Showing posts with label Varicose Veins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Varicose Veins. Show all posts

Saturday, July 01, 2017

Home Remedies for Varicose Veins

Home Remedies for Varicose veins Have you been noticing veins that seem to be right on the surface of your skin? Are they abnormally large and almost seem to spread out? Then there is a strong possibility that you may have varicose veins, also known as spider veins. These veins are a result of a malfunction or obstruction of your veins that can happen because of prolonged pressure.These veins can be very irritating and even cause a degree of pain as they grow. The good news is that home remedies for varicose veins work incredibly well and medical treatment is only recommended in severe cases. These home remedies are sure to relive the symptoms and stop the growth of varicose veins.

Home Remedies for Varicose Veins

1. Exercise Is Key
One of the best varicose veins home remedies is to begin moving your body. The type of movement is optional, you could begin by stretching your legs, taking walks, or anything to get blood pumping. Once you begin getting the blood flowing in your legs, then you can begin to build up the muscle in your body.

2. Shed Some Extra Weight
Losing weight can aid almost every system in your body. This is very important when treating varicose veins as a body that is taxed with too much weight does not move nearly as much. A lack of movement can hinder on one’s ability to excursive properly. As a result one’s varicose veins can actually worsen.

3. Healthy Diet Equals a Healthy Body
A great varicose veins home treatment is to change one’s dietary habits. When treating varicose veins, eating a diet that is rich in vitamin C and protein is very beneficial. Vitamin C and protein both are crucial parts in the creation of collagen. When your body has good collagen, your tissues are less likely weakened over time. It’s also important to remember that one of the most important parts of a healthy diet is balance. A balanced diet will give your body all the tools it needs to keep running smoothly.

4. Find Balance Between Standing and Sitting
If you have a job that requires you to stand in one place for a long period of time, it’s highly recommended that you find a way to move your legs so that blood continues to circulate through them. This could be difficult depending on what’s causing you to stand stationary for a length of time. The best advice for you is to move around when you can, and also prop your feet up. Both of these activities are all to promote blood flow. If you find yourself sitting for extensive periods of time, be sure to walk around to get more blood circulating in your legs. In both situations moderation and movement are key.

5. Loosen Your Wardrobe and Breathe
Another one of the effective home remedies for varicose veins is to change up your wardrobe. If you find that you’re constantly wearing tighter clothing, try and loosen up a little. Your body will thank you for wearing that maxi skirt and loose fitting shirt with flat sandals as opposed to the tight pair of jeans, tight top, and high heels. In doing this, your body will have a chance to breathe and prompt good circulation.

6. Cayenne Pepper—A Little Spice Goes a Long Way
Cayenne pepper can be a very useful tool in the home remedies for varicose veins. Cheyenne pepper is rich in vitamin C. It also helps promote great blood circulation which can lessen the symptoms of varicose veins. For an effective varicose veins home treatment, mix a teaspoon of cayenne pepper with hot water and drink. You can drink this mixture 1-3 times a day for a couple of months as needed.

7. Olive Oil—Natural and Effective
With a mixture of olive oil and vitamin E warmed, you can rub the mixture on your legs to reduce inflammation and pain. This oil mixture will also promote great circulation when massaged into the infected area.

8. Butcher’s Broom—A Helpful Supplement
For home remedies for varicose veins, butcher’s broom is a great supplement to use. By taking 100 mg of butcher’s broom you will help to relieve inflation caused by the varicose veins. The supplement will also help to strengthen your veins. You can take the supplement up to three times a day. As with all herbal supplements, if you’re on prescription medication, then please consult a doctor before using butcher’s broom.

9. Witch Hazel—An Effective Herb
You can apply witch hazel to the affected area as witch hazel is a very effective method among home remedies for varicose veins. You can apply witch hazel up to two months for two to three times a day. Witch hazel AIDS in the reduction of swelling to the affected area.

10. Garlic—A Power Herb
When finding great home remedies for varicose veins, garlic can be a great asset. You should try to add fresh garlic to your everyday cooking to help reduce overall inflammation. If you want to use garlic as a topical ointment for your legs, simply mix minced garlic and alcohol and apply the mixture to the infected part of your leg up to four times a week.

