Showing posts with label Sweet Taste in Mouth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sweet Taste in Mouth. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Sweet Taste in Mouth

Sweet Taste in Mouth

Sweet taste in your mouth is the condition by which one gets the feeling of sweet taste lingering on his mouth continuously, without eating any sweets. It is good to enjoy the natural taste of food, but getting the sweet taste continuously can be annoying. This is caused due to internal disturbance in the body and there may frequent episodes of lingering sweet taste inside the mouth.

Ageusia is the medical term indicating loss of any taste, hypogeusia is the term that describes the condition due to reduction of sensing any taste and dysgeusia is the condition in which there is alteration of sensation of taste in your mouth. Actually this symptom of sensing sweetness can be indicative of underlying medical problem.

Causes :

Indigestion can be one of the causes for getting sweet taste in mouth. People who suffer from acid reflux problem will experience this symptom often. More acidity is formed in the stomach thus pushing the acid back into the food-pipe causing sweet taste in the mouth. It can occur due to GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease) in which there is backup of food particles into the mouth accompanied by taste and smell of food. It would also cause stomach burn and chest pain.

Pseudomonas infection is caused by bacterium by name pseudomonas. This would cause Sinusitis and sometimes interfere with the taste buds of the mouth causing this problem. There can be loss of taste when the infection gets severe and it would impair the functions of taste receptors. The bacterium would attack the ears and nose causing Itchy Nose and swimmer’s ear.

Sweet taste can also be caused due to neurological disorder that may impair the normal functioning of the nerve receptors that sends signals. We can distinguish variety of taste and smell only because of the functions of gustatory nerve that sends signals to the brain which perceives particular taste of the food.

When there is disruption in the nerve signal due to nervous disorder like Stroke or seizure, you may have this problem of getting sweet taste in mouth.

Diabetic neuropathy can also cause this problem of experiencing sweet sensation in the mouth.

Treatment :

You need to consult your doctor if you start sensing constant sweet taste in your mouth. He would find out the underlying cause for this problem which is only a symptom of some other disease. It may be due to diabetes neuropathy or a simple Heartburn or due to GERD. The treatment depends on the underlying factor that causes the problem.

Sweet Taste in Mouth – Causes and Treatment

Sweet Taste in Mouth – Causes and Treatment

What is Sweet Taste in Mouth?

This is a problem of alteration of the sensation of taste which is also known as Dysgeusia. Dysgeusia is linked in some cases to ageusia that is the total lack of taste and hypogeusia that is the reduction in sensitivity of taste. Any modification in taste may be a secondary symptom in many disease states or it might be the primary symptom. Any alteration in the sense of taste that is the sole symptom makes diagnosing more complicated since the sense of taste is linked with other systems of sensory. Common reasons for Dysgeusia include chemotherapy, Asthma management with albuterol as well as zinc deficiency. Various medications may also be the cause of altering taste.

Causes of Sweet Taste in Mouth

Any sweet taste in the mouth may be caused by a variety of medical problems. For example, various metabolic disorders might cause a sweet taste in the mouth. Diabetes might cause this sensation in the mouth. Generally sensations of taste are very poorly understood. Medical professionals do understand that diabetes may cause a diabetic to have a sense of sweetness in the mouth.

Problems that are neurological in natures such as Epilepsy, a Stroke or disorders with seizures may cause this sensation. The individual might not be alerted to the fact that they have a problem with these conditions since this could be the lone symptom. Any virus attacking the sense of smell or attacks the nerve that transmits the taste signals may lead to sweet taste in the mouth.
Infections in the nose, throat and/or sinuses, particularly bacteria known as pseudomonas, may contribute to a sweet smell or taste. This is a bacterium that may cause sinuses and other infections of ear, nose, and throat particularly in those individuals with immune systems that are compromised including AIDS for diabetes as well as any other immune system that are compromised. This bacterium often creates infections of the urinary tract as well as Pneumonia. Even though pseudomonas may cause the taste of sweetness in the mouth, infections by pseudomonas can also be life-threatening. But normal individual may get infections with pseudomonas and do just fine..

You're reading Sweet Taste in Mouth – Causes and Treatment posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

Taste of sweetness in the mouth may be due to Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease or GERD which may cause indigestion, Heartburn, burping, belching, and hoarseness which are only a few symptoms.

If you experience mysterious sweet taste in the mouth you need to see your primary care physician. And be ready to give your physician a total medical history and expect the physician to give you a total examination as well as other tests. All of this together will normally help your physician to be able to make a diagnosis of the problem with a solution for treatment.


Treatment of any alteration in taste of the mouth is to first find the primary underlying condition that is causing this alteration. With the taste of sweetness in the mouth it is mostly caused by diabetes or heartburn. Check with your physician and he will do what is needed to diagnosis the condition and then that is the condition that will be needed to be treated.