Showing posts with label Swollen Tonsils. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Swollen Tonsils. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Swollen Tonsils

Swollen Tonsils

Tonsils are two small pads of tissue lying on the back of your inner throat. Tonsillitis is the term used to describe inflammation or swelling of tonsils. Swollen tonsils can cause irritation and discomfort on the throat and difficulty in swallowing foods. The tender lymph nodes on the sides of neck also get inflamed during tonsillitis. Common cause of tonsils is bacterial infection and it can be cured completely through medicines and surgery.

Symptoms :

The tonsils or tissue like tiny growth on the inner throat becomes red and swollen. Sore Throat, discomfort while swallowing, fever, body pain, enlarged lymph nodes of the neck, and yellowish or white patches on the tonsils are some of the signs of swollen tonsils. The entire throat area becomes swollen and red making it difficult to eat anything. For some people it can cause muffled voice while talking due to pain and discomfort.

In young children it can cause stomachache and Headache. You can detect tonsillitis if the child refuses to eat anything and becomes fussy for eating his favorite diet also.

Causes :

Viral or bacterial infection causes swollen tonsils. Streptococcus Group A often is the reason for inflammation on the tonsils area. Sometimes other strains of bacteria can also cause infection.

Swollen tonsils or tonsillitis is very rare among adults and is common in young children. During young age, the body’s immune system is weak and responds in the way of swollen tonsils when the body gets infected with bacteria or virus in the mouth. It is the defense mechanism that cause swelling on the tonsils and inner throat of the oral cavity. This condition is largely seen on preschool children and middle aged children. Another possible reason for getting tonsillitis is the increased exposure to outside food and close contact with other infectious children.

In very rare cases, if the treatment and antibiotic remedies are not given properly for tonsillitis it can cause rheumatic fever which is a condition of inflammatory disorder affecting joints and tissues of the heart.

Diagnoses :

The doctor will observe the symptoms above and he will examine the child’s throat using light. He will look for inflammation and reddish color of the throat and he gently touches your child’s neck for detecting inflamed lymph nodes.

For some cases he may order for throat swab for collecting sample of secretions from the throat. If required, you will be asked to do complete blood culture for checking the count of blood cells which gives clear report of intensity of infection.

Treatment :

For mild infection of swollen tonsils you can give treatment at home for reducing the inflammation and discomfort.

Make the child to sleep for extended hours thus allowing him to take complete rest. If the child refuses to eat solid foods, you can give him plenty of fluids to keep him well hydrated. Warm liquids like tea or warm water added with honey will provide soothing effect on the swollen throat. Your child can gargle warm salt water that is effective in curing bacterial infection and sore throat. You can repeat this process several times a day for reducing pain and swelling.

Using air humidifier is helpful to reduce dry air that can cause more irritation on the throat. Allow the child to sit in steamy bathroom for several minutes. For children above 4 years, oral lozenges can reduce discomfort on the sore throat.

In severe pain and inflammation you can give the child ibuprofen or Tylenol for managing fever and throat pain.

Medical Care :

Antibiotics are prescribed for treating bacterial infection of swollen tonsils. You should complete the course of treatment without stopping the drugs for getting it cured. Some people will stop taking medicines if the symptoms of sore throat and inflammation are reduced. But this can cause more infection that can spread to neighboring parts of your body.

Always keep the body well hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids if you are not able to eat food.

Surgery is done for removing tonsils if you are not responding to medications. This process is known as tonsillectomy (removal of tonsils) which is done for children with chronic tonsillitis.

Some children will have problems in sleeping and breathing due to inflammation of tonsils and sore throat. Moreover the child will have problems in eating food which can cause deficit in nutrition.

Removing the tonsils is a simple surgery and the child can get back home on the same day. He will be asked to take medicines for a week or 10 days for reducing discomfort and pain caused by surgery.

Prevention :

By following good oral hygiene you can reduce the chance of getting infected by virus or bacteria. Washing hands properly before eating and after using toilet can lessen the chance of infection.

Monday, May 09, 2016

Swollen Tonsils – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Remedies, Pictures

Swollen Tonsils – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Remedies, Pictures

Swollen Tonsils Symptoms

Swollen tonsils are normally caused by some type of infections and the typical symptoms include:

  • Tonsils coating that is white or yellow

  • Throat or tonsils are red

  • Fever

  • Bad breath or halitosis

  • Swallowing that is difficult or painful swallowing

  • Neck lymph glands are swollen

If is advised to get medical care for a tenacious sore or swollen throat, even when not supplemented by fever. Throat infections or swollen tonsils left untreated may lead to difficulties with the kidneys and heart, for instance rheumatic fever. Also a situation known as “peritonsillar Abscess” may occur and the swelling from this abscess may grow big enough to block the airway. This infection also can migrate into the neck and chest and could become fatal.