11. Apple Cider Vinegar—A Topical Solution
In order to fully treat varicose veins with apple cider vinegar, you don’t need to ingest the vinegar. All you have to do is wet a towel or cloth with some vinegar and put it on top of the affected area. Once you place it there, leave the cloth in place for a little bit. You can massage the area but it is not necessary. If you choose to do so, you should not apply to much pressure to the affected area.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Home Remedies for Varicose Veins

Home Remedies for Varicose veins

Have you been noticing veins that seem to be right on the surface of your skin? Are they abnormally large and almost seem to spread out? Then there is a strong possibility that you may have varicose veins, also known as spider veins. These veins are a result of a malfunction or obstruction of your veins that can happen because of prolonged pressure.These veins can be very irritating and even cause a degree of pain as they grow. The good news is that home remedies for varicose veins work incredibly well and medical treatment is only recommended in severe cases. These home remedies are sure to relive the symptoms and stop the growth of varicose veins.

Home Remedies for Varicose Veins

1. Exercise Is Key
One of the best varicose veins home remedies is to begin moving your body. The type of movement is optional, you could begin by stretching your legs, taking walks, or anything to get blood pumping. Once you begin getting the blood flowing in your legs, then you can begin to build up the muscle in your body.

2. Shed Some Extra Weight
Losing weight can aid almost every system in your body. This is very important when treating varicose veins as a body that is taxed with too much weight does not move nearly as much. A lack of movement can hinder on one’s ability to excursive properly. As a result one’s varicose veins can actually worsen.

3. Healthy Diet Equals a Healthy Body
A great varicose veins home treatment is to change one’s dietary habits. When treating varicose veins, eating a diet that is rich in vitamin C and protein is very beneficial. Vitamin C and protein both are crucial parts in the creation of collagen. When your body has good collagen, your tissues are less likely weakened over time. It’s also important to remember that one of the most important parts of a healthy diet is balance. A balanced diet will give your body all the tools it needs to keep running smoothly.

4. Find Balance Between Standing and Sitting
If you have a job that requires you to stand in one place for a long period of time, it’s highly recommended that you find a way to move your legs so that blood continues to circulate through them. This could be difficult depending on what’s causing you to stand stationary for a length of time. The best advice for you is to move around when you can, and also prop your feet up. Both of these activities are all to promote blood flow. If you find yourself sitting for extensive periods of time, be sure to walk around to get more blood circulating in your legs. In both situations moderation and movement are key.

5. Loosen Your Wardrobe and Breathe
Another one of the effective home remedies for varicose veins is to change up your wardrobe. If you find that you’re constantly wearing tighter clothing, try and loosen up a little. Your body will thank you for wearing that maxi skirt and loose fitting shirt with flat sandals as opposed to the tight pair of jeans, tight top, and high heels. In doing this, your body will have a chance to breathe and prompt good circulation.

6. Cayenne Pepper—A Little Spice Goes a Long Way
Cayenne pepper can be a very useful tool in the home remedies for varicose veins. Cheyenne pepper is rich in vitamin C. It also helps promote great blood circulation which can lessen the symptoms of varicose veins. For an effective varicose veins home treatment, mix a teaspoon of cayenne pepper with hot water and drink. You can drink this mixture 1-3 times a day for a couple of months as needed.

7. Olive Oil—Natural and Effective
With a mixture of olive oil and vitamin E warmed, you can rub the mixture on your legs to reduce inflammation and pain. This oil mixture will also promote great circulation when massaged into the infected area.

8. Butcher’s Broom—A Helpful Supplement
For home remedies for varicose veins, butcher’s broom is a great supplement to use. By taking 100 mg of butcher’s broom you will help to relieve inflation caused by the varicose veins. The supplement will also help to strengthen your veins. You can take the supplement up to three times a day. As with all herbal supplements, if you’re on prescription medication, then please consult a doctor before using butcher’s broom.

9. Witch Hazel—An Effective Herb
You can apply witch hazel to the affected area as witch hazel is a very effective method among home remedies for varicose veins. You can apply witch hazel up to two months for two to three times a day. Witch hazel AIDS in the reduction of swelling to the affected area.

10. Garlic—A Power Herb
When finding great home remedies for varicose veins, garlic can be a great asset. You should try to add fresh garlic to your everyday cooking to help reduce overall inflammation. If you want to use garlic as a topical ointment for your legs, simply mix minced garlic and alcohol and apply the mixture to the infected part of your leg up to four times a week.

