Showing posts with label Rotten Teeth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rotten Teeth. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Rotten Teeth Pictures

Rotten Teeth Pictures

Bacteria are abundant in the mouth and can form plaque by combining with saliva and tiny food particles. Consumption of carbohydrate-rich foods and drinks, especially sugary beverages and candies, helps these bacteria get the energy they need by converting the carbohydrates into energy and simultaneously producing acid. Plaque can be removed by regular teeth brushing but if it is left untreated, it can break down your tooth and the rotten teeth pictures will be the final outcome.

Symptoms of Rotten Teeth
Rotten teeth result from the continuous breakdown of the tooth's surface which ultimately leads to Tooth Decay. Here are symptoms and rotten teeth pictures:

1. Black Tooth

Cavities appear as black specks on a tooth. If a person does not address the problem, then the bacteria and plaque that creates the cavity will turn the entire tooth black. This is an indication that the root of the tooth is about to die and there isn't any pulp, dentin or enamel left to keep the tooth alive.

2. Bad Breath

Rotten teeth create a very bad smell in the mouth, giving the person bad breath. Whenever anything dies or decays it causes a foul smell and the same is true for teeth as well. When the teeth are decaying, they too produce a bad odor which is instantly noticeable.

3. Change in Tooth Size

As the acid produced by the bacteria eats away the layer of enamel covering the tooth, you might start noticing that the tooth is losing its characteristic shape and size. Rotten teeth pictures show the teeth having a significantly reduced size. The teeth grow even smaller and thinner as the bacteria keeps on eating the dentin and pulp.

4. Tooth Falling Off

Falling of the tooth is the most noticeable symptom of rotten teeth. The tooth turns black because of the dying of the root and as the root dies out, it loses its control until finally the dead tooth just breaks off.

5. Other Symptoms

  • The rotten tooth would have nothing left in it and if left untreated, the bacteria will inevitably make its way to the neighboring teeth.

  • Your tooth will become sensitive and painful each time you drink something hot or cold.

  • If no treatment is received, then it can further lead to swelling of the glands, pulsating pain and fever.

What Causes Rotten Teeth?
As we can see from these rotten teeth pictures, this can be a really serious problem. The main cause of rotten teeth is the destruction of the structure of the tooth. There are a number of factors that can lead to the rotting of the teeth.

1. Bacterial Infection
Small particles of food are the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. As the bacteria consume the food particles, they discharge acids, which target the teeth. Overtime, these acids can totally destroy the enamel layer, causing the tooth to rot and decay.

2. Clean Your Teeth Inappropriately
Not using proper brushing or flossing technique for cleaning your teeth can lead to tooth decay. Brush your teeth at least twice a day to remove plaque and bacteria from your teeth.

3. Poor Overall Health
Poor overall health can slow down the immune system, making the body incapable of preventing the growth of bacteria as well as the acidic saliva that it secretes.

4. Dry Mouth
People with dry mouth don't generate enough saliva which results in the buildup of acids that cause tooth decay. Saliva is also needed for keeping the gums healthy.

5. Too Much Acid
Exposure of the tooth to excess external acid can also lead to tooth decay. Stomach acid can cause Heartburn and can affect the health of the gums too.

6. Eating Sugars
Eating few sweets does not cause problems for you. However, make sure that you rinse your mouth thoroughly after eating anything sweet to stop the bacteria from developing in the sweetened saliva.

How to Treat Rotten Teeth
Rotten teeth are not a pleasant sight as can be seen in the rotten teeth pictures. The following are some of the treatment options.

1. Fluoride Treatment
Fluoride treatment can help in restoring the enamel if the cavity is relatively new. This treatment is available in the form of varnish, foam, gel or liquid that is brushed onto your teeth. Each treatment takes only a few minutes.

2. Fillings
Fillings are restorations that are made up of a number of different materials including porcelain and composite resins which almost look like real teeth. Fillings are used if decay has progressed further and has eroded the enamel layer.

3. Crowns
Crowns are required for extremely weakened teeth. It is a custom made covering that fits on top of the tooth's natural crown. Dental crowns are available in a number of materials like resin, porcelain and gold.

4. Root Canals
Root canals become necessary if the tooth decay reaches the pulp present inside the tooth. This treatment method can save and repair an infected tooth by removing the diseased tooth pulp and replacing it with a filling.

5. Tooth Extraction
If the tooth has become too decayed that saving it is impossible, then it has to be extracted. Tooth extractions cause gaps in between teeth which can be filled by making use of dental implants or bridges.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Rotten Teeth

Rotten Teeth

Rotten teeth are caused due to the destruction in the normal structure of the teeth. It can occur due to many factors and it is necessary to consult a dentist for preventing total Tooth Decay. Tooth decay is the formation of dental canes or cavities between two teeth. Bacteria often invade your teeth due to frequent deposits of food particles making more acids that will eventually eat away your tooth. Tooth decay can cause moderate or sharp pain and if left untreated it can cause loss of tooth.

