Showing posts with label Pyogenic Granuloma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pyogenic Granuloma. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Pyogenic Granuloma

Pyogenic Granuloma

When the blood vessels increase in number it may cause small bumps on the skin which are called Pyogenic granuloma. These are not cancer causing cells and occur commonly on children. Earlier, the reddish lumps were believed to be of bacterial infection but later it was found that it is due to the increase in blood vessels.

Unlike vascular tumor, these types of lesions do not cause cancer and they are classified as polypoid or exophytic lesions that are benign. These lumps may cause bleeding on the skin even for minor injuries but they can be completely cured by surgical process.

Causes :

Exact cause is still not known but pyogenic granuloma may appear in the form of red lesions on the skin after trauma or minor injury. It is observed as small red colored lesions on the face, hands and arms of young children.

Pyogenic granulomas may occur due to hormonal imbalance or due to angiogenic factors. Actually the lesions have been tested for the presence of HPV virus but not a single test shows the presence of virus.This begins to appear on the skin suddenly after a fall or injury on the hands or face. Even skin burn can be a cause for the occurrence of these lesions.

It can be due to the process of angiogenesis in which nitric oxide synthase is secreted which may trigger growth of lesions causing pyogenic granulomas.

Symptoms :

Pyogenic granulomas are found on the skin in the form of tiny reddish lesions or nodules. It may be with crust measuring about 2-10 mm in diameter. It is largely found on the neck and face of children and sometimes on their trunk and extremities.

In pregnant women, these lesions are found to occur on gingival mucosa (oral cavity) apart from hands and arms.

The lesions are prone to bleeding when it is subjected to injury. The size of the lesions may grow on a few weeks and often group of lesions are found to occur on the affected site.

Diagnoses :

Physical examination of the affected child is enough to identify the illness. Skin biopsy is done for confirming the disease.

Pictures of Pyogenic Granuloma :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Pyogenic Granuloma

Pyogenic Granuloma Pyogenic Granuloma Pyogenic Granuloma Pyogenic Granuloma Pyogenic Granuloma Pyogenic Granuloma Pyogenic Granuloma Pyogenic Granuloma
Treatment :

Electrocautery is the popular method of removing the lesions. A small incision is made on the affected area and the lesions are removed carefully without affecting other layers of the skin. Local anesthesia is given and using electrocautery method the treatment is done. The surgeon carefully removes the entire bunch of granulation tissue on cauterization to ensure that will not recur.

In some cases, large sized lesions are removed with surgical excision along with primary closure. Laser therapy is also administered for removing selective lesions and this method do not require anesthesia.

Silver nitrate is used in cryotherapy method for removing small lesions. Topical creams like Aldara is given for some children with small sized lesions.

The main purpose of removing these lesions are due to cosmetic reason and its nature of bleeding when injured.Whatever be the method, there is no guarantee that lesions will not appear again.

Pyogenic Granuloma – Symptoms, Causes, Pictures, Treatment

Pyogenic Granuloma – Symptoms, Causes, Pictures, Treatment

What is Pyogenic Granuloma?

These are reddish bumps, small, on the skin which bleed quite easily because of an atypical high number of blood vessels. They are fairly common growths of skin. The bumps ooze and bleed so that they can look like hamburger meat which is rare. Usually they seem to develop after an injury that is minor which grows quickly over a time of a few weeks to a size of about ½ of an inch. The neck, head, upper trunk, as well as the feet and hands are the sites that are more common for growth.

These growths will happen at every age, except are least frequent in those extremely young as well as the extremely old. Most often it is seen in children, pregnant women where they are called pregnancy tumor, as well as those individuals who are using the drugs, Indinavir, Accutane, Soriatane, as well as oral contraceptives.

These lesions are almost always benign. But there is still always the worry that they might be cancerous and infrequently a cancer can imitate pyogenic granuloma. A section can be taken for biopsy examination. This is normally important because almost half of cases treated will grow back and will need a 2nd treatment.

Those growths which emerge on the upper back of adolescents are the ones most apt to recur. There are times when several smaller lesions can form following treatment and are known a “satellites”. It is believed that parts of these growths can spread thru neighboring blood vessels. These growths in women who are pregnant can leave after delivery entirely and often waiting is the paramount method of treatment in these cases.

