Showing posts with label Shoulder Pain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shoulder Pain. Show all posts

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Shoulder Pain and Heart Attack: How Are They Related?

Shoulder Pain and Heart Attack: How Are They Related?

When the flow of blood to the heart is obstructed, mostly by fat build up, cholesterol, or other substances that form Plague in the arteries leading to the heart, you suffer a heart attack. The blockage in the blood flow can destruct or damage part of the heart muscle. Also, referred to as a myocardial infraction, it can cause death. However, treatment has improved drastically over the years. If you experience a heart attack, dial 911 immediately. But many heart attack symptoms are confusing. For example, lots people just brush off shoulder pain causally and thinks they are nothing to worry about. But the truth is that it may indicate heart attack.

Connections Between Shoulder Pain and Heart Attack
Discomfort from a heart attack can cause chest pain or even shoulder pain. So if you are experiencing shoulder or arm pain on the left side, you may be havinga heart attack. However, Heart attack is not the only cause of these types of pain. So it is important to be aware of different body pains that can be indications of heart attacks.

Strong Indicators of a Heart Attack

Weak Indicators of a Heart Attack

Burning, squeezing, tightness, pressure or pain sensation

Knifelike or sharp pain felt when coughing or sneezing

Gradual increase of pain over a few minutes

Pain concentrated on one point.

Pain in the diffuse area, including middle of chest

Pain occurring distinctly on one side of the body

Pain extending to back, jaw, neck, and left arm

Abrupt stubbing pain that lasts for a very short moment

Pressure or pain accompanied by other symptoms like sudden nausea, cold sweat, problems breathing

Pain lasting for days or hours without any other symptoms

Pressure or pain that is felt during emotional stress or physical exertion or when you are resting (unstable Angina)

Pain caused by pressing the chest or body movement

What Symptoms Accompanying Your Shoulder Pain Is Vital
Besides shoulder pain, heart attack may also have the following symptoms:

  • Chest Pain or Discomfort: You may feel the pain or discomfort that feels like squeezing, fullness, pressure or tight ache in your chest and it will last for a while. The discomfort will come and go.

  • Pain in Upper Body: The discomfort or pain might spread past your chest and to your jaw, teeth, neck, back, arms or shoulders. You might experience pain in the upper body pain without any discomfort in the chest.

  • Stomach Pain: The pain can spread down to the abdomen and you might feel something like Heartburns. You might feel nauseated or even vomit.

  • Shortness of Breath: You might try to take deep breaths or pant. This is mostly before you experience chest discomfort. In some cases, you might not feel the discomfort.

  • Anxiety: You might feel like you are experiencing a panic attack out of the blue, or feel a sudden sense of doom come over you.

  • Light-Headedness: On top of the chest pressure you might feel dizzy or you are about to faint.

  • Sweating: You might suddenly start sweating yet your skin is calm and cold.

When you feel any of the heart attack symptoms, do not ignore them and hope they will fade away. Call 911 immediately.

Real Stories About Experiencing Heart Attack

"I never connect nausea, shoulder pain, heart attack together. However, one day I was cutting the grass one afternoon and walked to the house to drink water and had a sit. Then I felt nauseated and sudden pain that spread to my arm, which then curled up and could not uncurl. I had my grandson call 911 and was flown directly to a cardiac hospital after the ambulance crew said I was in full ST elevation myocardial infraction. I coded 4 times, but I recovered and was released the next day."

"I am 58 and 3 weeks ago I had a heart attack. For a month I had symptoms like pain in my jaw, shoulder, face, arm, back and a burning in my chest. All these I felt on the left side of my body. The pain would always ease up, but one night I woke up and the pain did not go away. I took aspirin and I started throwing up, i was rushed to ER where they told me I was having a heart attack. I got treated and I now am home."

"My mother complained about shoulder pain. Not much attention was paid and her joints ached as well but she thought it was flu. The day she experience chest pain was the day she passed out because of a major heart attack."

What to Do When Heart Attack Happens

  • If you or someone near you experiences heart attack symptoms like shoulder pain, heart attack may be suspected and 911 should be called within the first 5 minutes. Ensure you seek treatment immediately, most people die because they doubt the symptoms could be heat attack related.

  • You might be tempted to drive the patient to the emergency room yourself, but it is better if you wait for the ambulance. The crew will know how to keep the patient alive. However, if you are having a heart attack, do not drive yourself unless you do not have any other choice.

  • Before the ambulance arrives, try keeping the patient calm by sitting him down or helping him lie down. Secondly, if the person is not allergic to aspirin make them chew and swallow a baby aspirin. The effects are felt faster when it is chewed than when swallowed whole. If you notice the person has stopped breathing, a person qualified to perform CPR should perform the procedure on him, or you can do it. If you have no idea how to administer a CPR, the 911 operator can guide you through it.

