Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Adderall and Alcohol

Adderall and Alcohol

Adderall is a psychoactive stimulant belonging to the category of amphetamines. People prefer to take adderall for the purpose of avoiding “sleepy” feeling while they take drink so that they can stay awake for long time continues to take alcohol. They will not “pass out” shortly after drinking and it becomes easy to enjoy the party by taking adderall.

Alcohol is a depressant and when adderall is combined with alcohol it would counteract with alcohol keeping the person at high for long time. It will give them a heightened feeling of perception and they can stay talking and dancing for hours together. However, it is potentially dangerous to combine adderall with alcohol since the person may not know exactly how much he drinks and very often he exceeds the limit of daily intake. Further it can create the worst situation of Alcohol Poisoning giving serious complications.

Symptoms :

The following are some of the symptoms experienced by the person who takes alcohol combined with addrall. Predominantly it is taken for staying awake and aggressive for longer duration to avoid passing out. The person would achieve the desired psychoactive effect of “high” by taking adderall.

It would directly reduce the depressant effect of alcohol. The person will pass into the state of euphoria and heightened excitement. He can stay alert for long time in spite of drinking alcohol. It would cause rapid heartbeat, increased Blood Pressure, and increased pulse. Further it can cause Sleeping Sickness in many people keeping them disturbed all through the night. There may be loss of appetite since adderall stays in the blood for long time. It may trigger seizures in some people and cause nervous disorder.

Side effects :

Taking adderall with alcohol produces dangerous side effects. Both of them are equally good in making your body dehydrated. Your body will literally run out of water and your throat will become solidly dry. Never think of taking coffee to make good the dry throat which will make you worse. Instead drink plenty of water.

Your heartbeat may rise more rapidly than before. It needs to pump lot of blood and take in lots of oxygen to keep the body protected. Hence, you may have racing pulse rate and increased heartbeat. Some obese people are under the risk of getting Heart Attack and Stroke. It can become fatal for people with history of heart illness.

It drives you to take more of alcohol than you drink habitually, which is damn serious for your liver and heart.

You may have disturbed sleep pattern if you start taking adderall with alcohol. Many of them cannot sleep even they wanted to. Your mind will be stimulated to be alert and that will not allow you to sleep peacefully.

People who are in the habit of taking repeated combinations of adderall and alcohol may have psychotic problems like hallucination an Delirium. You may start seeing things that never exist and hear noises that are not heard by others. Further there will be loss of appetite and increase in magnesium level in blood.

Finally you are liable to get addicted to adderall and go under Depression.

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