Pyognic Granuloma Causes

These lesions are caused by the growth of many small blood vessels. It may be several cm or up to one inch in diameter. They may be found almost anywhere on the skin as well as even on the gums in the mouth. The cause is unknown. They develop often after some sort of trauma. They can also frequently develop during early stages of a pregnancy and usually go away after the pregnancy ends.

A diagnosis is deduced if there is a history of a flesh colored or reddish dome shaped lesion which occurs over the cours of a very few days to 3 weeks as well as easily bleeds. It may be confused with many other lesions for instant a form of Melanoma referred to as amelanotic melanoma. This cancer of the skin without pigment normally occurs more slowly. There are also many other lesions that are noncancerous which can be confused with Pyogenic granuloma. Some of these are moles or benign nevi as well as a lesion known as dermatofibrosis. A biopsy as well as microscopic assessment of this lesion is usually needed in order to confirm what type of lesion it is.

The lesions of pyogenic granulomas normally occur in individuals of all races. Females are most frequently affected by these than male, although boy and girl children are affected equally

Pyogenic Granuloma Symptoms

Common locations for pyogenic granulomas include:

  • Gums, lips as well as inner mouth especially in women who ware pregnant

  • Fingers as well as hands

  • Toes as well as feet

  • Upper part of trunk

Normally, pyogenic granulomas look like a beefy, red bump which enlarges rapidly over a few weeks. On the average, pyogenic granulomas are approximately 5 to 10 mm in diameter. They can bleed easily and in mot cases can be quite tender. Rarely more than 1 lesion can grow at the same site at the same time.

You're reading Pyogenic Granuloma – Symptoms, Causes, Pictures, Treatment posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

These lesions are more often seen in:

  • Women who are pregnant

  • Young adults as well as children

  • Women who are taking any type of oral contraceptives

  • Individuals on chemotherapy

  • Individuals taking certain types of oral retinoid drugs including isotretinoin or acitretin

  • Individuals taking protease inhibitors such as indnavir

An individual should see their primary care physician if they notice any skin growth which is rapidly enlarging. This is to establish the correct diagnosis. Since there is a propensity to easily bleed, these lesions should be covered with some sort of bandage until the doctor is seen.

Make an immediate appointment with your primary care physician or a dermatologist if there is rapid enlarging or bleeding of any growth occurring on the skin especially in the lining of the mouth or nose.


If the diagnosis of pyogenic granuloma is possible, the doctor probably will need to do a skin biopsy. This is a procedure which involves:

  • Numbing the skin by injectable anesthetic

  • Sampling of a small piece of skin by the use of a razor blade which is flexible, a scalpel or a tiny punch biopsy instrument. If a punch biopsy is used, a couple of stitches will need to be placed and then removed in 6 to 14 days later.

  • Skin sample examined under the microscope by a dermatopathologist which is a pathologist who specializes in skin conditions.

A pyogenic granulomas lesion on a pregnant woman will often go away after the delivery. Also, one of these lesions caused by medication will normally improve when the drug is discontinued or the dosage of the drug is reduced. Depending on the size of the lesion as well as its symptoms and location, the physician can decide if no treatment is needed for a pregnant woman or for individuals who can safely lower or stop the medication which causes the lesion.

Even though pyogenic granuloma is a condition that is benign, it is often removed because of the tendency to bleed, its tenderness as well as its anguishing appearance. But, untreated pyogenic granulomas can and usually will go away on their own.

In cases which are obviously pyogenic granuloma, the physician can decide to treat it immediately upon obtaining the biopsy. Such treatment includes:

  • Curettage and cauterization also known as scraping and burning. After numbing with local anesthetic, the area is scraped with a sharp device and then burned with a needle which is electric.

  • Solution of silver nitrate

  • Laser treatment

  • Topical cream of Imiquimod

  • Surgical excision/removal

It is estimated that 40% of these lesions return after treatment, particularly those located on the trunk of young adults or teenagers. Pyogenic granulomas which recur are considered to best be treated by surgical removal.

Pyogenic Granuloma Pictures

on ear

on toe

on gums

on hands

on legs

on skin

on hand

on finger

on neck