Symptoms :

The major symptom of rotten teeth is tooth decay affecting the enamel of the teeth. The infection will start affecting the deep layer of the teeth like pulp and dentine. Toothache is the first sign you can identify that something is wrong inside. Cavity of the tooth becomes black. Rotten teeth will emit bad (foul) smell indicating stages of decay. It shows the bacteria is slowly killing the teeth showing it is in the process of decaying.

There will be bad breath from the mouth and white or black spots are seen on the teeth. It is the action of the bacteria that has already infected the tooth which will eventually turn the remainder of the tooth to black color. There will be nothing left in the rotten teeth and bacteria will gradually spread to the neighboring teeth if not treated. The tooth becomes sensitive and pains when you drink anything cold. It can cause swollen glands and throbbing pain along with fever.

The size of the tooth will eventually get reduced since the bacteria have completely eaten away the pulp and dentin. The teeth will become thin and small if you observe it closely. Rotten teeth in the final stage will fall out. The teeth turns black in color only if the root has been destroyed which will eventually break and fall away with the tooth.

Causes :

Bacteria will develop on the leftover food particles producing sticky substance (plaque) on your teeth. Bacteria will feed over the food particles and secrete acids. This acid attacks the teeth within half-an-hour after eating. Gradually these acids will destroy the enamel of the tooth causing rotten teeth and tooth decay.

Poor Dental Hygiene :

If you are not paying attention to proper brushing techniques it will cause rotten teeth and tooth decay. You need to brush at least 2 times a day which will remove the residing bacteria along with plaque particles. Flossing is absolutely necessary for removing large food particles that get caught between two teeth.

Health Condition :

If the overall health is poor, it can lower the body’s immunity and metabolism. Body may not be able to do many functions properly and hence cannot prevent the entry of bacteria and the acidic saliva it discharges.

Reduced Saliva :

Dry mouth or lack of saliva is competent enough to wash food particles and acids that cause tooth decay. Your gums will stay healthy only if you have enough saliva.

Increased Acid :

When the tooth is exposed to increased acid content it will cause tooth decay. Stomach acid will cause Heartburn and can destroy the healthy gums in your teeth.

Consumption of Sweets :

As long as you are eating controlled sweets in any form, there will not be any problem. Bacteria is fond of sweetened saliva and can widely spread too much of acid on the teeth. Hence whenever you eat any sweet next time, you have to rinse the mouth properly.

Tests :

Your dentist will examine your teeth in bright light to detect any problems like tooth decay or rotten teeth. He may use a sharp tool for examining the teeth. In case of doubt, he may order for dental X-ray.

Pictures of Rotten Teeth :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Rotten Teeth

Rotten Teeth Rotten Teeth Rotten Teeth Rotten Teeth

Treatment :

For mild to moderate form of rotten teeth your dentist will fill in the cavities and try her best to save your teeth. Your dentist will look for any cavities or holes in your mouth and remove them through professional cleanup. After the cleaning process, she will suggest using fluoride toothpaste for preventing further bacterial growth. High concentration of fluoride is effective in protecting your enamel. Taking good dental care is enough for protecting the teeth for minimal tooth decay. She might suggest some fillings in the cavities to prevent further decay.

In case the tooth decay is severe and in advanced stage, then she might use root canal treatment for saving your teeth. If that is not possible, she will eventually remove the decayed teeth in simple procedure. She will inject local anesthesia to create numbness on the nerves so that pain is not felt during the process.

Rotten Teeth – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Pictures

Rotten Teeth – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Pictures

Rotten Teeth Symptoms

Rotten teeth is due to destruction of the structure of the teeth which effects the enamel or hard covering that guards the outside layer of the teeth and then extends to the layers inside the teeth – pulp and dentine. This damage may keep spreading till there is little to nothing left inside the teeth. Signs that dental decay is widespread in the mouth are a notice to have your teeth taken care of before damage that is permanent occurs.

Symptoms of real problems with your teeth consist of:

Tooth is black
Cavities in the tooth are black, however seeing a cavity does not mean the tooth is rotten. When an individual does not take proper care of a cavity then sooner or later the bacteria and plaque that created the problem will cause the remainder of the tooth to turn black. This is usually due to the tooth root dying – and there is not any enamel, pulp or dentin to keep the tooth alive.

Bad Breath
A mouth having teeth that have decayed will have a bad smell. Any type of death smells when decaying. This is the same with the mouth. When the mouth is dying and decaying there will be an odor accompanying the teeth that are rotten.

