Showing posts with label Wisdom Teeth Pain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wisdom Teeth Pain. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Wisdom Teeth Pain

Wisdom Teeth Pain

Anybody can get wisdom teeth pain. It would begin as sharp intense pain and for some it becomes unmanageable. Totally there are two pairs of wisdom tooth growing on either side of oral cavity top and bottom. They are teeth that grow behind the molars. Very often wisdom teeth grow crookedly on sideways.

Once they start growing it would push other teeth thereby causing misalignment of tooth. Initially there can be moderate pain when the wisdom tooth sets in. The pain is felt at the back of the mouth and the entire back portion becomes reddish.

For some people, there may not be any visible symptoms when wisdom tooth grows. For others there would be pain while eating or chewing food. There are number of causes for wisdom tooth pain but the pain can be treated by an expert dentist.

Causes :

As stated earlier, wisdom tooth will push the neighboring teeth for its growth and very often starts growing on sideways instead of upward. This would certainly make the area overcrowded and for some people the growth of wisdom tooth will cause misalignment. Wisdom tooth grows as the final set of molar and usually it grows out of place leaving the gum lining. The pressure exerted by the wisdom teeth will cause lot of pain for the person.

Tooth Decay or any small fracture on the wisdom tooth can cause intense pain. Sometimes it may get broken partially causing unbearable pain. Wisdom tooth pain can also emanate from Gum Infection. Even the growth of small Abscess on the wisdom tooth can cause pain.

For many people, wisdom tooth pain starts when the tooth grows in wrong position leaving the alignment. You can see a layer of gum tissue on the wisdom tooth if it grows on the partially erupted tooth.

Whatever may be the cause your dentist will take measures for cleaning and correcting the alignment of wisdom tooth. Only if the infection becomes deep and irreparable, he would remove the wisdom tooth.

Symptoms :

There can be extreme pain and discomfort on the area of wisdom tooth. In case of infection due to swollen gums, the area becomes red and develops inflammation. For some people, there may be irritation with pain on the soft gum lining when the wisdom tooth grows in abnormal position.

In case the pain is severe, the person may find it difficult to eat or drink and sometimes he may not be able to open his mouth properly. Wisdom tooth pain should never be left unattended and cannot be settled by simple pain killer medicines.

Diagnoses :

Your problem will be sorted out by simple examination of your teeth by dentist.

Treatment :

You can take pain killers before visiting the dentist in case you cannot tolerate the pain. Medicines such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen can be taken for a day or two but this should not be continued for long.

Your dentist will find out the root cause for the wisdom teeth pain and resolve it accordingly. He may use dental equipments for cleaning the infection and prescribe you antibiotics for complete healing. He may remove the wisdom tooth if it is required. The process of wisdom tooth extraction should be carried out by an expert dentist to avoid the risk of getting fracture later. You should not have Hypertension or other blood related disorder for wisdom tooth extraction. Your dentist will collect complete history of your health condition before the process.

Home Remedies :

Rinse your mouth with warm salt water several times a day. This would destroy any bacterial growth or infection in that area. You can apply ice pack on the area of pain to get rid of inflammation.

Clove or clove oil can be used to alleviate the wisdom tooth pain

Monday, May 09, 2016

Wisdom Teeth Pain – Symptoms, Relief, Medication, Remedies, Treatment

Wisdom Teeth Pain – Symptoms, Relief, Medication, Remedies, Treatment

What causes Wisdom teeth pain?

Most wisdom teeth pain comes from an impacted wisdom tooth. This tooth is the 3rd molar in the mouth at the very back that does not have the room to surface or to mature routinely.

These teeth are the last teeth to erupt into the mouth. The majority of individuals have 4 of these teeth at the rear of the mouth – 2 on the bottom row of teeth, and 2 on the upper row.

Wisdom teeth that are impacted often result in pain, damage to other teeth as well as other problems that are dental in nature. With some cases, these impacted teeth do not cause any outward or instant problems but they may be primarily prone to disease.

These teeth that are impacted and cause pain as well as dental difficulties are normally removed. Many dentists or oral surgeons also endorse the removal of these teeth that are not causing any problems in order to stop future problems from developing.

Wisdom Teeth Pain Symptoms

Wisdom teeth that are impacted do not always cause symptoms. But, when an impacted tooth becomes infected, damages other teeth or causes any other dental problems, the individual can experience some of the following symptoms or signs:

  • Pain

  • Tender or bleeding gums

  • Swollen or red gums

  • Swelling in the jaw

  • An unpleasant taste in the mouth

  • Breath that is bad

  • Headache

An individual needs to see their dentist if any pain is experienced, swelling or any other symptoms in the area behind the last molar that can be associated with a wisdom tooth that is impacted.

The dentist will keep all of your regularly updated dental X-rays and they can indicate the position or presence of wisdom teeth before symptoms develop.