Swollen Tonsils Causes

The cause of swollen tonsils as well as infections of the throat can be due to a bacteria or virus and may spread from one individual to another by coughing, sneezing as well as fluids from the nasal passages. In infants and children of preschool age, the cold virus or the flu virus normally causes chronic Tonsillitis. In adolescents or adults it is most normally caused by bacteria such as:

  • Staphylococci

  • Streptococcus

  • Haemophilus

  • Pneumococci

In some cases that are rare, the bacterium that is responsible for tonsillitis can include:

Strep Throat” is a particular type of throat infection caused by the Streptococcus pyogenes bacteria. Inflamed and swollen tonsils can or may not be accompanied with a strep throat infection.

Mono which is caused by infectious mononucleosis can also be a reason for swollen tonsils or tonsillitis. Mono normally starts with feelings of unexplained and excessive fatigue with Headaches.

Swollen Tonsils Treatment

Swollen tonsils and throat infections are usually treated with measures that relieve the symptoms to make the individual feel better and when needed, drugs that combat the infection. Increased intake of fluids, gargling with salt water, medications to combat inflammation as well as rest may help to lessen how severe the symptoms are.

Antibiotics or antibacterial agents are often used for the treatment of tonsillitis or throat infections that are caused by bacteria but they normally will have no effect when used to treat those infections occurring because of a virus and in those cases can even be harmful.
Sometimes, swollen tonsils and/or adenoids can turn out to be so swollen and inflamed that they can obstruct swallowing. It is in these cases where hospitalization as well as intravenous fluids can be needed.

You're reading Swollen Tonsils – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Remedies, Pictures posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

Chronic tonsillitis of an unknown cause is often treated with antibiotics, but normally this is only helpful on a temporary basis. Some mechanical methods such as swabs or picks, can be used, but the only cure that is permanent is a tonsillectomy. But, not every individual with chronic tonsillitis has symptoms which are severe enough to call for surgery. But if you or your child has recurring chronic swollen tonsils or throat infections in spite of treatment medically, then a tonsillectomy can be advisable. The common guidelines for making this decision include the following:

  • 5 or more occurrences in 1 year

  • 3 or more occurrences each year for 2 years

  • Infections that do not react to treatment

Because an infection may spread from the tonsils to the adenoids or adenoids to tonsils, they are normally removed at the same time in the same operation especially with children. The physician can decide the cause of the symptoms and what appropriate treatment to use.

Swollen Tonsils Remedies

There are many home remedies for swollen tonsils as well as tonsillitis and they include:

Treatment with milk
This is a respected method. A glass of boiled milk, mixed with a small pinch of pepper powder as well as turmeric powder, needs to be taken each night for 3 nights. The results are very helpful.

Treatment with lime
This is a good method to use. A lime that is fresh needs to be squeezed into one glass of water that is warm, together with 4 teaspoons honey and ¼ teaspoon of table salt. This fluid should be drunk little by little

With juices from vegetables
Juices from beets, carrots as well as cucumbers can be taken separately or combined. The proportion suggested when used together is 300 mil of carrot juice, 100 mil of beet juice, and 100 mil of cucumber juice.

With Banafsha Flowers
This is valuable for treatment of the throat. Approximately 12 gm of flowers needs to be boiled in 50 ml of milk. The milk needs to be consumed hot after having been filtered. The filtered portion may also be fried lightly in clarified butter and worn around the throat as a compress at night.

With Fenugreek seeds
Gargling with a solution made using fenugreek seeds is great in cases that are severe. It is made with 2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds which are permitted to simmer for ½ hour in a liter of water and then allowed to cool. The entire portion needs to be used in the same day.

These remedies or treatments for swollen throat or tonsillitis may be helpful but it should be advised that treatment for throat problems should not be taken lightly so medical attention is very essential. Approaches for home treatment may be used along with any medical treatment advised by your physician to help with healing as well as providing some extra relief.

Swollen Tonsils Pictures

swollen tonsils pictures

swollen tonsils pictures

swollen tonsils pictures