Showing posts with label Plantar Fibromatosis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Plantar Fibromatosis. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Plantar Fibromatosis

Plantar Fibromatosis

Plantar fibromatosis is a wound healing disorder which has excess of collagen and fiber tissue on the affected area. The damaged part of the feet will develop hard nodular masses that can be felt under the skin while standing or walking. It occurs on elderly persons and middle aged people and does not heal on its own. This condition can cause discomfort and pain while standing and walking.

Symptoms :

Development of nodular tissues under the bottom of the feet is the only sign of this disorder. Excess of collagen or fibrotic tissue is seen growing beneath the feet and can be felt by touching the affected area. This underlying collagen mass is called fibroma.

There would be constant irritating pain and discomfort when the person walks or stands for long hours. The pain would keep on increasing while walking and will subside if the person takes rest for a while. These tissue growths would also grow in size if the treatment is delayed.

Causes :

The exact cause why plantar fibromatosis occurs only on certain individuals is not known. However if a person is subjected to foot injury he or she has more chances of getting this disorder than others. The injury can be in the form of small puncture on the bottom of foot or may be due to tear because of constant running activity and sports events. The trauma would literally tear the tissue causing growth of collagen and tissue.

Genetic factor is also another reason for getting plantar fibromatosis. Individuals with diseases like Peyronie’s disorder and Dupuytren’s disease are prone to develop this disorder also.

Certain powerful medicines belonging to group of beta adrenergic blocking agents may also cause this disease. Even drugs like phenytoin given for Epilepsy are known to cause tissue growth under the feet. In addition, patients who have chronic problems like diabetes, seizure and liver disease may have indirect effect on healing of wounds.

Diagnoses :

Your doctor may physically examine the feet and also ask you to do MRI scan or ultrasound scan for detecting the intensity of growth.

Pictures of Plantar Fibromatosis :

Images, Pictures, Pics, Photos of Plantar Fibromatosis

Plantar Fibromatosis Plantar Fibromatosis Plantar Fibromatosis Plantar Fibromatosis Plantar Fibromatosis Plantar Fibromatosis Plantar Fibromatosis Plantar Fibromatosis
Treatment :

Depending on the intensity of growth of tissue and collagen, the treatment is decided by your doctor.
Invasive treatment includes giving corticosteroid injections to the patients. For some people, surgery is done for removing fibroma or nodular growth and for others the surgeon will totally remove the plantar fascia in case of severe infection and growth of tissue.

Non invasive methods of treating plantar fibromatosis are by prescribing drugs and exercises. Simple stretching exercises are to be done by the affected persons along with application of transdermal verapamil gel.

Plantar Fibromatosis – Symptoms, Causes, Pictures, Treatment

Plantar Fibromatosis – Symptoms, Causes, Pictures, Treatment

What is Plantar Fibromatosis?

Plantar fibromatosis is a tissue condition affecting the plantar fascia which is fibrotic and usually includes a single lesion or multiple nodules. The condition usually derives from the medial as well as the central fascial band of the aponeurosis and is normally non-cancerous. It comprises extra fibrotic or collagen tissue. This additional collagen is normally denoted as a fibroma. These fibromas are mostly slow growing lesions that are typically asymptomatic.

Plantar Fibromatosis Symptoms

Symptoms which are normal with plantar fibromatosis include:

  • Firm lump in the arch of the foot

  • Lump can cause pain

  • Pain is caused from the pressure of shoes

  • Heels and soles of the feet hurt when first stepped on in the morning

Plantar Fibromatosis  Causes

The exact reason for plantar fibromatosis is not known; but there are several probable causes that the majority of doctors believe can play a part in the situation.

Any trauma or injury to the plantar fascia is believed to be the principal reason for plantar fibromatosis. This trauma could have been caused by a puncture or perforation thru the sole of the foot or from impact which are repetitive from undertakings such as climbing or running. Also it is believed that tightening as well as thickening of the plantar fascia created by Plantar Fasciitis could have led to tissue tears which have caused plantar fibromas to follow.

Numerous individuals may be predisposed genetically to fibrotic tissue complaints such as plantar fibromatosis. Those from north European ancestry seem to have higher incidences of diseases that are fibrotic, while Asians are rarely affected. Those individuals with plantar fibromatosis might also a close relative or a parent with the condition. This condition is likewise associated with Dupuytren’s disease or Peyronie’s disease. Approximately 5% of individuals with Dupuytren’s disease similarly have plantar fibromatosis and 3% of those with Dupuytren’s disease will also have Peyronie’s disease.

Plantar fibromatosis may affect individuals of any age, but this is a condition which is seen more often in middle aged individuals as well as senior citizens. As many as 25% of these age groups have plantar fibromatosis which also will affect men 10 times more than it will effect women.
Drugs which are frequently used for the treatment of Hypertension belonging to the drug class identified as beta adrenergic blocking agents or beta-blockers have known to be a reason for fibrotic tissue disorders. Drugs which are anti-seizure for example phenytoin as well as certain supplements for instance glucosamine/chondroitin and huge doses of vitamin C supplements can also stimulate excessive collagen production.

You're reading Plantar Fibromatosis – Symptoms, Causes, Pictures, Treatment posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

Other Conditions
Those individuals with diseases such as diabetes, chronic liver disease and some seizure diseases have a greater rate of plantar fibromatosis. While these diseases may not be a direct cause for this condition, it can designate the influence these conditions or drugs used to manage them have on the healing of wounds. Long time alcohol abuse has also been linked with this condition.

Plantar Fibromatosis Treatment

Numerous different treatments are available for plantar fibromatosis and usually are separated into two major classifications, non-invasive and invasive.

Non-invasive treatments
Non-invasive treatments include:

  • Transdermal Verapamil 15% Gel

  • Stretching

  • Padding

  • Orthotics

  • Physical therapy

Invasive treatments
Invasive treatments  include:

  • Corticosteroid injections in the fibroma

  • Surgery – This is presently the most common management technique for healing of plantar fibromatosis. There are usually two procedures which are common. One comprises the exclusion of the fibroma only – this results in a recurrence rate that is high and the second includes the totally exclusion of the plantar fascia that has a longer recovery time as well as leading to other foot problems.

Many doctors agree that the non-invasive method for handling plantar fibromatosis should be first considered given the exceptional great rate of recurrence from surgery. Invasive treatments as well as surgery are normally set aside for the cases which are more severe.

Initial treatment which is conservation for this condition includes the avoidance of any direct pressure to the nodules of plantar fibromatosis. In most cases, the only pain found with this condition is when the nodule is irritated by any direct pressure from the floor or shoes. Soft arch supports and padding can be an aid to cushion and pad the plantar fibromatosis nodules.

Plantar Fibromatosis Pictures

Plantar Fibromatosis

Plantar Fibromatosis

Plantar Fibromatosis

Plantar Fibromatosis

Plantar Fibromatosis

Plantar Fibromatosis