Change in Size of Tooth
As enamel in the teeth corrodes from the acid caused by bacteria in plaque most individuals might notice that the teeth are altering in size. As the bacteria continues to eat the pulp and dentin the teeth grow thinner and consequently smaller.

Teeth Falling Out
This will be the very final process you will see when teeth are rotting. The teeth will start to fall out. When the teeth became black it was due to the root of the tooth starting to die. A root that is dying will hang on to a tooth that is dead just so long until it will finally just break away.

Rotten Teeth Causes

Rotten teeth happen when decay continues unmonitored and terminates a part of the tooth. This decay happens when the bacteria in the mouth use carbohydrates fermenting to create acid that slowly destroys the teeth. This acid in time will make holes in the teeth making them discolored, sensitive as well as weak. The cause of all of this includes:

Dental Care That Is Poor
Dental care that is poor as well as lack of sufficient care are the most common cause of decay of teeth. Teeth brushing at least two (2) times each day might not be sufficient due to individuals hurrying thru this process. Brushing poorly leaves bacteria as well as particles of food in the mouth that causes plaque as well as rotten teeth. If individuals do not floss, then large particles of food get caught between the teeth creating concentrated areas of decay.

Health is Poor
Usually health that is poor can hinder the body’s capacity to do many functions, such as heal itself. Health is poor due to medicine, poor diet, medical treatment, smoking as well as substance abuse can damage the teeth. The results may cause gums to recede exposing more teeth to decay, lack of minerals for repair of teeth, acidic saliva that wears away enamel and pockets of infection in tissue of the gums.
No Saliva
The lack of saliva being produced or dry mouth is much more than an inconvenience. The saliva flow in the mouth washes away acids, bacteria as well as particles of food that can create Tooth Decay. This moisture also AIDS in keeping the gums healthy and moist so that they can protect the teeth as well as most importantly the roots, from any decay.

You're reading Rotten Teeth – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Pictures posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

Too Much Acid
Exposure to too much acid that is strong is not good for the teeth, particularly the acids that are erosive acids and found in the stomach. Problems which makes stomach acid coat the teeth also cause decay of teeth, including Heartburn and bulimia. Additionally to the erosion, acid from the stomach can change the levels of saliva in the mouth. Less saliva means less acid rinsed from the mouth.

Carbonated beverages are another substance that is acidic and that can add to the decay of the teeth. The carbonic acid in carbonated drinks, from champagne to diet soda, will change the level the pH of the mouth. Sipping diet drinks thru out the day keeps the saliva low and the acid high. Over years, this high level of acid will erode the teeth and can create problems with the gums.

Ingredients that are sweet such as granulated sugar to honey, cause severe rotting in the whole mouth. Bacteria that generates plaque feed on the sweetened saliva and spreads these acids to every inch of teeth that is exposed. Sweets such a candy and numerous items an individual forgets about containing sugar, for instance white bread, affect the teeth. The frequent eating of sweet substances causes high acid in the mouth as well as steady decay.

Rotten Teeth Treatment

There are several steps involved in the treatment of rotten teeth and they are listed below:

The most important step to take is to see a dentist immediately especially of you have any symptoms and signs of decaying of teeth, including:

  • Tooth pain

  • Foul breath

  • Sensitivity to cold or hot things in the mouth

  • Jaw pain

  • Headaches

  • Discoloration of teeth

The dentist will begin using an instrument to first examine the surface of the teeth for holes, plaque buildup, or grooves. Then he/she might also apply a dye to stain the teeth to uncover any cavities that might have started or formed underneath previous crowns or fillings.

Be sure and get a very high concentration treatment of fluoride if the dentist finds the beginning of tooth decay in your mouth. This may help to stop the decay as well as protect your teeth enamel from any further damage. If decay is only minimal, this treatment, along with dental hygiene care daily, might be all that is needed to treat the rotting of the teeth and stop further tooth decay.

It the rotting of the teeth has advanced and has degraded the teeth, you might need to get some fillings. You will need to have your dentist discuss filling options with you. Fillings that are gold are normally stronger and long lasting than other types of filling but their disadvantage is the expense.

If the tooth decay is very extensive, you may have to have some root canals done in order to save the teeth and stop any further rotting of teeth. Just like fillings, crowns come in many types so your dentist will need to discuss these types with you.

If the decay of teeth is severe and some teeth cannot be saved, the dentist might need to remove any teeth like this completely. This is a procedure done in the office using a local anesthesia to deaden the nerves of the teeth and the tissue surrounding them. If you are very nervous about having any teeth removed, your dentist can using a gas called nitrous oxide or “laughing gas” to relax you during this procedure. Depending on where the teeth are located, your dentist may need to take steps to fill in the space that is left. Again there are several methods and he/she will need to discuss all options with you.

Rotten Teeth Pictures

rotten teeth pictures

rotten teeth pictures

rotten teeth pictures