Showing posts with label Vasoconstriction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vasoconstriction. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016



Vasoconstriction is the process of constriction of blood vessels, which may result in decrease of flow of blood. Normal blood flow is necessary for carrying oxygenated blood to all parts of the body and when the normal flow is disrupted it may cause various problems. Vasoconstriction can occur due to medical condition or due to psychological disorder.

This condition happens when the small muscles of the walls constrict causing narrowing of blood vessels. Actually this process is exactly opposite condition of vaso-dilation in which the blood vessels enlarge or open widely. The contraction of blood vessels can increase the heat of the body and may cause vascular conflict. Following this condition, the skin becomes paler than before since blood supply is drastically reduced.

It occurs mostly on large arteries thus obstructing the blood flow but sometimes it can develop on small arterioles causing constriction of blood vessels.

Symptoms :

Some of the symptoms of vasoconstriction are tingling sensation on fingers and toes, numbness in extremities, Headache, cramps, increased Blood Pressure, and change in skin color (it becomes pale), imbalance, partial loss of vision or double vision, paralysis in muscles and loss of muscle control. In some people it may also cause slurred speech depending on the severity of the problem.

Causes :

Taking plenty of coffee or other caffeinated drinks can narrow down the walls of blood vessels. Smoking and drinking alcohol can cause this effect to some extent. Taking antihistamine drugs for long term, drug abuse like cocaine, nicotine and stimulant drugs can seriously cause constriction of blood vessels. Increase in sodium content and monosodium glutamate can cause this problem.

Treatment :

Your doctor should find out the underlying factors that cause vasoconstriction before giving treatment. He may prescribe alpha adrenoreceptor antagonist (which is a vasodilator) for reducing the constriction of blood vessels and increasing blood flow. Treating the problem with calcium channel blockers would facilitate widening of blood vessels.

You need to do regular cardiovascular exercise every day which would certainly increase blood flow.
Indirectly vasoconstriction helps the body to maintain arterial blood pressure. When the person gets affected with cardiac problem, it may cause hypoxic vasoconstriction to increase the oxygen level in blood. Very often vasoconstriction gives a warning signal to the individual about the irregular health condition.

Consequences :

Due to vasoconstriction, the person’s skin will turn pale due to reduced blood flow reaching the skin. This in turn will cool the body stopping the heat or radiation temporarily. It helps in restoring the balance of heat in all mammals and it would prevent hypothermia.

Vasoconstriction is in fact the symptom or warning indicating the health condition of the body. If continued for long period, it can cause serious side effects and you need to take counter medicines to dilate the blood vessels.

Monday, May 09, 2016

Vasoconstriction – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Vasoconstriction – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

What is Vasoconstriction?

This is the narrowing of the blood vessels that result from contraction of the vessels muscular walls, particularly the large arteries and the small arterioles. This progression is the exact opposite of vasodilation, which is the widening or opening up of the blood vessels. The development is especially important in stopping hemorrhages and acute loss of blood. When blood vessels narrow the blood flow is decreased or restricted, retaining heat from the body or growing vascular conflict.

Cutaneously, this makes the skin look paler since less blood is reaching the surface, reducing the heat radiation. On a larger level, vasoconstriction is one way the body normalizes and preserves mean arterial pressure.

Vasoconstriction Symptoms

The results of vasoconstriction include symptoms such as:

  • Cramps

  • Numbness

  • Tingling

  • Blood Pressure that is high

  • Headache

  • Double-vision

  • Slurred speech

  • Clumsiness/imbalance

  • Muscular paralysis

  • Loss of muscle control

  • Color change in skin

Vasoconstriction Causes

There are many medications as well as substances that can cause vasoconstriction. Some of these include:

  • Caffeine

  • Moderate consumption of alcohol

  • Sodium

  • Monosodium glutamate

  • Antihistamines

  • Decongestant

  • Drugs referred to as stimulants

  • Cocaine

  • Nicotine

Vasoconstriction Treatment

Since vasoconstriction is when blood vessels constrict and decreases the flowing of blood, then treatment for this would include using vasodilators such as alpha adrenoceptor antagonists, or calcium-channel blockers to widen the blood vessels to help with the flow of blood.
One hour of cardiovascular exercise each day promotes circulation and vasodilation.

You're reading Vasoconstriction – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

Avoid caffeine, nicotine, cold as well as stress will also help with circulation and vasodilation.

Some individuals have an interest in the treatment for red eye. This occurs when the blood vessels of the white portion of the eye are irritated and enlarged causing the entire white area to become red. If your vision is not reduced, there is no light sensitivity and there is no pain, there are several home remedies that can be tried to counteract this condition.

Cold icepacks will help to narrow the blood vessels in the eye. So try making a cold icepack with ice water and apply it to the closed eye for up to 10 minutes a few times per day.

You might try an over the counter vasoconstrictor antihistamine eye drop. This will control any itching and because they contain a vasoconstrictor which can shrink any swollen blood vessels to reduce the redness.

Basically if you have symptoms caused by vasodilation – or blood vessels that are widen and have an increased blood flow, the way to counteract these symptoms is to use a vasoconstrictor which will reverse the effects of widened blood vessels by shrinking the blood vessels and reducing the flow of blood.