Showing posts with label Plaque Psoriasis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Plaque Psoriasis. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Plaque Psoriasis

Plaque Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a type of skin problem in which the cells of the skin grow rapidly thereby increasing its volume multifold. Plaque psoriasis is marked by red patches covering the skin and it often occurs on the elbows and knees. Sometimes it may develop on the palms, feet and even on other parts of the body. This disease is characterized by red scaly patches on the skin which is itchy and painful. When it occurs on the scalp it affects the growth of hair forming crust of scales on the head. Plaque psoriasis is definitely a chronic skin problem and the symptoms depend on the type of psoriasis.

Types :

Pistular psoriasis occurs on the hands and feet in the form of red scaly patches or pistules. Guttate Psoriasis develops in the form of red spots and is seen on the limbs and torso. Inverse psoriasis occurs in private parts like groin, armpits and breast area where there is folding of skin. Erythrodermic psoriasis is severe type of psoriasis causing sunburn and infection.

It is difficult to treat any type of psoriasis since it is chronic and irritating. There is no guarantee that the disease can be cured completely since there is every chance for getting relapse after short time.

Causes :

Exact cause of plaque psoriasis is unknown, but it is believed to be triggered by emotions or stressful situations. For instance loss of close relative or spouse or increased anxiety due to new job can cause this problem. People who are subjected to strep infection can develop psoriasis.

Auto immune disorder can also cause this infection causing flare-ups on the entire body. It is caused due to abnormal production of antibodies by the immune system.

Many times, external agents like stress and tension would trigger psoriasis.

For some people plaque psoriasis is inherited running in families.

Cold climate, dryness of the skin and skin infection also causes psoriasis. Intake of certain medications like non-steroids for long time and increased Blood Pressure is another cause for triggering psoriasis. Smoking habit can worsen the skin infection causing widespread of patches to several body parts.

Symptoms :

Some of the symptoms of psoriasis are thick whitish scaly patches on the skin. It can develop in any part of the body like hands or feet or in the torso region. Rapid growth of skin cells increases the density which does not wait for the old cells to shed. Thus it forms thickened layer of the skin which look like plaques which may grow in size shortly. Very often this skin disease is seen in adults but in rare cases it can occur on children also.

The joints may become inflamed and tender and it may cause intense pain. This condition is known as Psoriatic Arthritis which is seen largely in toenails and fingernails. It would change the color of nails and may cause separation of nails from the nail-bed.

Diagnoses :

The doctor will physically examine the body for symptoms of reddish patches or scales on the skin. He may use KOH test for identifying fungal infection.

Treatment :

Mild forms of psoriasis do not require any treatment since it will wither on its own. You need to take little extra care of your skin by using moisturizing lotions and creams.

For severe type of psoriasis combined method of treatments is used and it may take long time for the symptoms to disappear. Depending on the severity of the disease, oral medicines and phototherapy is given. For curing the symptoms on the scalp, medicated shampoos and oils are prescribed.

Pictures of Plaque Psoriasis :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Plaque Psoriasis

Plaque Psoriasis Plaque Psoriasis Plaque Psoriasis Plaque Psoriasis Plaque Psoriasis Plaque Psoriasis
Home Remedies :

The skin should not be exposed to ultraviolet rays of the sun. You need to keep the skin moist and dry-free. The crusts of patches can be removed by applying cream which would then peel off the old cells. Aloe Vera is highly effective for removing the scaly patches from the skin. However you cannot expect results overnight and it may take some time for getting positive results.

You should avoid getting tensed since it can worsen the symptoms. Take care to attend skin injury without any delay since it can trigger formation of patches. You need to take medications in case you are infected with Strep Throat.

Discontinue taking non-steroid drugs if you are using for long period or talk with your doctor for finding suitable alternative. Reduce smoking and taking alcohol since it can increase the symptoms if you are already infected with psoriasis.

Occlusion therapy is given for some people wherein medicated lotions and moisturizers are first applied on the skin. Then the skin area is gently wrapped with tape or plastic cover to help you in retaining the moisture. Anthralin, retinoids and tars are prescribed for managing intense rashes.

Plaque Psoriasis – Pictures, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Plaque Psoriasis – Pictures, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

What is Plaque Psoriasis?

This is a fairly common disease of the skin that influences the lifecycle of the cells of the skin. This disease causes the cells to increase very quickly on the skin surface, causing silvery thick scales as well as itchy, red, dry patches of plaque which are at some times painful.

This medical condition is a long-lasting chronic disease. The individual can have times when the psoriasis symptoms get better or actually go into total remission which alternate with times when the psoriasis worsens.

Plaque Psoriasis Symptoms

Psoriasis signs and symptoms may vary from individual to individual but can contain one or several of the below:

  • Burning, itching or soreness

  • Patches of red skin covered with scales which are silvery

  • Small scaly spots – usually seen in children

  • Cracked, dry skin which can bleed

  • Swollen as well as stiff joints

  • Pitted, ridged and thickening nails

Most of the forms of psoriasis have cycles, flaring up for several weeks or even months, then getting better for a while or going into total remission. In the majority of cases, the disease ultimately will return.

There are numerous forms of psoriasis including:

Plaque Psoriasis
This is the most frequent type and causes raised, red, dry skin lesions or plaques covered over with scales which are silvery. The plaques may be itchy, painful as well as can happen anyplace on the body, including the genitals as well as the soft mouth tissues.

Nail psoriasis
This affects toenails as well as fingernails, causing abnormal growth of the nail, with pitting, and discoloration. Nails can become loose and in some cases come apart from the bed of the nail.

