Showing posts with label Schistosomiasis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Schistosomiasis. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016



Schistosomiasis is an infection caused by parasites like S.japonicum, S.mansoni and S.haematobium species. These are schistosomes living inside the human body as host cells and come into contact through water. Pet animals like dogs, cats, pigs and rodents act as carriers of these schistosomes and spread it to human beings when contacted.

Schistosomes is the major tropical disease like malaria and is one of the most prevalent disease caused by parasites. Though around 700 million people are affected due to this disease, the rate of mortality is still low. China and Egypt are potentially at risk of getting this infection among other world countries. Schistosomiasis is also called swimmer’s itch and katayama fever.

Causes :

Contaminated water is the main cause for getting this infection from schistosomes. Normally these parasites live in water in different stages of lifecycle. Once the parasite gains entry into human skin, they make burrows to penetrate deep into the skin and transforms to the next stage and further migrate to vital organs like liver and lungs.

Often, these species attack bladder, intestine, rectum and liver where they become matured or adult parasites competent enough for spreading infection.

Symptoms :

The signs vary widely with respect to the species that causes infection and on the phase on which it enters the human body. Some of the common symptoms when a person gets infected with many parasites are fever, Headache, malaise, chills and enlargement of lymph nodes. Sometimes it infects the liver causing Spleen enlargement and liver damage.

Initial symptoms include irritation and Skin Rashes which are called swimmer’s itch. They mutate into the next phase at this stage and affect the abdomen or liver causing Diarrhea and abdominal pain. For some there may be bloody discharge with stool. Some people will have the urge to pass urine frequently and burning sensation while urinating. On rare occasion, there may be blood (Hematuria) in the urine.

Diagnoses :

Your doctor will examine the body and look for symptoms of infection. He may also do biopsy of the skin by cutting a small piece of tissue and checking it. Complete blood profile test and urine and stool test are also done.

Treatment :

Often, praziquantel is prescribed for controlling schistosomiasis which is effective in destroying adult parasites. It involves simple treatment and the drug is given in the pill form after assessing the weight of the person. It triggers the immune system of the body to fight against these parasites and totally destroys it. Some doctors prescribe corticosteroid medications for reducing the symptoms of the disease.

Other medicines that are prescribed include metrofonate, trioxolanes, oxamniquine and artemisinins.

Depending on the condition of the patient, he may be hospitalized and put on IV fluids to arrest intestinal bleeding.

Pictures of Schistosomiasis :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Schistosomiasis

Schistosomiasis Schistosomiasis Schistosomiasis Schistosomiasis Schistosomiasis
Complications :

If left untreated, the adult parasite may progress to attack liver and spleen causing more complications. It can also infect urinary tract increasing the risk of getting Squamous Cell Carcinoma. It would trigger renal stones by causing secondary infection. In extreme cases, schistosomes may cause renal failure.

If it attacks gastrointestinal tract, you may have complications like bleeding in the gastro-intestine and mal-absorption. There may be symptoms of iron deficiency and lesions begin to develop in the colon and also on the rectum. It can attack liver causing fibrosis.

On rare occasions, it can invade your lungs causing pulmonary Hypertension or chronic pulmonary infection.

Prevention :

You should avoid swimming in public pools or in contaminated water.

Monday, May 09, 2016

Schistosomiasis – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Prevention, Life Cycle

Schistosomiasis – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Prevention, Life Cycle

What is Schistosomiasis?

This is an infection cause by a parasite and is obtained thru contact with water that is contaminated. In its infective phase it is referred to as a cercariae and it freely swims in open areas of water.

When the parasites come in contact with a human being, this parasite will burrow thru the skin where it matures in another stage referred to as schistosomula. It will then travel to the liver and lungs where it grows into the adult variety of the parasite.

This adult worm will then travel to its favored body part, dependent on its species. Locales in the human body include the rectum, bladder, liver, intestines, portal and venous blood systems, lungs and Spleen.

Schistosomiasis isn’t normally seen in the United States but is widespread in subtropical and tropical areas around the world.

Schistosomiasis Symptoms

Some individuals can have skin irritation that is minor in the area where the cercariae first enters the skin, most individuals do not have any symptoms or signs until the eggs develop which take approximately 1 to 2 months after penetration into the skin. That is when the cough, chills, fever as well as muscle aches can begin. Most individuals have no symptoms or signs at this early phase of the infection. But there are a few individuals who develop acute schistosomiasis or Katayama fever during the 1 to 2 month period and these symptoms are similar to those of serum sickness and include the following:

  • Fever

  • Pain in the abdomen in the liver or spleen area

  • Cough

  • Fatigue

  • Diarrhea that is bloody or blood in the stools

  • Body aches

  • Headache

  • Rash

Most of the individuals who contract chronic schistosomiasis have symptoms that develop months or years after the first exposure to the parasite. The below list of symptoms are associated with chronic schistosomiasis. Individuals normally develop most of these symptoms:

  • Abdominal pain

  • Abdominal swelling known as Ascites

  • Blood in the urine as well as pain when urinating

  • Bloody diarrhea or blood in the stools

  • Coughing and shortness of breath

  • Weakness

  • Chest pain and palpitations

  • Seizures

  • Paralysis

  • Mental status changes

Schistosomiasis Causes

This disease is caused by the parasites of the genus Schistosoma including:

  • S. mansoni

  • S. mekongi

  • S. intercalatum

  • S. hematobium

  • S. japonicum

The acute as well as chronic symptoms of this disease are caused mainly by the egg migration thru the tissue as well as the human immunity system response to these eggs. Chronic symptoms are due to eggs which have not shed from the body.