11. Apple Cider Vinegar—A Topical Solution
In order to fully treat varicose veins with apple cider vinegar, you don’t need to ingest the vinegar. All you have to do is wet a towel or cloth with some vinegar and put it on top of the affected area. Once you place it there, leave the cloth in place for a little bit. You can massage the area but it is not necessary. If you choose to do so, you should not apply to much pressure to the affected area.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Varicose Veins

Varicose Veins

When the veins become twisted and enlarged near the surface of the skin, it is called varicose veins. They occur mostly in ankles and legs though any vein can convert into varicose. It is because we always put great pressure on the lower parts of the body while standing or walking. Hence the veins in the legs largely get affected forming varicose veins.

It does not cause any problem except giving discomfort and pain occasionally. In rare cases, varicose veins can cause serious problems in Circulatory System. It is enough if you follow the instructions of your doctor for getting it treated.

Causes :

When the veins in your legs become weak it can develop varicose veins. For any reason the normal blood flow is disrupted in the legs, excess of blood gets accumulated in the valves and slowly pressure builds up. In the result, the veins become weak and get twisted.

The valves present in the vein allow blood to flow from the legs to the heart and not on reverse. Since it gets weakened it builds up excess of blood in it leading to varicose veins. Varicose veins can be hereditary. It can also develop due to old-age since the veins may lose elasticity and it can become weak. This will result in pushing the blood to the legs instead of your heart. Blood accumulates in the veins thus making the veins larger in size.

If you observe the varicose veins closely they will be blue in color indicating the presence of deoxygenated blood. Veins are blood vessels that transport impure blood from many parts of the body to the heart for purification. There are small valves in the veins which would open when the muscle contracts pumping blood into the heart against the gravity. Pregnant women can develop varicose veins because during this stage the volume of blood to your pelvic portion and legs decreases. This leads to enlargement of veins forming varicose veins. However this stage will improve automatically after deliver without requiring any treatment. Obese people can develop varicose veins.

Symptoms :

Varicose veins are twisted and enlarged veins that are blue in color. It is often seen in the legs and ankle region. Generally they do not produce any symptoms and if at all any symptoms are seen it will be mild. It can cause heaviness or pain in the legs. Pain can be felt when a person gets up after sitting for long hours. It can cause swelling of legs or ankles. Muscle cramps are present with burning pain for some people.

In rare cases it can produce scaling on the skin and inflammation. It can cause itching and bleeding (for minor injury) in the affected veins due to thinning of skin. For some people Skin Ulcers are seen on the ankle which can be due to vascular disease. In serious cases, varicose veins can lead to the condition called Deep Vein Thrombosis.

Who are at risk?

Obesity, old age people and pregnant women have increased chance for developing varicose veins. Generally women are more oriented for getting this problem due to hormonal changes and menopause stage.

Complications :

Complications are very rare and observed only in few people. It can cause skin ulcers due to long term accumulation of fluids in the tissues. Due to swelling the legs become enlarged leading to blood clot which requires immediate medical attention.

Tests :

Your doctor can identify varicose veins by simply looking at your legs. He will look for swelling and tenderness in the ankles and color changes in the skin for confirming this disease.

Treatment :

It is enough if you take home treatment for mild to moderate forms of varicose veins. Wearing stockings on the legs will prevent excess of fluid accumulation and facilitate blood flow to the heart. Remember that you need to wear the compression stockings all the day and night and buy only the ones that are fitting properly. If you have pain or swelling in your legs, keep it in high position so that blood flows back normally. Give movements for your legs frequently and avoid sitting for long time. Doing mild exercises can be helpful in alleviating pain and normalizing blood flow.

Medical Treatment :

Sclerotherapy is done for treating severe form of varicose veins. A solution is injected directly into the veins so that the scar closes the veins. Within a few weeks the dark blue color of the veins will fade indicating that varicose veins have gone. Laser therapy can be done in the doctor’s office for closing off varicose veins. A beam of laser light will send strong lighting into the vein which will make them disappear. A tiny tube called catheter is inserted into the affected leg and the end of the catheter is heated up. The emission of heat would destroy the vein and seals it removing the fluid from it.

Vein stripping is another process through which larger veins can be removed. This can be done on outpatient basis and removing such veins will not affect the normal circulation of blood. In advanced cases, endoscopic vein surgery is done in which the surgeon will insert a camera through the tube and will close the infected veins and removes it by making incisions. Do not fall prey to the advertisement products that promise to cure varicose veins. You need to consult your doctor before investing on them.

