Showing posts with label Pleuritis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pleuritis. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016



Pleuritis is the condition that gives sharp chest pain when swelling develops on the inner lining of the lungs. Pleura is the region of inner lining of chest and when it gets infected with inflammation it is called pleuritis. It will give you sharp intense pain when you take a deep breath or cough occasionally.

Causes :

Pneumonia or any other inflammatory disease that affects lungs can cause pleuritis. It can also be caused due to Tuberculosis. Some of the factors/diseases that cause swelling of the lining of chest are given below:

Virus infection : Virus can cause infection when there is excess of unwanted materials accumulated on the lining of lungs, leading to pleurisy. It can pile up on several places of the lungs causing infection.

Bacterial infection : Pleuritis can occur when bacteria infects the inner lining of the lungs, in spite of taking antibiotics. Sometime, the bacteria will not respond to the drugs causing more damage to the lungs and vital organs.

Pneumonia : This is one of the common forms of bacterial infection affecting breathing ability of the person. The bacteria leave strong infection causing swelling of the lining of lungs leading to pleuritis. Similarly, TB damages the lungs to great extent causing bleeding of lungs and Edema, filling the cavity with fluids.

Autoimmune disorders may also cause this disorder in which the body’s own immune system attacks the cells causing infection.

Smoking can also trigger swelling up of lining or tissues in the lungs gradually causing pleurisy. Lung Cancer and other lung related diseases may affect the breathing ability of the person.

Exposure to asbestos particles can be other cause for pleuritis. Plenty of tiny particles of asbestos get accumulated in the lungs making it difficult to treat and many times it can be fatal.

Other factors that cause pleuritis are parasitic infection, surgery on heart, Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Mediterranean fever.

Symptoms :

The intensity of signs may vary widely from one person to another depending on the severity of the infection. There may be shortness of breath, intense pain in the chest, chronic coughing, fever, chills, shallow breathing and Weight Loss. Due to repeated breathing problem, the skin of the person may change bluish (Cyanosis) indicating mixing up of blood.

People affected with Rheumatoid Arthritis may have swelling in their joints which is also an underlying cause for pleuritis. Sore Throat and weakening of lungs are some of the other symptoms when this problem is accompanied by other medical conditions.

Tests :

Doctor will look out for “rubbing cough” or for grating sound when the person coughs. He may also ask the individual to do CT scan, X-ray and ultrasound for detecting the intensity of infection.

Treatment :

After identifying the right causes that is responsible for the problem, treatment is started. In case of bacterial and viral infections, strong antibiotics are given. Treatment aims in removing the symptoms and preventing the spread of infection to other parts of the body.

In case of edema or fluid accumulation, it should be drained completely for giving relief in breathing. Very often, underlying conditions that triggers infection is removed and treated to control pleuritis.

Monday, May 09, 2016

Pleuritis – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Diagnosis

Pleuritis – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Diagnosis

What is Pleuritis?

Pleuritis is also referred as pleurisy, a condition that involves inflammation of the pleura – a cavity that surrounds and protects the lung. The condition is characterized by a sharp pain during inhalation or during coughing. The pain is located at the chest area.

Pleuritis Symptoms

The symptoms of pleuritis include the following:

  • Sharp, stabbing pain in the chest area, most severe when breathing in and coughing out.

  • Shortness of breath

  • Other symptoms include: cough, rapid breathing, Weight Loss, and coughing out blood.

Pleuritis Causes

The cause of this condition is mostly pointed out to an inflammation of the lung pleura due to an infection, bacterial or viral. The pleura is divided into two layers such as the visceral pleura – lung covering and the parietal pleura – the inner chest wall. The infections may either be:

  • Pneumonia or Tuberculosis

  • Lung tumors

  • Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Pneumothorax – There is presence of air in the chest wall that shall alter one’s mechanism to breathe.

  • Pulmonary emboli – There is a roaming clot that has somehow dislodged in the lung blood vessel causing for problems.

  • Chest injury – This may include rib fractures that have a tendency to prick or damage the lung wall thus causing for an inflammatory process.

Pleuritis Diagnosis

Diagnostic tests would include the following:

Physical examination
The condition can be diagnosed through a physical examination. The simple auscultation of the chest area will assess the breathing and the state of the lungs. When abnormal breath sounds are noted, pleuritis is expected. The unusual breath sound heard is a rough, rubbing sound as if there is some frictional force happening inside the lungs. This gathered data is called pleural friction rub, a distinct sign found in pleuritis.

Chest X-ray
Another examination is aimed to view the lung fields. In order to do such, we need to do a chest x-ray, which is a diagnostic exam that involves taking pictures of the lungs and including the heart. This shall visualize the presence of air or fluid in the area affected, pleural space.

CT scan
The next diagnostic examination is called the CT scan; this can provide visualization of the lungs and provide us information if there is pneumonia or presence of a lung tumor.
Magnetic resonance imaging of the chest area will help us rule out other possible conditions that causes lung problems.

You're reading Pleuritis – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Diagnosis posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

Ultrasound of the chest will definitely help us identify for presence of fluid in the chest.

Blood chemistry
A blood test may also be suggested by the doctor in order to assess for presence of bacterial infection and other underlying conditions that may involve lung problems such as pneumonia, pulmonary emboli and lupus.

There is a test that is delicate but shall help also in alleviating the symptoms of the client. This test is called thoracentesis, which can locate and confirm for the presence of fluid or other substance in the pleural space. There is needle involvement and drawing of fluid from the chest, that is why this procedure is considered delicate and shall need the patient’s consent. As the fluid is removed, it shall be examined via microscope for its color, texture and possible chemical content.

Pleuritis Treatment

The aim of the treatment course for pleuritis is to remove the fluid or substance in the pleural space, to alleviate the symptoms and to control the underlying condition. Here are the following procedures and interventions for the treatment process of pleuritis:

This is the procedure that involves removal of fluid, air or blood from the pleural space. This is a very delicate procedure for this involves insertion of a large needle into the chest wall. Then there will be drawing out of the substance that causes for the inflammation. This procedure is safe for it shall be assisted with visualization, such as ultrasound and right after the procedure, an x-ray shall be requested by the doctor.

These can help in the reduction of the inflammation and to relieve the presenting symptoms. Antipyretics are provided in order to relieve fever and inflammation. Anti-inflammatory drugs are provided such as NSAIDS. Cough syrups are also provided in order to relieve the pain from persistent coughing. Bacterial infections are treated with antibiotics, while viral infections are treated with antiviral agents.

Treat the underlying cause
If there is a tumor identified, the patient is set for biopsy. When the result shows that it is cancerous, chemotherapy is suggested by the doctor.