Showing posts with label Tingling Fingers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tingling Fingers. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Tingling Fingers

Tingling Fingers

Peripheral neuropathy is the medical term given for experiencing pain and Numbness in Fingers and toes. It is caused by nerve damage and is marked by loss of sensation on the affected fingers.Tingling fingers is indicative of abnormal condition like Paresthesia. The person affected by this disorder will feel burning sensation or prickling sensation in the fingers like pins and needles.

Causes :

When blood supply is blocked or nerves that carry the blood to the fingers and hands get damaged, you may get tingling fingers. It can also develop due to inflammation of the fingers, infection or due to injury.Tingling fingers and toes should never be ignored because it is indicative of serious disease. There are plenty of causes and factors that may cause tingling fingers.

When the person’s glucose level in blood exceeds normal range, then he is said to have diabetes. Many diabetic patients will experience tingling fingers because of nerve damage (neuropathy).B6 vitamin can cause neuropathy if it exceeds normal level which may lead to tingling of fingers.

Poor circulation of blood and injury caused to fingers or wrist can affect the blood flow and may cause nerve damage. Your hands will literally be heavy and cold if blood circulation is blocked.Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic disorder that affects the central nervous system and cause nerve damage giving rise to tingling of fingers.Parasthesia may also reduce sensation in the fingers and toes causing pain and spasms.

Partial damage caused to the nerves in the finger area can cause tingling sensation. It can be because of nerve compression or numbness caused by blocked blood-flow in the thumb or little finger.

When exposed to extreme cold temperature, your hands and fingers may have numbness and tingling sensation.Lastly, frostbite can damage the nerve causing tingling sensation in fingers. Even Leprosy may cause damage to the peripheral nerves.

Symptoms :

The fingers may burn or become numb for short period. It may become cold and pain may be felt on the fingers and hands. The affected person may experience difficulty while writing and using fingers for typing.

Some other symptoms include numbness, sensitivity, neck pain and twitching of fingers.

However, if you experience tingling fingers along with other symptoms like confusion, slurred speech, loss of vision and severe Headache, you need to consult your doctor immediately.

Treatment :

Since there may several causes responsible for developing tingling fingers, your doctor should first identify the underlying cause. Pain relievers such as opiates and codeine are given for controlling pain. In case of nerve pain, medicines such as topiramate, pregabalin, carbamazepine and phenytoin are prescribed.

Some people can apply the cream by name Capsaicin that gives hot sensation on the extremities and controls pain. You can also apply lodicaine ointment for relieving pain.

In severe cases, antidepressant drugs like amitriptyline is given for managing pain sensations in the brain.

In addition, some doctors suggest taking Trans-cutaneous electrical nerve stimulation therapy (TENS) for getting relief from symptoms.

In case of nerve disorder, it can be treated with endoscopic nerve release and physical therapies. Splints are used by some patients for managing tingling fingers.

Pictures of Tingling Fingers :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Tingling Fingers

Tingling Fingers Tingling Fingers Tingling Fingers
Home Remedies :

People who are diabetic should look for early signs of foot problems and blisters. You should practice exercise regularly to get rid of peripheral neuropathy.

Gently massage your hands, fingers and toes to improve blood circulation and for stimulating nerve.

Tingling Fingers – Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Tingling Fingers – Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

What causes Tingling fingers?

There are a great number of medical problems which can possibly cause fingers to tingle, including diabetic neuropathy, Multiple Sclerosis, nerve injuries, as well as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. If you decide to see your primary care physician, you need to know that it is important to id which fingers are tingling so that to arrive at a diagnosis which is correct. Below are some things that you need to know when you see your doctor for tingling fingers.

You should seek medical attention if:

  • When holding your fingers in certain positions creates, pain, numbness or tingling. These symptoms usually occur when you are holding your hands in a position which stresses the fingers, for instances when driving a car, holding a book or magazine, or talking on the phone.

  • Tingling is present in your finger when you first wake up in the morning.

  • If some but not all of your fingers tingle for some reason that is not apparent to you.

  • If you believe that the tingling is cause by carpal tunnel syndrome as this is a leading cause of fingers which are tingling.

  • If you have any abnormal or strange sensation in your wrists, fingers, arms or hands that are experienced frequently.

  • Tingling Fingers Causes

    This is a disease where the individual has an excess amount of glucose in the blood caused by either a resistance to insulin or a lack of insulin in the body. Diabetes causes damage to the nerves known as neuropathy and this can cause a tingling sensation in the body’s extremities.

    Vitamin B6 Overdose
    This is a vital part of our diet and helps the body convert carbohydrates into energy. But when the amount of Vitamin B6 is too much it can cause nerve damage or neuropathy. And this can result in tingling of the finger and/or toes.

    Local Trauma
    Naturally nerve damage can occur because of a trauma to the wrist, or hand – any place where the nerves can be involved. The nerves can get damaged, trapped by the bone or twisted. And it could even be some damage to the spine which actually is causing the tingling of the fingers.

    Poor Circulation
    Tingling in the fingers can be caused by poor circulation or lack of blood in the fingers. This makes them feel heavy and often cold.

    “Dead Arm”
    This feeling occurs when you have cut off the circulation by lying on the arm. Often you wake up in the middle of the night and cannot move the arm.

    Multiple Sclerosis
    This is a progressive disease of the autoimmune system and is a very common neurological disease in young adults. This is referred to as MS and it attacks the central nerve system. It can cause damage to nerves and cause the person to experience loss of balance, dizziness, muscle weakness as well as eventually paralysis.
    Finger Parasthesia
    This is a condition which causes localized nerves to have unusual sensations, spasms and pains. This can be caused by disease, infection or trauma. Knowing which finger is numb or tingling can give your physician a clue to what nerve is involved.

    You're reading Tingling Fingers – Symptoms, Causes and Treatment posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

    Panic Attack
    This is surprising, but a panic attack can also cause what may seem to be unrelated physical symptoms because the Circulatory System and the immune system are working overtime. If you notice when your fingers are tingling, that you are also feeling desperation, raised heart rate, perspiration or rapid breathing, then it could be a panic attack.

    This is a progressive infectious disease which is chronic and is cause by mycobacterium leprae. It causes tingling and pain in the peripheral nerves.

    If you are in subzero temperatures and notice tingling in the extremities – it could be early symptoms of frostbite.

    Tingling Fingers Treatment

    Treatment for a nerve which could be pinched normally involves resting the area. Medication for pain may be advised. Often the doctor will prescribe corticosteroid injections.

    Carpal tunnel syndrome can be managed with either closed endoscopic nerve release or open release. Also physical therapy as well as splints can also be used.

    For trapment of the ulnar nerve in the wrist, your physician will examine your hand, arm and wrist. There is also a test for nerve entrapment at the wrist which is known as Tinel’s sign. Nerve studies can help decide whether the nerve problem is in the wrist or in the elbow. Also your physician will need to rule out other problems such as arthritis, Alcoholism, Hypothyroidism as well as diabetes – all of these conditions need to be treated differently.