Pictures of Varicose Veins :

Images, Pics, Photos and Pictures of Varicose Veins

Varicose Veins Varicose Veins Varicose Veins Varicose Veins Varicose Veins Varicose Veins

Prevention :

You cannot prevent the occurrence of varicose veins completely. But you can take measures to reduce your weight and improving the blood circulation. Do exercises daily. Walking and jogging is the best method for improving blood circulation in the legs. Reduce your weight by eating healthy diet. Do not take too much of salty items in your daily plan since excess of salt can cause swelling.

Avoid wearing high heeled shoes; instead choose the one that is most comfortable for you. Keep your legs in elevated positions whenever you get breaks. Do not stand or sit continuously for extended hours. You can make small movements for every one hour if you are working on computers for the entire day.

Varicose Veins – Treatment, Symptoms, Causes, Pictures

Varicose Veins – Treatment, Symptoms, Causes, Pictures

What are Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are enlarged, gnarled veins. Any blood vein can become varicose, but the veins most often affected are the veins in the feet as well as the legs. That is simply due to walking and standing upright which increases the vein pressure in the lower part of the body.

For the majority of individuals, varicose veins as well as spider veins – a common, mild type of varicose veins – are mainly a concern cosmetically. For other individuals, varicose veins actually cause discomfort and aching pain. Often they lead to serious problems and they can also signal other higher hazard circulatory problems. The treatment can involve measures which are self-care or procedures by the doctor to remove or close the veins.

Varicose Veins Symptoms

Varicose veins normally do not create any pain. The signs and symptoms that indicate that an individual might have varicose veins are:

  • Veins which are colored dark blue or purple

  • Veins which appear bulging and twisted; resemble cords on the legs

  • A throbbing or achy feeling in the legs

  • Throbbing, burning, muscle cramping, as well as swelling in lower legs.

  • Pain which is worse after standing or sitting for a lengthy period of time.

  • Itching about most or only one of the veins

  • Ulcers of the skin which are near the ankle, that can be an indication that this is a serious type of vascular illness that needs immediate medical attention

Veins known as spider veins are identical to varicose veins, except for the size which is smaller. They are usually located near the skin surface. Normally they are blue or red. They not only develop on the legs but also can occur on the face. Spider veins can differ in sizes as well as resembling spider webs.

There are self-care methods which can help with these veins – such as elevating the legs, exercise the legs or wear compression stockings which can help with any pain of varicose veins as well as stop them from becoming worse. If an individual is worried about how the veins feel and look, and the self-care help have not stopped the problems from becoming worse, a visit to the primary care physician is advised.

Varicose Veins Causes

Blood is moved from the heart to all the rest of the tissues thru arteries. This blood is returned from the body tissues to the heart by veins, so that this blood can be recirculated. In order to return this blood to the heart, these veins in the leg need to work against the gravity. Contractions in the muscle in the lower legs propel the blood and the elastic walls in the veins help to return the blood to the heart. There are miniature valves in the veins that open as the blood flows to the heart and then close in order to prevent blood from going backwards.

Reasons for varicose veins may include:

As individuals get older, the veins may lose elasticity that causes the walls to stretch. The veins and the walls can become very weak, which allows the blood that needs to be moving in the direction of the heart to flow backwards. This causes blood to pool in the veins and the veins enlarge becoming varicose. The veins appear blue since they hold deoxygenated blood that is in the process of being recirculated thru the lungs.

Many women who are pregnant develop varicose veins. Pregnancy raises the blood volume in the body, but decreases the blood flow from the legs to the pelvis. This change in the Circulatory System is created in order to support the fetus that is growing, but it can cause a side effect which is unfortunate – veins in the legs enlarge. Varicose veins can surface for the very first time or can worsen during later pregnancies, when the uterus exerts pressure on the veins in the legs. Hormone changes during pregnancy may also play a role. These varicose veins which start during pregnancy normally improve without any treatment medically within 3 months after delivery.

There are rare complications of varicose veins but they can happen, and they can include:

Blood Clots
Infrequently, the veins which are deep in the legs become enlarged. In these incidents, the leg which is affected can considerably swell. Any sudden swelling of the leg deserves medical attention which is urgent as it can be an indication of a blood clot – a condition referred to by the medical term Phlebitis">Thrombophlebitis.