Monday, May 09, 2016

Shoulder Pain – Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment

Shoulder Pain – Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment

Shoulder pain is one of the common problems that occur in aged people. Shoulder is that part of the body which is made of several joints, bones and muscles and is involved with wide range of movement of the arm. Shoulder joint allows you scratch your back and also make a perfect throw. Shoulder pain is not the same for all. For some people it is acute and occurs only during particular movement but for some it can be chronic and continuous needing medical treatment. Any injury or trauma to the underlying joints, ligaments or tendons can affect the shoulder causing pain. Any inflammation of the cartilages and bursae can strongly affect the movement of the shoulder. Accidents and falls can result in fracture of shoulder bones causing shoulder pain.

Anatomy :

Shoulder consists of three bones namely humerus, scapula and collar bone or clavicle. The humerus (upper arm bone) would exactly fit into a cup like socket of the shoulder blade which is known as glenoid. The tissues that bind the bone are known as rotator cuff.

Shoulder Pain

Symptoms :

Shoulder pain can be mild to severe depending on the cause. For some people shoulder pain is present with other signs like pain in the forearm and back.

Shoulder Pain Causes :

Four major causes of shoulder pain can be due to fracture, inflammation of tendons, arthritis and instability. Sometimes infection and nerve disorders in the shoulder can cause shoulder pain. Overuse of shoulder can cause excess of wear and tear resulting in breaking up of soft tissues. In rare cases shoulder pain can occur due to liver or gallbladder disease and Heart Attack.

Shoulder Pain

  • Inflammation Of Bursea :

Several small sacs are found in the shoulder joints known as bursea. They are capable of preventing friction that may arise due to movement. Actually they are cushioning agents present between the soft tissues and bones. Inflammation (swelling) of bursea can occur due to overuse of shoulder and making wrong movement. This condition is known as Bursitis.

  • Inflammation Of Tendons :

Tendons are subjected to wear and tear due to aging process and are common in old aged people. Degenerative disease can cause chronic problems in tendons leading to tendinitis. Sports personalities who are involved in repeated throwing are at high risk of developing tendinitis. Tendons in the rotator cuff region and biceps are often affected during tendinitis.

  • Aging :

It is quite normal for the body to undergo degenerative changes in old age. Wear and tear of the tendons can cause shoulder pain. Tearing of tendons can be acute or chronic. In some cases the tendons are totally pulled away and gets detached from the bone.

  • Impingement :

This occurs due to extra pressure builds-up on the shoulder blade damaging the underlying tissues of the shoulder. As one rotates his arm the shoulder blade would rub with the rotator cuff causing bursitis and shoulder pain. In severe cases it can restrict the normal movement of the shoulder. Sudden injury or fall can cause instability on the shoulder muscles wherein the upper arm bone gets detached from the socket.

Dislocation of the shoulder joints can occur when the tendons get torn. It can be partial or complete causing intense pain. Arthritis (inflammation of the joints or bones) can lead to arthritis causing swelling and stiffness of joints restricting movement. Sports related injuries can also cause arthritis. Broken bones or fracture is a serious problem causing shoulder pain. Fracture can occur on the collarbone or upper arm bone or on the shoulder blade. Motorbike accidents and falls can cause fracture.

Shoulder Pain

Diagnosis :

Your doctor would complete physical examination and listen to your symptoms. He may order for X-ray, ultrasound or MRI scan to get clear picture of the injury and wear and tear inside. During physical exam he may get idea about fracture or swelling or any kind of deformity. For some people arthrogram test or arthroscopy is done.

Shoulder Pain Treatment :

Mild form of injury/inflammation causing shoulder pain can be treated at home and over the counter painkillers. You can follow the RICE method for treating shoulder pain. Take complete rest and don’t give any activity to the injured shoulder. Apply ice pack over the injured shoulder to reduce swelling and pain. Use a bandage on the affected shoulder to compress the area and keep it intact. Keep the injured shoulder above heart level to facilitate blood flow.

Shoulder Pain

For severe injuries like bursitis or tendinitis you need to consult your doctor before taking any medicines. You can take Ibuprofen and aspirin to control pain before visiting the clinic. Once the inflammation has reduced you will be referred to a therapist to do gentle stretching exercises to regain the lost motion. For severe cases your doctor may give a shot of corticosteroid on the injured shoulder. Heat therapy and stretching exercises can help in managing the symptoms of frozen shoulder. Electrical stimulation can be done to get improvement.

Surgery is the last option for tendinitis /bursitis. For fracture your doctor will try placing a sling on the crack bone to keep it intact. In case of severe fracture surgery will be done to place artificial bones. Generally by making small changes in routine activities can give strength to the injured shoulder. Follow the instructions of your doctor/therapist.