Showing posts with label Sunburn Blisters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sunburn Blisters. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Sunburn Blisters

Sunburn Blisters

Sunburn is the process of reddening of the skin due to exposure to powerful Ultraviolet rays of the Sun. The skin color changes gradually changing into bright red or pink and there may be some lesions or blisters on the affected area. Unfortunately there is no cut-short treatment to the sunburn blister like other diseases. The damage done to the skin is permanent and any type of remedy can try to reduce the symptoms only.

How do Sunburn Blisters are Formed?

When the body is exposed to sunlight for prolonged time the body’s defense mechanism gets exhausted because of the powerful UV rays of the sun. Hence the skin gets reddish which later forms few blisters or bumps on the affected area.

Exposure to sunlight is the only reason for getting blisters or sunburn. People who are fair complexioned and those who have dry skin type are more prone to develop sunburn blisters than others. Hence it is imperative to protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun.

Symptoms :

Initial symptoms may not appear for few hours after exposure to sunlight. You have to wait for one day or two for the signs to appear. The skin becomes red and tender and becomes warm to touch. Subsequently blisters may develop and some people may get fever or chills. There may be Skin Rashes or peeling of the skin in the affected area which may take several days or weeks for heal. Some people may develop burning sensation on the skin after few hours.

You may feel pain in the surface of the skin that is affected by sunlight. Acute sun exposure may cause Skin Cancer which is serious and life-threatening.

Though the symptoms would heal after few weeks, the damage done to the skin is permanent. In case of severe sunburn, skin starts blistering away from the surface.

Treatment :

Before knowing the treatment, you should know that it takes quite a lot of time for the skin to recover from the damage. Even few hours of exposure to bright sunlight can cause irreparable damage to the skin.

Many people think that they will not get sunburn blisters unless they roam in heavy sunlight outdoors. But they do not know that UV rays can penetrate the clouds and reach the skin even without a sunny day.

Sunburn can better be prevented than treated. First you should not prick or pop the blisters and doing so can increase the chance of spreading the infection.

Simple home remedies can be useful to treat the blisters. You can apply a wet towel over the affected area. Try applying Aloe Vera cream or any moisturizing lotion on the area. Avoid using cosmetics of any type on your face or hands.

In case of blisters formation, allow it to dry up quickly. If required, you can cover them up with gauze. In case you have burning pain, you can take Ibuprofen or any other painkiller.

When the skin starts peeling out, treat it gently. Avoid rubbing the skin and you can apply only moisturizing cream on the area. Actually skin is trying to cure the infection by replacing it with another new layer and gently removing the upper (infected) layer.

Pictures of Sunburn Blisters :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Sunburn Blisters

Sunburn Blisters Sunburn Blisters Sunburn Blisters Sunburn Blisters Sunburn Blisters Sunburn Blisters Sunburn Blisters Sunburn Blisters
Prevention :

Do not go out during the peak hours (10 AM-4PM) of sunlight. In case you need to go, wear protective clothing completely masking your face and hands. Never leave any area of your skin exposed to direct sunlight.

Apply sunscreen lotion that contains SPF liberally on your face and hands before going out. Do not drive or walk continuously in sunlight. Take a break of 10-15 minutes in shady place.

Wear a hat and wear sunglasses for protecting your eyes.

Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

Sunburn Blisters – Causes, Treatment, Relief, Pictures

Sunburn Blisters – Causes, Treatment, Relief, Pictures

Sunburn Blisters Causes

The cause of sunburn blisters are basically just overexposure to the sun, tanning lamps, outdoor activities, and in some cases the antibacterial compound located in some soaps.

The symptoms of sunburn are the reddening of the skin accompanied with the formation of tender blisters. Sunburn normally results when the amount of sun contact or other ultraviolet light source surpasses the ability of the body’s skin pigment – melanin –to protect the skin. Sunburn in an individual who is very fair or light-skinned can occur in as few as fifteen (15) minutes of exposure to sun at its highest. But a dark-skinned person can tolerate this same exposure for hours. An individual can get sunburned on an overcast or cloudy day as well as on a clear sunny day. Those individuals with fair-skin, blue eyes as well as blond or red hair have the greatest risk for severe sunburn. Those who are taking some medications such as sulfa drugs, tetracyclines and some diuretics are also at a greater risk.

Sunburn Blisters Treatment

The treatment for sunburn blisters includes the following:

You're reading Sunburn Blisters – Causes, Treatment, Relief, Pictures posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

  • Leave the blisters unbroken. Do not pierce or lance these blisters or scratch them off. Rather, leave them unbroken and they will rupture and open on their own.

  • Apply first aid spray that is medicated frequently. Sprays such as Solarcaine or one of the other sunburn sprays on the market can be used on the sunburn blisters at least two (2) times each day. This helps the sunburn by reducing any pain and itching that the blisters might cause and also keeps the area disinfected.

  • Apply ointment that is antibacterial to the blisters as soon as they start to rupture and show new skin underneath. This can aid in keeping infections from starting.

  • Wash the area daily and dry with clean towels

  • Treat pain with OTC (over the counter) painkillers such as naproxen sodium (Aleve), ibuprofen (Advil), or acetaminophen (Tylenol)

  • Avoid that urge to scratch the area that is affected. Scratching this area can cause infections to develop

Sunburn Blisters Relief

There are a lot of remedies for home relief for sunburns and blisters. The remedies for blisters from sunburn will help in itching relief.

An individual may keep the area affected cool by the use of cold compresses. A towel that has been dampened and soaked in water that is cool can be the best relief. Simply soak a towel in some water that is ice cold, squeezing the excess water off and keeping the compress on the blistered area. But never apply ice directly to a sunburn blister as ice can only make it feel worse.

For the time being do not take warm baths and instead try cool baths. If there is a burning sensation, keep applying cool compresses. One of the faster and often considered the best home remedy for blister and sunburn relief is taking the juice of an aloe vera that is fresh from the plant leaf and apply to the blisters. In order to moisturize the skin, use only water based moisturizer.

Sunburn Blisters Pictures

sunburn blisters pictures

sunburn blisters pictures

sunburn blisters pictures

sunburn blisters pictures