Ulcers which are extremely painful can form on the skin near varicose veins, especially near the ankles. Long-term fluid buildup in the tissues can cause these ulcers by increased pressure of the blood within the affected veins. Any discolored spot on the skin is the usually sign before an ulcer forms. See a primary care physician if there is a suspicion that an ulcer is developing.

Varicose Veins Treatment

In order to diagnose varicose veins, the doctor will first do a physical examination which will include looking at the legs while the individual is standing in order to check for any swelling. The doctor may also ask for a description of any aching or pain that might be occurring in the legs.

The individual may need to have an ultrasound test in order to see if any of the valves in the leg veins are functioning routinely or if there is any evidence to suggest a blood clot. This is a non-invasive test where the individual lies on the exam table. A very small amount of gel which is warm is applied to the skin. This gel will help eliminate the forming of any air pockets between the body and the transducer. The technician, who has been trained in ultrasound imaging, presses a small device called a transducer which is hand-held about the size of a bar of soap. The transducer is pressed against the area of the body which is being examined, moved from one area to another as necessary. This transducer sends images of the veins in the legs to a monitor where the technician and the doctor are able to see them.
After a diagnosis is made or confirmed, treatment normally does not mean a stay in the hospital or even a long, sore recovery. This is due to the less invasive techniques which are currently used and allows varicose veins to be managed as an outpatient.

You're reading Varicose Veins – Treatment, Symptoms, Causes, Pictures posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

Self Care

This includes losing weight, exercising, not buying clothes which are too tight, keeping legs elevated and also avoiding setting or standing for extensive episodes of time. All of this can comfort pain as well as avoid varicose veins from possibly becoming worse.

Compression Stockings
Compression stockings should be worn as the first method of managing the problem of varicose veins before going on to any further treatments. These are stockings made to be worn from morning to night and they squeeze steadily the legs, helping the leg muscles as well as the veins move blood much more proficiently. The extent of compression will vary by brand and type.

Compression stockings are made in a wide assortment of strengths, colors and styles. With this much variety available, it is easy to discover a stocking which is fairly comfortable to wear.

These stockings can be bought at most drug stores/pharmacies as well as stores for medical suppplies. Prices may vary. Stockings which are prescription-strength are also available.

When buying these compression stockings it is important to make certain that they are properly fitted. They should be durable, but not unavoidably tight.

Other Treatments for Varicose Veins that is more-severe

If an individual is not responding to initial management techniques or if the condition is severe, the doctor might recommend one of the following treatments for varicose veins:

With this procedure, the doctor will inject small to medium veins using a solution which marks and closes these veins. In several weeks, treated veins should have faded. The identical veins may need to be treated again, but still sclerotherapy is considered very effective when done properly. Sclerotherapy does not necessitate anesthesia and is performed in the doctor’s office.

Laser Treatments
Doctors using new knowledge for laser treatments can close off spider veins as well as smaller varicose veins. This works by transferring strong surges of light on the vein, causing the vein to fade slowly until gone. No needles or incisions are used.

Catheter-assisted techniques
These are treatments where the doctor inserts a tube which is thin into veins which are enlarged and the catheter tip is heated. While pulling the catheter out, the heat terminates the vein by initiating it to breakdown and seal shut.

Vein Stripping
A procedure involves removing a vein which is long thru small incisions and the procedure is usually done as an outpatient for many people. This will not affect the circulation in the leg because the veins deep in the leg can take over the moving of the higher volumes of blood.

Ambulatory Phlebectomy
With this procedure, the doctor eliminates smaller veins thru a sequence of tiny punctures of the skin. The portions of the leg which are being pricked are numbed in this procedure and is done in an out-patient setting. Scarring is usually negligible.

Endoscopic Vein Surgery
This is an operation used only in advanced cases which involve leg ulcers. The surgeon inserts a tiny video camera into the legs to visualize as well as close the varicose veins and remove the veins thru slight incisions. This therapy is also performed in an out-patient setting.

Varicose veins that occur while pregnant normally improve without any medical management within 3 months to one year following delivery.

Varicose Veins Pictures

Varicose Veins

Varicose Veins

Varicose Veins

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins during pregnancy

Varicose Veins

Varicose Veins