Scalp Psoriasis
Develops in the scalp and appears as itchy, red areas with scales which are silvery-white.

Inverse psoriasis
Normally affects skin in the groin, armpits, around the genitals, under breasts and causes patches which are smooth and have inflamed red skin. It is most common in individuals who are overweight and is made worse by sweating as well as friction.

Guttate Psoriasis
Normally affects those individuals less than 30 years of age as well as is normally activated by an infection for instance Strep Throat. It is marked by “water-drop-shaped”, small sores on the trunk, legs, scalp and arms. The sores are covered over with a fine scale and are not as bulky as normal plaque is. You can have a solo outbreak which clears up without treatment or you can have episodes which are repetitive.

Pustular psoriasis
Uncommon type of psoriasis which may occur in patches which are widespread or in small spots on the fingertips, hands, and feet. It normally builds up rapidly, with blisters which are pus-filled emerging in a matter of hours after the skin becomes tender as well as red. The blisters will dry up in a couple of days but can re-emerge in a few days or weeks. General pustular psoriasis may also cause severe itching, chills, fatigue as well as fever.

Erythrodernic psoriasis
The very least common form of psoriasis, this can cover the complete body amid a peeling, red rash which can burn or itch intensely.

Psoriatic Arthritis
Additional to scaly, inflamed skin, this type of psoriasis causes discolored, pitted nails as well as swollen and painful joints which are characteristic of arthritis.

Plaque Psoriasis Causes

The causes of psoriasis are associated to the system of immunity. To be more specific, a kind of white blood cell known as T cell. Usually T cells go thru the body to find and battle foreign matter, such as bacteria or viruses. But with psoriasis, the T cells attack by error the skin which is healthy.

T cells which are overactive can activate additional immune response including a boost in other white blood cells which enter the epidermis as well as causes dilation of blood vessels. These changes cause an enhanced creation of both well skin cells as well as T cells and other white blood cells. This causes a continuing cycle with fresh skin cells moving to the top most covering of skin too fast – in days instead of weeks. White blood cells and skin that is dead can not slough off rapidly enough and therefore build up as scaly, thick areas on the surface of the skin. This normally does not stop unless the cycle is interrupted by treatment.
Just why T cells malfunction in individuals with psoriasis is not completely clear, although scientists believe environmental and genetic features both take part in.

You're reading Plaque Psoriasis – Pictures, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

Psoriasis normally begins or get worse because of an activator which the patient can perhaps id and avoid. Features which can activate psoriasis include:

  • Damage to the skin for instance a scrape or a cut, bug bite, or a severe sunburn

  • Infections such as thrush or strep throat

  • Stress

  • Smoking

  • Cold weather

  • Alcohol consumption which is heavy

  • Some drugs – including lithium which is used for Bipolar Disorder; medications for high Blood Pressure such as beta blockers; iodides; and antimalarial drugs.

Any person can develop psoriasis, but there are factors which increase the odds of developing this disease. They include:

Family history
The most significant risk factor is a family history of this disease. Almost 1 in 3 individuals with psoriasis usually have a close relative who has the same condition.

Other medical problems
Individuals with HIV are more likely to have psoriasis than those with healthy systems of immunities. Young adults as well as children with infections which are recurring, especially strep throat, can also be at increased risk.

Stress can impact the immune system, and high stress levels can increase the risk of psoriasis.

Excess weight can increase the risk of inverse psoriasis. Additionally, plaques associated with all form of psoriasis often occur in folds or skin creases.

Tobacco smoking not only increases risk of psoriasis but may increase the disease’s severity. Smoking can as well play a role in the initial beginning of the disease.

Depending on the location as well as type of psoriasis and how widespread is the disease, psoriasis can develop complications. These can include:

  • Fluid and electrolyte imbalance in cases of severe pustular psoriasis

  • Thickened skin and bacterial skin infections developed because of scratching to relieve severe itching

  • Depression

  • Low self-esteem

  • Stress

  • Social isolation

  • Anxiety

Plaque Psoriasis Treatment

The aim of the treatments of psoriasis:

  • Interrupt the cycle which reduces the inflammation and plaque formation

  • Remove the scales and smooth skin using topical treatments

Psoriasis treatments are divided into 3 main types:

  • Light therapy

  • Oral medication

  • Topical treatments

Topical treatments
Creams and ointments which are used alone can treat mild to modest psoriasis. If the disease is worse, creams are normally joined with oral medications or light therapy. These topical treatments can include:

  • Vitamin D analogues

  • Topical corticosteroids

  • Anthralin

  • Topical retinoids

  • Salicylic acid

  • Calcineurin inhibitors

  • Moisturizers

  • Coal tar

Light therapy or phototherapy
This treatment uses artificial ultraviolet or natural light. The easiest and simplest form of phototherapy involves the exposing of the skin to controlled amounts of natural sunlight.

  • Sunlight

  • Narrowband UVB therapy

  • UVB phototherapy

  • Ecimer laser

  • Photochemortherapy or psoralen plus ultraviolet A or PUVA

  • Combination light therapy

Injected or oral medications
This is normally for severe psoriasis or psoriasis which is resistant to other types of treatment. There are some side effects so these medications are used only for brief periods of time.

  • Retinoids

  • Methotrexate

  • Cyclosporine

  • Hydroxyurea

  • Immunodulator drugs (biologics)

Although physicians choose treatments which are based on severity as well as type of the disease as well as the areas of affected skin, the customary approach is to begin with the mildest methods of treatments – ultraviolet light therapy and topical creams – and then move to stronger treatments as needed. The aim is to determine the most positive method to use in slowing the turnover of cells with the fewest side effects.

Plaque Psoriasis Pictures