The presumed diagnosis of schistosomiasis is based on the individual’s history as well as the physical exam of the individual. It is very important to know if the individual has lived or visited areas of the world where this disease is endemic – especially if the individual has had skin exposure to streams or freshwater lakes in tropical areas. If the individual has a history of being in those areas and has the indications and symptoms cited above, a presumptive diagnosis can be made. But since the symptoms resemble those of serum sickness as well as other diseases, better diagnostic tests are normally required. Thick fecal smears as well as concentrated urine tests are usually used to determine if any eggs are found. If they are, the individual can then be definitively diagnosed with schistosomiasis.
Most eggs of each species are differently shaped so it is possible to determine which species is infecting the individual. Definitive diagnosis of species can be made by the examination of samples of biopsy as the eggs are able to be seen in the tissue that is infected.

You're reading Schistosomiasis – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Prevention, Life Cycle posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

Blood tests and more recently polymerase chain reaction or PCR tests can aid in confirming the diagnosis, but results that are positive might only be an indication of past exposure. These tests are usually not positive until the individual has been infected for approximately 6 to 8 weeks due to the fact that it takes time for the eggs to develop and for the human immunity response to be stimulated. These PCR tests are available from the US Centers of Disease Control and Prevention.

There are many other procedures and tests that can be done to establish the diagnosis, especially if no eggs are discovered in the urine or feces, which is normally the status with chronic schistosomiasis. Cystoscopy, Colonoscopy, endoscopy as well as biopsy of tissues from the liver are all used to obtain tissue samples. Additionally, chest x-rays, ultrasound, MRI, CT as well as echocardiograms can be used to determine how extensive the infection is in various systems of the organs. Many physicians will also do added blood tests such as CBC, liver function tests, renal function tests in order to determine if these organs are damaged from the parasites.

Complications that are related to this disease are believed to happen because of long-term exposure to the eggs which are highly antigenic. Some complications that can develop normally occur in individuals who are harboring many eggs as well as parasites, particularly when these parasites and eggs have traveled to other organs. Generally, complications normally will involve the central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, cardiopulmonary system as well as urinary tracts along with the spleen and liver. Major complications that can occur include:

  • Hypertension

  • Bacterial infections

  • Seizures

  • Organ damage or destruction

  • Urinary obstruction

  • Death

Schistosomiasis Treatment

Currently, the treatment for this disease is the drug ispraziquantel brand name Biltricide, but it is only effective against the adult worms and does not kill the immature worms or bother the eggs.

Treatment with Biltricide is fairly simple and the dosage is based on the individual’s weight with 2 doses given each day. The drug causes a rapid disintegration of the worms which in turn allows the immune system to attack the parasite. This response of the immune system can cause very localized reactions that can increase the symptoms. Corticosteroids are used to reduce these reactions to the medication. Because of this response the use of Bilricide is limited.

Ocular schistosomiasis should never be treated with this medication; other organs with abundant parasitic infections can not function properly and require supportive care until the hyperimmune response gets better after the administration of the drug. Other medications including metrifonate, oxamniquine, trioxolanes as well as artemisinins have been used but with limited success. Currently new drugs are being developed.

Schistosomiasis Prevention

In order to prevent this disease, individuals need to avoid all contact of human skin with any sources of freshwater where schistosomiases as well as the snails that are part of the life cycle are endemic. But, this is not likely to happen in most developing areas of the world. Information of efforts to eliminate or decrease the snails from some freshwater sources using snail bait known as molluscicides have shown a decrease in the number of individuals infected, but this method often needs treatments to be repeated and some efforts have simply been halted causing very limited success.

Also, individuals who have been treated with all disease symptoms having been relieved can very easily be re-infected if exposed to the cercariae as the human immune response to this disease often is not believed to prevent re-infection. There is no vaccine for Schistosoma spp. commercially available but current research is continuing and it is believe that there will be a vaccine available in several years.

Life Cycle

This disease in humans is a part of the very complicated life cycle of the parasites involved. Humans enter the freshwater areas which contain the snails that grow Schistosoma sporocysts that then develop into free-swimming cercariae. The cercariae may attach to as well as penetrate the human skin, travel to the blood vessels and thru lung blood capillaries reach the vesicular or portal blood systems. During this migration or traveling, the cercariae change and develop from schistosomula into female and male parasitic adult worms. These worms have incorporated human proteins into their surface structures, so that most humans can produce little or no immunity response to the parasites. After the parasite mating happens in the vesicular or portal blood system, the production of eggs occurs. In contrast to the adult parasites, the eggs stimulate a very strong immunity response by the majority of humans. Some eggs travel thru the bladder or bowel tissue and are shed in urine or feces, while other eggs are swept into the portal blood and become lodged in other tissue sites. Eggs which are shed in feces or urine can reach maturity in freshwater and complete their life cycle by infecting snails that are susceptible. Additionally some adult worms can travel to other organs for instance, liver or eyes. This life cycle is complicated further by S. japonicum species that can also infect wild as well as domesticated animals, which can then become another host system. S. hematobium is the species that normally infects bladder tissues in humans, while the other species normally infect the tissues of the bowel.