Tuesday, May 10, 2016



Adenomyosis also known as adenomyoma is the thickening of uterine walls when the endometrial tissue shifts its position to the outer walls of the uterus. Normally the tissue lies well within the uterus and when it moves outside the muscular walls, it can cause adenomyosis.

The exact cause of adenomyosis is not known.

Some of the common symptoms are heavy menstrual bleeding, bleeding for long term, painful periods and discomfort while having sex. Some women may have pelvic pain while enjoying intercourse. In most of the cases, the disease is asymptomatic (without any symptoms).

Your doctor will examine the uterus and may ask to do ultrasound scan of the uterus to identify the postion of adenomyosis and to rule out the possibility of tumor.

Treatment is not required generally and taking pain-killers will reduce the symptoms of pain. Using contraceptive pills and intrauterine device containing progesterone hormone can reduce heavy discharge while having periods. Women with severe symptoms will undergo hysterectomy.

Pictures of Adenomyosis :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Adenomyosis

Adenomyosis Adenomyosis Adenomyosis Adenomyosis Adenomyosis Adenomyosis Adenomyosis

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