Showing posts with label Premenstrual Syndrome. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Premenstrual Syndrome. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Premenstrual Syndrome

Premenstrual Syndrome

Premenstrual syndrome is a common condition that occurs in almost every woman who is in menstrual cycle. This syndrome is the collection of emotional, physical as well as psychological process that occurs shortly after the ovulation and ending with the onset of menstruation. Menstruation cycle can cause mood disturbances apart from changes in physical features like tenderness of breast, bloating sensation, anger and Depression. It is believed to occur due to change in hormones and secretion of chemicals in the brain.

Healthy lifestyle, regular exercises and emotional support from the family is enough to treat premenstrual syndrome. Premenstrual dysphoria disorder is severe form of this syndrome is marked by severe symptoms affecting the daily activities and function. It is a very rare occurrence.

Symptoms :

Premenstrual syndrome is characterized with symptoms like change in mood/behavior accompanied with anger and irritability. It can cause physical changes like tender breasts, fatigue, small weight gain, disturbance of sleep and cravings for food. Most of the women would develop acne on their face during each menstrual cycle. Some women would become highly sensitive during this phase added with tension and anxiety. They would cry and become depressed for unexplained reason. It can also cause difficulty in concentrating and sudden outburst of anger.

The above symptoms may range from mild to severe depending on the secretion of sex hormones and neurochemical interaction in the brain. Nine out of every ten women experiences premenstrual syndrome. It is quite common for women of 40-50 years. But clinically measurable significant changes and symptoms can occur in 30-40% of women. Overall changes occurring in women before the onset of monthly period are collectively known as premenstrual syndrome.

Causes :

Premenstrual syndrome is known to develop due to sudden imbalance of sex hormones and neurotransmitter in the brain. Till now, no theory can give genuine explanation for the occurrence of these symptoms. This syndrome is not related with personality type or stress.

Tests :

Maintaining a menstrual diary is helpful in evaluating the mood changes occurring during premenstrual syndrome. She can note down the physical as well as emotional disturbances consistently during the ovulation phase. No standard testing procedures are available for detecting premenstrual syndrome. The symptoms of this syndrome resemble several psychological conditions and making diagnosis is difficult. Certain disorders like depression and health conditions like fatigue, bloating and Hypothyroidism also have similar symptoms.

Treatment :

No standard therapy or treatment is available for premenstrual syndrome. Medications can be given depending on the symptoms. Using diuretics like Midol PMS or Premsyn PMS can help in reducing the excess of fluid from the body during the PMS. But this is not effective for all women. Pain killers like Advil or Motrin can be used for reducing Menstrual Cramps and discomfort.

Consult your doctor before using any depressant drugs since this can cause addiction. Oral contraceptive pills can streamline hormonal imbalance and control mood swings. Not all the physical symptoms can be resolved using drugs. But women can generally manage a healthy lifestyle like doing regular exercises, eating balanced diet and reducing alcohol intake. Reduce salt intake to reduce bloated feeling and fluid retention. Eat plenty of fruits and fresh vegetables that are rich in carbohydrates and fiber. Practice yoga and meditation to get rid of depressive mood and fatigue. When you know that you in the PMS phase you can get support from family and friends to solve emotional issues.