Wisdom Teeth Pain Treatment

A wisdom tooth that is impacted and causing dental problems or causing pain, normally needs to be removed or extracted surgically.

Should an individual have any other medical problems that can raise any risks surgically, the primary dentist will refer the patient to an oral surgeon. The dental surgeon will then consult with your primary physician as well as your dentist concerning the procedure that needs to be taken.

Managing of Asymptomatic Wisdom teeth

If wisdom teeth that are impacted are not creating any problems or any ostensible dental complications, they are referred to as “asymptomatic”. There is some disagreement in the field of dentistry on the management of asymptomatic impacted teeth. And the studies on this same topic do not favor one approach more than another.

Some oral surgeons advise the removal of wisdom teeth that have no symptoms to stop any potential problems from developing in the future. The point of view for this preventive treatment method includes the following:

  • Asymptomatic teeth may not be totally disease free and could be very vulnerable areas for diseases of the gums and Tooth Decay.

  • This procedure very rarely causes any severe complications in young people

  • This process is more difficult as well as more possible to cause difficulties in older adults – later in their lives.

Other members of the dental communities endorse an approach that is more conservative. They advise that there isn’t enough evidence to recommend that wisdom teeth that are impacted but not currently creating symptoms will cause later problems. So, they counsel that the risks as well as the expense of this process do not justify the benefits expected.
With the more conservative method, the dentist will screen the teeth for gum disease, decay or other complications. She or he can endorse a removal if difficulties arise.

You're reading Wisdom Teeth Pain – Symptoms, Relief, Medication, Remedies, Treatment posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

Extraction Surgically

Removal of a wisdom tooth is most of the time done as an outpatient surgery – meaning that the individual will be released on the same day. The surgery will be done under local anesthesia which numbs the mouth and gums or sedation that makes the individual sleep thru the procedure.

With this process the dentist or oral surgeon will make an opening in the gum and remove any bone that may be blocking the way to the tooth that is impacted. After the removal of the tooth, the opening is stitched shut and the hollow socket is packed with surgical gauze.

Instructions will be given for the care of the wound when at home as well as for the management of pain and swelling.

Most wisdom teeth extractions do not cause any lasting problems. Some problems that might occur consist of:

  • Dry socket, basically the bone is exposed when the blood clot post-surgically is dislodged out of the socket causing a problem that is very painful and will delay healing.

  • Socket infection from trapped particles of food or bacteria

  • Damage to sinuses near the wisdom teeth in the upper jaw

  • Lower jawbone is weakened

  • Nerve damage that may result in changes in sensations in the tongue, lower lip as well as chin

Wisdom Teeth Pain Medication

When these teeth begin to grow, problems can start from the extra tooth. These wisdom teeth can cause overcrowding of teeth, infected swelling of the gum tissues as well as pain from jaw stiffness in the area of the teeth. When these wisdom teeth are developing there can be some pain as well as irritation in the inner cheek area or gum line. But there are medications that can reduce or stop this pain.

Painkillers that are prescription may help with the pain and will also help with the individual sleeping better. But these narcotics should be used only under a doctor’s supervision due to their addictive properties. Information on these is listed below:

  • The most frequently prescribed medication for tooth pain is usually codeine. There is acetaminophen for example Tylenol in combination with codeine that is a potent painkiller to stop the pain of wisdom teeth in about 20 minutes.

  • Hydrocodone is another popular pain killer often prescribed but causes drowsiness so should be taken normally at night.

  • Vicodin is normally prescribed to help manage wisdom teeth growth pain as well as managing the pain of wisdom teeth extraction surgery.

  • Oxycodone is another very strong prescription pain medication. It is normally prescribed for only severe pain during emergency as well wisdom teeth pain if other kinds of drugs do not work.

  • “Over the counter” analgesics can be applied to the tissues of the gum to numb the area. This can help provide relief temporarily from wisdom teeth pain.

Natural Remedies

There are numerous home or herbal remedies that can aid in the management of wisdom teeth pain. If an individual does not wish to take other types of medication for pain, some of these options might help:

Peppermint leaves
Peppermint leaves that are dried and placed around the tooth for about 15 minutes at least ten times each day can help to relieve pain. They need to be kept in the mouth for at least 15 to 20 minutes each time.

Sucking on ice chips or holding an icing pack against the gum line can aid in numbing the area as well as provide temporary relief from wisdom teeth pain.

Clove oil
Applying clove oil with a cotton swab on the gum line is an herbal remedy that is believed to bring instant relief for tooth pain.

Gargling with salt water
Salt water that is warm can act as a tonic to flush away any bacteria as well as help soothe any inflammation of the gum tissue.

Gentle massage
By massaging the gums lightly can aid by increasing the blood circulation to the area and promote healing as well as pain relief.