder does not spread from one person to another.

Symptoms :

The rash usually begins as one medium sized raised patch on the skin. It can cause Sore Throat or fever in some people but the symptoms are not the same for all. The shape of the rash will be very much like pine tree branches. It can cause irritation on the affected area. Within few days there will be number of tiny red colored patches on the skin in the abdomen and chest. It may spread to arms and legs area also. These patches are vertical positioned with particular angle resembling tree branch. The rash will be on your skin for 6-10 weeks.

Tests :

Your doctor can easily identify pityriasis rosea by physical examination of the rash. In case of doubt, your doctor will conduct Potassium hydroxide test to ensure that the rash is not caused by fungus.

Treatment :

Generally no treatment is required for pityriasis rosea since it will disappear on its own within few weeks. To prevent irritation, you can apply skin lotions and creams. Anti-inflammatory drugs can be used if the itching is severe. You need not take antibiotics since this type of rash is not caused by virus or bacteria.

Some believe that pityriasis rosea will fade quickly if it is exposed to sunlight but over-exposure can cause sunburn. If it does not wither away after 6 weeks you can consult your doctor for taking medicines.

Corticosteroids are prescribed for managing redness and itching sensation. Benadryl is effective for controlling allergic reaction.

Pictures of Pityriasis Rosea :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Pityriasis Rosea

Pityriasis Rosea Pityriasis Rosea Pityriasis Rosea Pityriasis Rosea Pityriasis Rosea Pityriasis Rosea
Home Remedies :

Keep the affected area cool. You can apply cold compression repeatedly to prevent dryness. Avoid hot water bath since it will worsen the condition.

Oatmeal bath is good for getting relief from itching. Use a clean wet cloth as cold compress on the chest and abdomen area and repeat this process many times a day. Avoid using soap when you have rashes. Wear cool cotton clothing and apply calamine lotion or moisturizing lotion on the skin to keep it wet.

Monday, May 09, 2016

Pityriasis Rosea

Pityriasis Rosea

What is Pityriasis Rosea?

Otherwise known as Pityriasis rosea Gibert, this common skin condition characteristically begins with a distinct dry, pink to red herald patch lesion which is followed by a widespread rash after one to two weeks which lasts for around six to eight weeks, and rarely extending 12 weeks.

This ACUTE exanthem is equally common between the two sex populations but generally occurs in individuals between 10 to 35 years old or those who are pregnant. An individual can only acquire this condition only once but getting it the second time is still theoretically possible.

Pityriasis Rosea Symptoms

People affected with this disease usually exhibit the following signs and symptoms;

  • In nearly 70% of the affected individuals, an infection affecting the upper respiratory tract precedes all other manifestations.

  • A single mother or herald patch which is about 2 to 10 centimeters in diameter develops, typically on the patient’s abdomen. This herald patch may emerge in groups of tiny elliptical spots and can be sometimes mistaken as acne. In some occasions, the herald patch emerges in concealed positions and cannot be immediately detected such as when it is in the axilla.

  • 1 to 2 weeks after the appearance of the herald patch, pink to red, flaky, oval-shaped l patches known as daughter patches come out on the upper body. An inverse distribution of these patches takes place in about 6 percent of the cases, with the rash mostly on the extremities. Generally, the more numerous oval patches extends broadly, transversely from the trunk initially, following the rib-line in a classic Christmas tree-like pattern. In the next several days, the back and neck will be involved, and small circular patches come into view on these areas. Eventhough rarely these lesions form on the face, they may still show on the cheeks and hairline.

  • One out of every four affected individuals report of non-specific symptomatic itching which ranges from mild to severe and worsens when scratched. Due to over-dryness, there is moderate itching particularly when soap is applied on the affected areas during cleansing, when overheated from exercise or hot showers. It doesn’t regularly persist throughout the entire disease process as it is likely to disappear when rash comes out.

  • Usually the body rash is along with some other general manifestations such as low-grade fever, Sore Throat, decreased appetite, nausea, Headache and exhaustion.

Pityriasis Rosea Causes

The primary cause of Pityriasis rosea still remains unclear. Just recently, the clinical presentation and immunologic reaction of the disease has been linked to a viral infection, more specifically to human herpes virus type 6 and 7. However, this is still controversial as HHV-7 is frequently present in healthy persons. As the mode of transmission is also uncertain, it is believed that Pityriasis rosea is not due to genital or Oral Herpes but is assumed to be acquired through respiratory contact. Another study suggests a predominantly T-cell mediated immunity in the progression of the disease as researchers noted a deficiency of natural killer cells and beta cell activity in the lesions.

Pityriasis Rosea Treatment

As there is no definitive prevention due to the undetermined cause, helpful preventive tips against most viral infection, can be put to practice such as proper basic hygiene, frequent hand washing and avoidance of crowded places, ill contacts and infected aerosolized respiratory droplets from sick individuals.
The majority of the cases do not entail treatment since it just resolve on its own spontaneously. Intervention is not necessary when rash is completely asymptomatic. Without medical involvement, the disease disappears in six to eight weeks time.

You're reading Pityriasis Rosea posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

  • UVB light or sunlight.

  • Avoid being overheated by reducing exercise and avoiding hot showers and baths.

  • Have lukewarm baths or showers.

  • Avoid using drying soaps.

  • Wear cotton or silk clothing to reduce heat.

  • Calamine or menthol lotions can also be applied to relieve mild itching.

  • Lubricate the skin with bland moisturizers.

  • Oatmeal baths

  • Steroid creams or hydrocortisone cream

  • Oral antihistamines such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl) for itching

  • Natural sunlight exposure to body parts for about 10 to 15 minutes per day

Pityriasis Rosea Stages

In order to correctly determine if Pityriasis rosea is what is causing the patient skin inflammation, the observer must have adequate knowledge of the clinical stages of the disease. The condition passes through a number of unique phases.

Prodromal Stage
Prodromal symptoms which herald the appearance of the mother patch include body weakness, nausea, Anorexia, hyperthermia, joint pain, swelling of the lymph node and headache.

The Appearance of a mother patch
This stage is characterized by the appearance of a solitary pink, flaking, oval patch, which measures for about two to five centimeters in diameter.

Disseminated eruption of the spots
After about 1 to 2 weeks, the patient may have non-itchy spots all throughout the body. It first attacks the torso, and then finally, it extends in the upper and lower extremities. In individuals with lighter complexion, the rash is salmon- colored while in people with darker skin, there is hyperpigmentation. This may last for 6 to 8 weeks.

Is Pityriasis Rosea Contagious?

Eventhough the condition is assumed to be viral in origin. Fortunately, this acute exanthem is not communicable or contagious.

Pityriasis Rosea